NCERT Solutions for Class 6 The Quarrel English
This chapter is about the quarrel between sister and brother. You can find NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English the quarrel that will help you in understanding the meaning of the word more clearly. One day the sister quarreled with her brother and began to hate each other. However, the brother realised the mistake and make up.

Working with Poem
1. With your partner try to guess the meaning of the underlined
(i) And somehow we fell out.
► started quarreling
(ii) The afternoon turned black.
2. Read these lines from the poem:
(i) One thing led to another
(ii) The start of it was slight
(iii) The end of it was strong
(iv) The afternoon turned black
(v) Thumped me on the back
Discuss with your partner what these lines mean.
(i) One reason led to another reason
(ii) The quarrel was started on small issue
(iii) The end turned into a big fight
(iv) Afternoon passed and night came but their fight continue.
(v) The quarrel came to an end.
1. With your partner try to guess the meaning of the underlined
(i) And somehow we fell out.
► started quarreling
(ii) The afternoon turned black.
► night came
(i) One thing led to another
(ii) The start of it was slight
(iii) The end of it was strong
(iv) The afternoon turned black
(v) Thumped me on the back
Discuss with your partner what these lines mean.
(i) One reason led to another reason
(ii) The quarrel was started on small issue
(iii) The end turned into a big fight
(iv) Afternoon passed and night came but their fight continue.
(v) The quarrel came to an end.