The Story of My Life Class 10th-Chapter 15 Summary and Quick revision Notes English

After the 'Frost King' incident, Helen spent summer and winter with her family in Alabama. She was very happy. The 'Frost King' was forgotten.

In the autumn, she began to write a sketch of her life, one year after the incident. She became very careful for her writing now. She started fearing that everything she writes might not her thinking. Only her teacher knows about this fear she had. Miss Sullivan consoled and helped in every possible way and encourage her for writing. She persuaded her to write for the 'Youth's Companion', a brief account of her life. Gradually, she emerged from the shadow of her disappointing experience.

The chief events of the year 1893 were her trip to Washington during the inauguration of president Cleveland, and visits to Niagra and the World's fair.

In March 1893, Helen visited Niagara and found it outstanding. She found it difficult to describe her emotions produced in her heart while she stood near the Niagara falls and felt the air vibrate and the earth tremble. Many people found it strange that she was impressed by the beauties of Niagara without watching and hearing.

During the summer of 1893, she visited World's fair with Dr. Alexander Graham Bell and Miss Sullivan. She found that this place turned her childish imaginations into beautiful relaities. She found many wonders of earth. She saw the idols of Shiva and Ganesh, Pyramid's coutry Egypt. mosques of Cairo city, lagoons of italy. She visited the ship used by the Columbus during the discovery of America. She learned about the process of mining diamonds and touched the machinery. In electrical builiding, she examined he telephones, autphones, phonographs and other inventions. Dr Graham Bell made her understood about the working of these devices. From the relics, shelearned more about the progress of the man.

These experiences added a many new terms to Helen's vocabulary.

Quick Revision Notes:

• After the 'Frost King' incident, she began to write a sketch of her life but faced many difficulties while writing due to the previous incident.

• Miss Sulllivan motivated her for writing and persuaded her to write for the 'Youth's Companion', a brief account of her life.

• In the year 1893, she went for trip to Washington during the inauguration of president Cleveland, and visits to Niagra and the World's fair.

• She found Niagara beautiful and felt air and earth trembling.

• She found many amusing things in World's fair and got great experiences from these visits.

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