CBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2020-21| Check Latest Exam Pattern
CBSE has released Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2020-21 which will useful in knowing the topics that will be come in the examinations. This academic session due to coronavirus pandemic, the board has decided to reduce the syllabus. The theory will be of 70 marks while 30 marks will be given according to practical.

No. | Units | Marks |
1 | Work, Livelihood and Career | 05 |
2 | Nutrition, Food Science and Technology | 23 |
3 | Human Development and Family Studies | 10 |
4 | Fabric and Apparel | 17 |
5 | Resource Management | 10 |
6 | Communication and Extension | 05 |
- | Total | 70 |
- | Practical | 30 |
Unit I:Work,livelihood and Career
Ch. Work, livelihood and Career
Unit II: Nutrition, Food Science and Technology
Ch. Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
Ch. Public Nutrition and Health
Ch. Food Processing and Technology
Ch. Food Quality and Food Safety
Unit III: Human Development and Family Studies
Ch. Early Childhood Care and Education
Ch. Management of Support Services, Institutions and Programmes for Children, Youth and Elderly
Unit IV: Fabric and Apparel
Ch. Design for Fabric and Apparel
Ch. Fashion Design and Merchandising
Ch. Care and Maintenance of Fabrics in Institutions
Unit V: Resource management
Ch. Hospitality Management
Ch. Consumer Education and Protection
Unit VI: Communication and Extension
Ch. Development Communication and Journalism
Prescribed textbook:
Human Ecology and Family Sciences(For Class XII): Part I and Part II
Scheme for practical examination: 30 Marks
1. Project (5 marks)
2. Modification of any one family meal for elderly person. Preparing any one of the modified dish. (5 marks)
Development and preparation of any one supplementary food for preschooler (2-6 years) nutrition programme.
Planning a menu for school canteen and preparing any one nutritious dish.
3. Identify adulterant using chemical test in any one of the following- pure ghee, tea leaves, whole black pepper, turmeric powder, milk, asafoetida. (2 marks)
4. Prepare a sample using applied textile design techniques tie and dye/batik/block printing. (4 marks)
5. Remove any one of the stain from white cotton cloth –Ball pen, curry, grease, ink, lipstick, tea, coffee. (2 marks)
6. Develop a leaflet/pamphlet for Consumer Education and Protection on any one of the following- (5 marks)
a) Consumer Protection Act (CPA)
b) Consumer responsibilities
c) Consumer organization
d) Consumer Problems
7. File (5 marks)
8. Viva (2 marks)
Download Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2020-21