MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology: Ch 20 Locomotion and Movement

1. Which one of the following is the correct pairing of a body part and the kind of muscle tissue which moves it?
(a) Biceps of upper arm – Smooth muscle fibres
(b) Abdominal wall – Skeletal muscle
(c) Heart wall – Involuntary unstriated muscle
(d) Iris – Involuntary smooth muscle
► (d) Iris – Involuntary smooth muscle
2. A functional G-Actin molecule in its free state is bound to :
(a) Sodium ion and ATP
(b) Mangnese ion and ATP
(c) Magnesium ion and ATP
(d) None of the above
► (c) Magnesium ion and ATP
3. Study of muscles is called :
(a) Musclogy
(b) Mycology
(c) Myology
(d) Sarcology
► (c) Myology
4. Long bones function in:
(a) support
(b) support, erythrocyte and leucocyte synthesis
(c) support and erythrocyte synthesis
(d) erythrocyte formation
► (b) support, erythrocyte and leucocyte synthesis
5. Mitochondria in cardiac muscles:
(a) More than other muscles fibres
(b) Less than other muscles fibres
(c) Equal than other muscles fibres
(d) None of the above
► (a) More than other muscles fibres
6. Myosin filament appear dark under microscope due to :-
(a) Dark colour
(b) Melanin colour
(c) Black colour
(d) Double-refractive index
► (d) Double-refractive index
► (d) Double-refractive index
7. Which one of the following membranes secretes a watery fluid that lubricates and cushions the joint?
(a) Tendons
(b) Synovial membrane
(c) Ligaments
(d) Cartilage
► (b) Synovial membrane
8. Actin filaments are found in all eukaryotic cells but reportedly absent in :
(a) Fish sperms
(b) Both (a) & (c)
(c) Nematode sperms
(d) Human sperms
► (c) Nematode sperms
9. One of following has contractile properties:
(a) Actin
(b) Coronin
(c) Troponin
(d) None of the above
► (a) Actin
10. The membranous areas between the cranial bones of the foetal skull are called
(a) Sutures
(b) Areolas
(c) Foramina
(d) Fontanelle
► (d) Fontanelle
11. Select the correct statement regarding the specific disorder of muscular or skeletal system:
(a) Muscular dystrophy - agerelated shortening or muscles.
(b) Osteoporosis - decrease in bone mass and higher chance of fractures with advancing age.
(c) Myastheniagrav is - Auto immune disorder which inhibits sliding of myosin filaments
(d) Gout - inflammation of joints due to extra deposition of calcium.
► (b) Osteoporosis - decrease in bone mass and higher chance of fractures with advancing age.
12. The contractile unit of muscle is a part of myofibril between
(a) A band and I band
(b) Z line and Z line
(c) Z line and A band
(d) Z line and I band
► (b) Z line and Z line
13. A meromyosin molecule doesn’t contain :
(a) arm
(b) trunk
(c) tail
(d) head
► (b) trunk
14. What is the type of movable joint present between the atlas and axis?
(a) Gliding
(b) Saddle
(c) Hinge
(d) Pivot
► (d) Pivot
15. Number of cervical vertebrae in camel is:
(a) more than that of rabbit
(b) less than that of rabbit
(c) same as that of whale
(d) more than that of horse
► (c) same as that of whale
16. Myoglobin was the first protein to have its three-dimensional structure revealed. Ravi was diagnosed with myoglobin in his bloodstream. This had occurred due to :
(a) myasthenia gravis
(b) muscle injury
(c) conversion of Hb into Mb
(d) Arthritis
► (b) muscle injury
17. Contractile unit of muscle fibres:
(a) H line
(b) Sarcomere
(c) H zone
(d) None of the above
► (b) Sarcomere
18. Cori cycle relationship between the :-
(a) Muscle glycogen & liver glycogen
(b) Muscle glycogen & liver glucose
(c) Muscle glycogen & blood glucose
(d) All of the above
► (a) Muscle glycogen & liver glycogen
19. ATPase enzyme needed for muscle contraction is located in
(a) Myosin
(b) Actin
(c) Troponin
(d) Actinin
► (a) Myosin
20. Papillary muscle found in:
(a) Heart
(b) Liver
(c) Kidney
(d) Lung
► (a) Heart
21. Rigor mortis is:
(a) Contraction of muscles after death
(b) Contraction of muscles before death
(c) Shivering of muscles
(d) None of the above
► (a) Contraction of muscles after death
22. Myo fibres also known as:
(a) Sarco axis
(b) Sarco mysium
(c) Sarcostylets
(d) None of the above
► (c) Sarcostylets
23. Which joint occurs between humerus and radioulna?
(a) Ball and socket joint
(b) Sliding
(c) Pivot
(d) Hinge joint
► (d) Hinge joint
24. Skeletal muscle bundles [fascicles] are held together by a common connective tissue layer called:
(a) Perimysium
(b) Endomysium
(c) Fascia
(d) Aponeurosis
► (c) Fascia
25. Sella turcica is
(a) Depression of long bone
(b) Ridge over a bone
(c) Depression in the skull in the area of pituitary gland
(d) Ridge in the skull over the area of pituitary gland
► (c) Depression in the skull in the area of pituitary gland
26. A deltoid ridge occurs in:
(a) Radius
(b) Ulna
(c) Femur
(d) Humerus
► (d) Humerus
27. Isotonic contraction takes places during:
(a) Load on head
(b) Walking
(c) Exercise
(d) All of the above
► (b) Walking
28. Muscles are attached to bones via :
(a) Tendon
(b) Ligament
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
► (a) Tendon
29. Epimysium of muscle are made up of :-
(a) White fibrous connective tissue
(b) Adipose connective tissue
(c) Reticular connective tissue
(d) Areolar connective tissue
► (a) White fibrous connective tissue
30. The H-zone in the skeletal muscle fibre is due to:
(a) The central gap between myosin filaments in the A-band.
(b) The central gap between actin filaments extending through myosin filaments in the A-band
(c) Extension of myosin filaments in the central portion of the A-band.
(d) The absence of myofibrils in the central portion of A-band.
► (b) The central gap between actin filaments extending through myosin filaments in the A-band
31. The only immediate source of energy for muscular contraction is
(a) ATP
(b) Phosphocreatinine
(c) Phosphoarginine
(d) Glucose
► (a) ATP
32. At the base of skull, a large hole is present which allows brain to continue with the spinal cord. That hole is called:
(a) Foramen ovale
(b) Foramen magnum
(d) Vertebral foramen
(d) Obturator foramen
► (b) Foramen magnum