Development Important Questions Class 10 Social Science Economics

Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What is the most common indicator for measuring economic development of a country?
Per Capita Income
Question 2. Why do some people oppose dams? Give one reason.
Because construction of dams disrupt the lives of people who are displaced.
Question 3. What other goal is included in the developmental goals besides having better income?
Freedom, education, security and equal treatment.
Question 4. What do you mean by per capita income?
Per capita income refers to income of a person of that particular nation.
Question 5. What is the full form of IMR?
IMR stands for Infant Mortality Rate.
Question 6. Write main cause of high infant mortality rate.
Inadequate facilities of health.
Question 7. What do you mean by nation development?
National development refers to the ability of a nation to improve standard of living of its citizens.
Question 8. What was the literacy rate in Bihar in 2011?
In 2011, the literacy rate in Bihar was 64%.
Question 9. How can we compare different countries or state?
We can compare different countries or state on the basis of per capital income.
Question 10. Write a reason due to which Kerala has low Infant Mortality Rate?
Adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities.
Short Answer Questions (SAQs):
Question 1. What is the meaning of development? Explain the two aspects of development?
Development refers to progress or improvement in lifestyle. Important aspects of development are:
- Different persons can have different developmental goals.
- What may be development for one may not be development for the other. It may even be destructive for others.
Question 2. What is Sustainable Development? Why is the issue of sustainability important for development? Explain.
Sustainable Development refers to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
- Economic development is a continuous process. Resources are to be used in such a way that they are not exploited. At the same time development should not harm the environment.
- It is desirable because everyone would certainly like the present level of development to go further or at least be maintained for the future generations.
Human Development Index is published by the UNDP.
- It indicates the level of development of a country.
- The report provide information about the different welfare elements such as education levels, health status and literacy level of a country.
- It also provide information about the per capita income of a country.
- As per the World Bank Report 2016, any country with per capita income of US$ 12,236 per annum and above is termed as rich or developed country.
- Such countries have high literacy rate.
- Most of the people of these countries are engaged in service sector.
- Industrialists may want more dams to get more electricity. But this may submerge the land and disrupt the lives of people who are displaced – such as tribals.
- A farmers wants to sell foodgrains at a higher price but a low earning perosn wants to purchase it at low prices.
- More wages means development for a worker, but it affect negatively a businessman.
Long Answer Questions (LAQs):
Question 1. What are the main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries? What are the limitations of this criterion, if any?
The main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries is per capital income. Per capital income is calculated by dividing total income of a country to total population of that particular country. Because each country has different population rate, the World Bank cannot take national income for classifying different countries. There are some limitations of this criterion.
- We cannot compare other distribution of income for classifying different countries.
- Other factors also necessary for judging economic condition of different countries. Like, literacy rate, Infant Mortality Rate etc. Therefore, only per capita income in not a useful criterion at all and should not be used to compare different countries.
Question 2. What is Per Capita Income? Why is “Per Capita Income” not an adequate indicator of economic development of a country? Explain.
Per capita income is the total income of the country divided by its total population
It is not an adequate indicator because:
- It does not tell us how this income is distributed. Per Capita Income might not be the income of every individual in the state.
- Life expectancy and Infant Mortality Rate are other important criteria for measuring development.
- Education and literacy level are other indicators of development.
- Pollution free environment, less corruption, gender equality etc. are also important.