To identify striped muscle fibers and nerve cells in animals, from prepared slides. Draw their labeled diagrams. - Class 9th Science Lab Work
Experiment -6
NOTE: The student doesn't need to write the procedure because they will be given the prepared slide however we are giving it for reference. The students only need to write the observation skipping the procedure part.
NOTE: The student doesn't need to write the procedure because they will be given the prepared slide however we are giving it for reference. The students only need to write the observation skipping the procedure part.
To identify and study striated muscle fibre and nerve fibre in animals.Theory
Animal body is made up of groups of similar cells which perform specific function. Such groups of identical cells are called tissues. There are four basic types of tissues: epithelial, connective, muscular, and neural. These tissues vary from each other not only in their structure but also in their functions.
Materials Required
Permanent slides of striated muscle fibre and nerve fibre, charts of animal tissues with straited muscle fibre and nerve cell (neuron), and compound microscope.
Step 1: A permanent slide of straited muscle fibre is placed under a compound microscope.
Step 2: It is first observed under low power and then under high power. A lternate arrangement of dark and light bands and some nuclei along the fibre is seen.
Step 3: The tissues is identified with the help of charts. Diagrams of the tissues as seen under the microscope is drawn.
Step 4: The permanent slide of straited muscle fibre is replaced by the permanent slide of a nerve fibre. Different parts of a cell with the help of charts is identified and diagrams are drawn.
Striated Muscle Fibre – Under high magnification, the elongated fibre shows the presence of alternate arrangement of dark and light bands. The dark bands represent thick filaments and the light bands represent thin filaments. Many nuclei are also observed along the fibre resulting from the fusion of many muscle cells. Such a condition is called syncytium. Cells of the tissue are long, cylindrical, non-tapering and unbranched.
Nerve Fibres – Under high magnification, the nerve fibre shows nerve cells which have three parts: a cell body, dendrites, and axon , The axon may or may not be surrounded by myelin sheath.
Results and Discussion
Tissues are organised in a specific proportion and pattern to form different organs. Muscular tissue plays an important role in all the movements of body parts and also in locomotion. It consists of different types of muscle fibres, such as (i) striated, (ii) smooth, and (iii) cardiac muscle fibres. The striated muscle fibres work according to our will (voluntary) and get tired (fatigued) when overworked. The functioning of smooth and cardiac muscle fibres are not under our control (involuntary).
Neural tissue controls the body’s responsiveness to changing conditions within and outside the body. The function of neural tissue is to allow communication between different parts of the body. It is composed of neurons, which transmit impulses. The neural tissues of an organism form its nervous system. The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Neural tissue is made of nerve cells which are distinctly characterised by the axon of the cell that sends nerve impulse to the next cell.
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Nerve Fibres – Under high magnification, the nerve fibre shows nerve cells which have three parts: a cell body, dendrites, and axon , The axon may or may not be surrounded by myelin sheath.
Results and Discussion
Tissues are organised in a specific proportion and pattern to form different organs. Muscular tissue plays an important role in all the movements of body parts and also in locomotion. It consists of different types of muscle fibres, such as (i) striated, (ii) smooth, and (iii) cardiac muscle fibres. The striated muscle fibres work according to our will (voluntary) and get tired (fatigued) when overworked. The functioning of smooth and cardiac muscle fibres are not under our control (involuntary).
Neural tissue controls the body’s responsiveness to changing conditions within and outside the body. The function of neural tissue is to allow communication between different parts of the body. It is composed of neurons, which transmit impulses. The neural tissues of an organism form its nervous system. The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Neural tissue is made of nerve cells which are distinctly characterised by the axon of the cell that sends nerve impulse to the next cell.
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