Latest CBSE Class 9 Computer Applications Syllabus 2019-20
CBSE has released Class 9 Computer Applications Syllabus 2019-20. There is no major change has been made in the syllabus and the pattern and it is same as the previous year. In Board examination, the entire syllabus will come.
The theory paper will be of 30 Marks and Practical will be of 70 Marks.
Lab Exercises
• Basic I/O devices: use the mouse and keyboard, draw a figure.
• Working with the operating system: Navigation of the file system using a mouse and keyboard, and then doing the same with shell commands.
• Word processing: create a text document, create a letter, report, and greeting card.
• Create a text document with figures in it. It should describe a concept taught in another course.
• Discuss the following in a text document about the basic organisation of a computer: CPU, memory, input/output devices, hard disk.
• Create a text document in an Indian language other than English.
• Create a presentation.
• Create a presentation with animation.
• Create and edit existing images, and then include them in a presentation.
• Animate pictures and text with sound effects in a presentation
• Create a simple spreadsheet and perform the following operations: min, max, sum, and average.
• Create different types of charts using a spreadsheet: line, bar, and pie.
• Send an email to your friends. Attach some documents that you have prepared earlier. Put some friend in the CC and BCC list. Interact with friends to find out who was in the BCC list.
• Do an online chat with multiple friends. Transmit documents using the chat platform.
• Create a video and upload it on YouTube.
• Write basic Scratch/Python programs.
Syllabus for Class 9 Computer Applications 2019-20

The theory paper will be of 30 Marks and Practical will be of 70 Marks.
| Description |
1 | Basics of Information and Technology | 5 |
2 | Cyber Safety | 10 |
3 | Office Tools | 5 |
4 | Scratch/Python | 10 |
5 | Lab Exercises | 70 |
| 100 |
Lab Exercises
• Basic I/O devices: use the mouse and keyboard, draw a figure.
• Working with the operating system: Navigation of the file system using a mouse and keyboard, and then doing the same with shell commands.
• Word processing: create a text document, create a letter, report, and greeting card.
• Create a text document with figures in it. It should describe a concept taught in another course.
• Discuss the following in a text document about the basic organisation of a computer: CPU, memory, input/output devices, hard disk.
• Create a text document in an Indian language other than English.
• Create a presentation.
• Create a presentation with animation.
• Create and edit existing images, and then include them in a presentation.
• Animate pictures and text with sound effects in a presentation
• Create a simple spreadsheet and perform the following operations: min, max, sum, and average.
• Create different types of charts using a spreadsheet: line, bar, and pie.
• Send an email to your friends. Attach some documents that you have prepared earlier. Put some friend in the CC and BCC list. Interact with friends to find out who was in the BCC list.
• Do an online chat with multiple friends. Transmit documents using the chat platform.
• Create a video and upload it on YouTube.
• Write basic Scratch/Python programs.
Syllabus for Class 9 Computer Applications 2019-20