NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Where do all the teachers go English
This poem show the curiosity of a child for his teacher. A child wants to know what teachers do after the school is over. Here you will find the NCERT Solutions of Where do all the teachers go Class 6 English which will be helpful in understanding concepts of the poem.

Working with Poem
1. Answer these questions.
(i) Why does the poet want to know where the teachers go at four o’clock?
The poet wanted to know where the teachers go at four o’clock because this is time when school got over.
(ii) What are the things normal people do that the poet talks about?
The things normal people do that the poet talked about are living in houses, washing socks, wearing pyjamas, watching TV, picking their noses, living with their parents, not spelling right, being bad, making mistakes, getting punished, losing books, scribbling on desk tops, wearing old dirty jeans.
(iii) What does he imagine about
(a) where teachers live?
► In houses
(b) what they do at home?
► washed their socks, wore pyjamas, picked their noses, and watched TV.
(c) the people with whom they live?
► lived with other people and if they also had mothers and fathers.
(d) their activities when they were children in school?
► they were also bad, made mistakes, never spelled right, and were punished in the corner for pinching the chocolate flakes. They ever lost their hymn books, scribbled on the desk tops, or wore old dirty jeans.
(iv) Why does the poet wonder if teachers also do things that other people do?
The poet wondered if teachers also do things that other people do because he had seen them as super humans. They are strict, did not make any mistakes and punish those who did.
(v) How does the poet plan to find out? What will he do once he finds out?
The poet plans to follow one of the teachers on the way back home that day to find out what they did. Once he succeeds in doing do, he would compose it into a poem, which then those teachers would read to their students.
2. What do you think these phrases from the poem mean?
(i) punished in the corner
► getting punishment of standing in the corner of the classroom
(ii) leave their greens
► Leaving the playground after the bell strikes for the next class to begin
(iii) What does he imagine about
(a) where teachers live?
► In houses
(b) what they do at home?
► washed their socks, wore pyjamas, picked their noses, and watched TV.
(c) the people with whom they live?
► lived with other people and if they also had mothers and fathers.
(d) their activities when they were children in school?
► they were also bad, made mistakes, never spelled right, and were punished in the corner for pinching the chocolate flakes. They ever lost their hymn books, scribbled on the desk tops, or wore old dirty jeans.
(iv) Why does the poet wonder if teachers also do things that other people do?
The poet wondered if teachers also do things that other people do because he had seen them as super humans. They are strict, did not make any mistakes and punish those who did.
(v) How does the poet plan to find out? What will he do once he finds out?
The poet plans to follow one of the teachers on the way back home that day to find out what they did. Once he succeeds in doing do, he would compose it into a poem, which then those teachers would read to their students.
2. What do you think these phrases from the poem mean?
(i) punished in the corner
► getting punishment of standing in the corner of the classroom
(ii) leave their greens
► Leaving the playground after the bell strikes for the next class to begin