NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Civics Free PDF Download
You can find NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Civics that will help those students in solving Civics Class 9 NCERT Solutions who are finding this difficult. NCERT Civics textbook is mainly about the democratic setup which is in our country. The book starts with the definition of democracy and ends with the rights which are offered by a government of democratic country. In between, we will learn about the voting pattern and working of various democratic institutions in our country. If you are having any kind of issue in finding the correct answers of Democratic Politics I Textbook then it is available in this page. This page will help in finding NCERT Solutions of books. The complete NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Civics is provided. The answer of each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters and select which you want.

Chapterwise NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Civics Social Science
- Chapter 1- Democracy in the Contemporary World (Not included in the CBSE syllabus)
- Chapter 2- What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
- Chapter 3- Constitutional Design
- Chapter 4- Electoral Politics
- Chapter 5- Working of Institutions
- Chapter 6- Democratic Rights
Why opt for NCERT Solutions of Civics on StudyRankers
Our expert teachers of Social Science have prepared NCERT Solutions carefully so you can always have edge over other students. We are eager to provide you the best and accurate solutions. Feasibility is important to us that is why we followed every step and concept while preparing the solutions. Also, we regularly track suggestions of our students via comments section so that we can ensure error-free NCERT Solutions.
Let us look at the NCERT Solutions of each chapter. Type of questions and their difficulty.
Chapter 1 Democracy in the Contemporary World
Total nine questions are given of which first three are multiple choice questions, fourth question is match the following. Another five questions are of short answer type where we need to give appropriate reasons.
Chapter 2 What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
There are total 10 questions. In the first, second, fourth question you have choose correct word for each statement. The third, fifth and sixth, question are multiple choice questions. In the seventh, eighth and ninth are of short answer type which need valid reasons. In tenth question, we have write essay on ‘Democracy and Poverty’ with the help of report given in the question.
Chapter 3 Constitutional Design
Total ten questions are given in the chapter of which first three are multiple choice question. Fourth and sixth question are match the following type. Fifth, seventh, eighth and ninth questions are of short answer type. Last question is true/false.
Chapter 4 Electoral Politics
Total eleven questions are given of which first and second question are multiple choice questions. The third question is match the following type. Another seven questions are of short answer type.
Chapter 5 Working of Institutions
Ten questions are given in the chapter. The first four questions are of multiple choice questions. Question number fifth is match the following. Remaining questions are of short answer type.
Chapter 6 Democratic Rights
Total ten questions are given in this chapter of which three questions are multiple choice questions. In fourth, fifth and sixth questions we have to write valid reasons for the statement. Remaining questions are of short answer type.
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