MCQ Questions for Class 7 Civics: Ch 2 Role of the Government in Health

1. What was the original full name of UNICEF
(a) United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
(b) Union Nations International Children's Education Facility
(c) Union Nations International Children's Emergency Facility
(d) United Nations International Children's Education Fund
► (a) United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
2. PBKMS stands for
(a) Paschim Banga Khet Mazdoor Samity
(b) Paschim Banga Khalian Mazdoori Sangh
(c) Primary Banga Khet Mazdoori Samity
(d) Primary Banga Khalian Mazdoor Sangh
► (d) Primary Banga Khalian Mazdoor Sangh
3. In which year the Kerala government made some major changes in the state. Forty per cent of the entire state budget was given to panchayats
(a) 1995
(b) 1996
(c) 1998
(d) 1997
► (b) 1996
4. PHC stands for
(a) Primary Hospital Centres
(b) Primary Healthcare Centres
(c) Public Healthy Centres
(d) Prime Human Centres
► (b) Primary Healthcare Centres
5. In India, is in a situation where
(a) private services and public services are decreasing
(b) private services and public services are increasing
(c) public services are increasing but private services are not
(d) private services are increasing but public services are not
► (d) private services are increasing but public services are not
6. These are diseases that are spread from one person to another in many ways such as through water, food, air, etc.
(a) Non-Communicable disease
(b) Germs disease
(c) Bacteria disease
(d) Communicable disease
► (d) Communicable disease
7. Healthcare facilities divided in two categories
(a) Public and Private
(b) Rural and Urban
(c) Primary and Secondary
(d) Small and Large
► (a) Public and Private
8. A disease that attacks a large number of people in an area at the same time is called an
(a) Germs disease
(b) Epidemic
(c) Non communicable
(d) Communicable
► (b) Epidemic
9. The ______ is a chain of health centres and hospitals run by the government
(a) Urban health service
(b) Public health service
(c) Private health service
(d) Rural health service
► (b) Public health service
10. India is the _____ largest producer of medicines in the world and is also a large exporter of medicines.
(a) 5th
(b) 4th
(c) 6th
(d) 2nd
► (b) 4th
11. If a hospital cannot provide timely medical treatment to a person, it means that which right is violated
(a) Right to Medical treatment
(b) Right to Information
(c) Right to Health
(d) Right to Life
► (d) Right to Life
12. Which of the following is NOT the communicable disease
(a) Tuberculosis
(b) Diabetes
(c) Malaria
(d) Cold
► (b) Diabetes
13. Health means
(a) Our ability of remaining free from fever
(b) Our ability to remain free of illness and injuries
(c) Our ability of not having any disease
(d) Our ability of remaining free from any injuries
► (b) Our ability to remain free of illness and injuries
14. OPD stands for
(a) Out Patient Department
(b) Out Primary Department
(c) Out Public Department
(d) Out Private Department
► (a) Out Patient Department
15. WHO stands for
(a) Whole Health Organised
(b) Working Healthy Organisation
(c) World Health Organisation
(d) Working Healthy Organised
► (c) World Health Organisation
16. Which organisation provides blood to an ill person
(a) Medical store
(b) Dispensary
(c) Hospital
(d) Blood Bank
► (d) Blood Bank