MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology: Ch 8 Cell - The Unit of Life

1. The plasma membrane consists mainly of
(a) Proteins embedded in a polymer of glucose molecules
(b) Proteins embedded in a phospholipids layer
(c) Proteins embedded in a glucose molecules
(d) Proteins embedded in a carbohydrate bilayer
► (b) Proteins embedded in a phospholipids layer
2. Peroxysomes contain:
(a) Hydrolytic enzyme
(b) Transferase
(c) Isomerase
(d) Oxidising enzyme (Oxidase)
► (d) Oxidising enzyme (Oxidase)
3. Which ion holds the ribosomal subunits together
(a) Ca+2
(b) Mn+2
(c) Mg+2
(d) Na+
► (c) Mg+2
4. The stacks of closely packed thylakoids is called
(a) Lumen
(b) Matrix
(c) Stroma
(d) Granum
► (d) Granum
(a) Lumen
(b) Matrix
(c) Stroma
(d) Granum
► (d) Granum
5. The structure of plasma membrane fluid mosaic model is proposed by
(a) Gram
(b) Singer and Nicolson
(c) Schwann and Schleiden
(d) Robert brown
► (b) Singer and Nicolson
6. Factory of ribosome in a cell is:
(a) Endoplasmic reticulum
(b) Nucleolus
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Golgi body
► (b) Nucleolus
7. The photograph or diagram of metaphasicchromosome arranged in homologous pair according to their length and thickness, position of centromere is called
(a) Karyogram
(b) Chromogram
(c) Idiogram
(d) None of these
► (c) Idiogram
8. Largest organelles in cell is
(a) Golgi bodies
(b) Lysosomes
(c) Centrioles in animals and plastids in plant cell
(d) Mitochondria in animal cell and chloroplast in plant cell
► (d) Mitochondria in animal cell and chloroplast in plant cell
9. Tubulin occurs in
(a) Plasma membrane
(b) Golgi bodies
(c) Cilia and flagella
(d) All the above
► (c) Cilia and flagella
10. Cell wall is absent in:
(a) Funaria
(b) Mycoplasma
(c) Nostoc
(d) Aspergillus
► (b) Mycoplasma
11. The eukaryotic ribosomes are of
(a) 50S
(b) 30S
(c) 80S
(d) 70S
► (c) 80S
12. How much percent of vacuoles occupy the volume of the cell in plant cells?
(a) 80%
(b) 90%
(c) 50%
(d) 70%
► (b) 90%
13. Longest cell in human body are
(a) Muscle cell
(b) Nerve cells
(c) Blood cells
(d) Mast cells
► (b) Nerve cells
14. Cellular organelles with membranes are:
(a) Chromosomes, ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum
(b) The endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, and nuclei
(c) Lysosomes, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria
(d) Nuclei, ribosomes and mitochondria
► (c) Lysosomes, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria
15. Sphaerosome are involved in:
(a) Synthesis and storage of lipid
(b) Synthesis of protein
(c) β–oxidation of fatty acids
(d) Synthesis and storage of carbohydrate
► (a) Synthesis and storage of lipid
16. Which is not true about sphaerosomes :-
(a) Involved in photorespiration
(b) Arise from E.R.
(c) Related to fat metbolism
(d) Single membane bound
► (a) Involved in photorespiration
17. Mitochondria and chloroplast are considered to be endosymbionts of cell because they:
(a) Possess their own nucleic acid
(b) Have capacity of ATP synthesis
(c) Do not reproduce
(d) All the above
► (a) Possess their own nucleic acid
18. Two cell organelles in plant cell having own genetic material is called
(a) Mitochondria and Golgi bodies
(b) Chloroplast and Golgi bodies
(c) Mitochondria and Chloroplast
(d) Golgi bodies and lysosomes
► (c) Mitochondria and Chloroplast
► (c) Mitochondria and Chloroplast
19. Cytoskeleton is made of
(a) Cellulose microfibrils
(b) Protienaceous filaments
(c) Callose deposit
(d) Calcium carbonate granules
► (b) Protienaceous filaments
20. The fluid filled vacuoles or vesicles which are separated from cytoplasm by a selectively permeable membrane called
(a) Symplast
(b) Aquaplast
(c) Hydroplast
(d) Tonoplast
► (d) Tonoplast
21. The nucleus was first described by
(a) Schwann
(b) Flemming
(c) Palade
(d) Robert brown
► (d) Robert brown
22. Which of the following statements is true for a secretory cell?
(a) Golgi apparatus is absent
(b) Only Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) is present
(c) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) is easily observed in the cell
(d) Secretory granules are formed in nucleus
► (c) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) is easily observed in the cell
23. Which of the following statements with reference to cytoskeleton is not correct?
(a) Cytoskeleton helps in motility.
(b) Cytoskeleton maintains the shape of the cell.
(c) Cytoskeleton helpful in production of ATP.
(d) Cytoskeleton helpful in mechanical support.
► (c) Cytoskeleton helpful in production of ATP.
24. In which of the following cell centriole is absent:
(a) Epithelial cell
(b) Gland cell
(c) Liver cells
(d) Nerve cell
► (d) Nerve cell
25. Which one is not a difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell?
(a) Presence of membrane bounded organelles
(b) Number of chromosomes
(c) Presence of nuclear membrane
(d) Presence of cell wall
► (d) Presence of cell wall
26. Which of the following is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Endoplasmic reticulum
(c) Nucleus
(d) Ribosomes
► (d) Ribosomes
27. Plastids which store fats and oils are called:-
(a) Aleuroplast
(b) Amyloplast
(c) Etioplast
(d) Elaioplast
► (d) Elaioplast
28. Which one of the following is not an inclusion body found in prokaryotes ?
(a) Cyanophycean granule
(b) Glycogen granule
(c) Polysome
(d) Phosphate granule
► (c) Polysome
29. A cell membrane shows fluid behavior due to
(a) Mosaic of lipid and proteins
(b) Presence of fluid protein
(c) Mosaic of fat and glucose
(d) Sandwich of protein between lipids layer
► (a) Mosaic of lipid and proteins
30. Each centriole is surrounded by dense amorphous protoplasmic masses called
(a) Cytoplasmic particles
(b) Meta-molecule
(c) Cell granules
(d) Massules
► (d) Massules
31. In eubacteria, a cellular component which resembles a eukaryotic cell is
(a) Ribosomes
(b) Plasma membrane
(c) Nucleus
(d) Cell wall
► (b) Plasma membrane
32. SER differ from RER in
(a) Presence of glucose molecules
(b) Absence of glucose molecule
(c) Absence of granules on surface
(d) Absence of ribosome on surface
► (d) Absence of ribosome on surface