MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology: Ch 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants

1. Edible part of knol khol is:
(a) Inflorescence
(b) Leaves
(c) Roots
(d) Stem
► (d) Stem
2. Inulin found in Dahlia tuberous roots is a:
(a) Carbohydrate
(b) Protein
(c) Lipid
(d) Enzyme
► (a) Carbohydrate
3. Placentation in tomato and lemon is
(a) Parietal
(b) Free central
(c) Marginal
(d) Axile
► (d) Axile
4. Pineapple (ananas) fruit develops from
(a) a multipistillate syncarpous flower
(b) a cluster of compactly borne flowers on a common axis
(c) a multilocular monocarpellary flower
(d) a unilocular polycarpellary flower
► (b) a cluster of compactly borne flowers on a common axis
5. Fibres are usually obtained from the members of -
(a) Solanaceae
(b) Malvaceae
(c) Leguminosae
(d) Cruciferae
► (b) Malvaceae
6. Which of the following is not a seed surface fiber-
(a) Kapok
(b) Silk cotton
(c) Cotton
(d) Dhaincha
► (d) Dhaincha
7. Flowers in which only one set of essential organs is present are said to be
(a) Polygamous
(b) Bisexual
(c) Dioecious
(d) Unisexual
► (d) Unisexual
8. Botanical name of 'Ashok' is:
(a) Albizzia lebec
(b) Ashoka indiana
(c) Abrus indica
(d) Saraca indica
► (d) Saraca indica
9. Largest bud is found in
(a) Cabbage
(b) Cauliflower
(c) Sunflower
(d) Wolffia
► (a) Cabbage
10. The white, translucent, fleshy and edible structure present between seed and pericarp is
(a) Aril
(b) Integument
(c) Exocarp
(d) Cupule
► (a) Aril
11. What type of placentation is seen in sweet pea?
(a) Axile
(b) Free central
(c) Marginal
(d) Basal
► (c) Marginal
12. The root is covered at the apex by a thimble-like structure called
(a) Region of maturation
(b) Root cap
(c) Region of meristematic activity
(d) Root hair
► (b) Root cap
13. Heterospory and seed habit are often discussed in relation to a structure called
(a) spathe
(b) bract
(c) petiole
(d) ligule
► (d) ligule
14. What is samara?
(a) Fruits having many seeds
(b) Fruit having single seed
(c) Fruits having wings formed from other structure
(d) Fruit without seed
► (c) Fruits having wings formed from other structure
15. Flowers are zygomorphic in:
(a) mustard
(b) gulmohur
(c) ioruato
(d) Datura
► (b) gulmohur
16. In family liliaceae flowers are:
(a) Trimerous and hypogynous
(b) Pentamerous and epigynous
(c) Trimerous and epigynous
(d) Pentamerous and hypogynous
► (a) Trimerous and hypogynous
17. Dry indehiscent single seeded fruit formed by bicarpellarysyncarpous inferior ovary is
(a) Cremocarp
(b) Berry
(c) Caryopsis
(d) Cypsela
► (d) Cypsela
18. The botanical name of 'black mustard' is:
(a) Brassica nigra
(b) Brassica juncea
(c) Brassica napus
(d) Brassica compastris
► (a) Brassica nigra
19. Spinous xerophytic herb belonging to solanceae is-
(a) Solanum tuberosum
(b) S. nigrum
(c) S. xanthocarpum
(d) S. melongena
► (c) S. xanthocarpum
20. The form of thalamus in which ovary is at top and stamens, petals and sepals are borne below is called
(a) Perigyny
(b) Semi-epigyny
(c) Hypogyny
(d) Epigyny
► (c) Hypogyny
21. The aleurone layer in maize grain is specially rich in
(a) auxins
(b) proteins
(c) starch
(d) lipids
► (b) proteins
22. Which of the following represents the floral characters of Liliaceae?
(a) Bisexual, zygomorphic, gamophyllous, inferior ovary, marginal placentation
(b) Tetramerous, actinomorphic, polyphyllous, unilocular ovary, axile placentation
(c) Unisexual, actinomorphic, trilocular, inferior ovary, axile placentation
(d) Trimerous, actinomorphic, polyandrous, superior ovary, axile placentation
► (d) Trimerous, actinomorphic, polyandrous, superior ovary, axile placentation
23. The embryo in sunflower has
(a) one cotyledon
(b) two cotyledons
(c) many cotyledons
(d) no cotyledon
► (b) two cotyledons
24. In which of the families the stamens are in two whorls and epiphyllous -
(a) Malvaceae
(b) Solanaceae
(c) Liliaceae
(d) Casalpinoideae
► (c) Liliaceae
25. Cymose inflorescences commonly occurs in -
(a) Cruciferae
(b) Malvaceae
(c) Solanaceae
(d) Liliaceae
► (c) Solanaceae
26. The coconut water and the edible part of coconut are equivalent to :
(a) Endosperm
(b) Endocarp
(c) Mesocarp
(d) Embryo
► (a) Endosperm
27. Which of the following is a correct pair?
(a) Cuscuta – parasite
(b) Dischidia – insectivorous
(c) Opuntia – predator
(d) Capsella – hydrophyte
► (a) Cuscuta – parasite
28. Myrosin in plant parts is characteristic of -
(a) Cruciferae
(b) Malvaceae
(c) Solanaceae
(d) Liliaceae
► (a) Cruciferae
29. Blue dye is obtained from the leaves of -
(a) Indigofera tinctoria
(b) Opium
(c) Aloe
(d) Delbergia sissoo
► (a) Indigofera tinctoria
30. What would be the number of chromosomes of the aleurone cells of a plant with 42 chromosomes in its root tip cells ?
(a) 42
(b) 63
(c) 84
(d) 21
► (b) 63