Diversity and Discrimination Extra Questions Chapter 2 Class 6 Civics
You will find Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination Class 6 Civics Extra Questions on this page that will be help you to cover all the important topics given in the chapter. Given VSAQs, SAQs, LAQs are very much helpful in preparing for the examinations. Class 6 Civics Extra Questions will improve your knowledge.

Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs):
1. What is the literal meaning of Adivasis?
Original inhabitants.
2. Define stereotypes.
A fixed image given to a person, not subject to change.
3. Name a political party of the Dalits in India that has attained the status of a national party.
Bahujan Samaj Party.
4. When do we celebrate the World Disability Day?
December 3.
5. Mahars were the earliest settlers in ________.
6. Where do the Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism originated?
7. The word Varna is used in __________ philosophy.
8. What is the meaning of Prejudice?
To judge people negatively or see them as inferior.
9. On whose teaching does the religion Buddhism is based on?
Siddhartha Gautama.
10. Between whom, the battle of Koregaon was took place?
Between the British and Peshwas.
11. Give one reason for the unchanged nature of the caste system.
Lack of education in the rural sector.
12. Name a group that faces cultural discrimination.
13. What is the meaning of the term ‘Mahar’?
A community that was treated as untouchables in the Bombay presidency.
14. Name the Constitutional term for dalits.
Schedule castes.
15. Why did Ambedkar converted to Buddhism?
In his search for a religion that treated all members equally.
16. Dr. Ambedkar went to England to become a ________.
17. Article 14 of the Indian Constitution guarantees __________.
Equality before law.
18. How many major religions are in the world?
19. Who was the chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly?
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
20. What does the first page of the Indian constitution states?
The first page of the constitution states that all Indians are entitled to equality of status and opportunity.
Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination Short Answer Questions (SAQs):
1. Define constitution.
Constitution is set of rules for government — often in the form of a written document — that establishes principles of an autonomous political entity. It defines the fundamental political principles, and establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties, of a government.
2. Where Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar does derives his name "Ambedkar"?
He was the son of Ramji Maloji Sakpal and Bhimabai Murbadkar. Bhimrao's native village name was "Ambavade" in Ratnagiri District so he changed his name from "Sakpal" to "Ambedkar" with the recommendation and faith of Mahadev Ambedkar, his teacher who believed in him.
3. What happens when we act on our prejudices and stereotypes?
Stereotypes often lead to discrimination. Discrimination is when someone is treated worse than other people because of their: Gender, race, disability, colour, nationality, religion and age. When we judge people and groups based on our prejudices and stereotypes, then we treat them differently, which leads to discrimination.
4. What do you mean by "Mahars"?
Mahars were poor people who owned no land. They lived in the outskirts of the village and were not allowed to enter into the village. Mahars were the largest untouchable caste in Maharashtra, comprising 9 percent of that area's population. Ambedkar, the first individual from a traditionally untouchable caste to receive a university education, encouraged Mahars to leave Hinduism in protest of their caste status.
5. What do you mean by equality?
Equality means all men are equally protected by law, no one is above law. All are free to follow their religion, language, and festivals and to express themselves freely. Everyone has freedom to do work of their own choice. The State will not differentiate any individual on the basis of religion, caste, language, gender or birth.
6. Write a short note on 'Dalits'.
Dalits are formerly known as untouchable - a person outside of the four Varnas, and considered below of all and polluting. Dalits include people as leather-workers, scavengers, tanners, flyers, cobblers, agricultural labourers, municipal cleaners and drum beaters. They are also known as broken people.
7. Define Diversity.
Diversity means “variety” and “being different”. It is a product of different geography, culture and history. Diversity is more than just tolerating the differences. It is respecting and understanding the varying differences among individuals in society
8. How the life in a Indian village is different from city life?
Life in the village is economical as people share common facilities such as temples, schools, ponds and grazing grounds. Life in the city is expensive as people have to spent more money on rent and transport.
9. Explain the importance of Directive Principles of State policy?
Directive principles of state policies are very important because they give directions to the governments at the Centre as well as State to attain the welfare of the people. Their aim is to secure economic and social justice to all the people. It also aims to promote international peace and security.
10. What discrimination does Mahatma Gandhi face during his stay in South Africa?
Mahatma Gandhi faced discrimination when he was in South Africa. He faced discrimination directed at black South African and Indians. One day in the court at Durban, he was asked to remove his turban by the magistrate. Another incident was that he was thrown off a train after his refusal to move from the first class to a third class.
Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination Long Answer Questions (LAQs):
1. What are the basic features of the Indian Constitution?
The basic features of Indian constitution are sovereign democratic republic, justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. In the constitution of India, Justice means justice for all.
• Social justice means justice for the whole society, no discrimination on the basis of caste or colour. • Economic justice means equal distribution of wealth and political justice means equal participation of every individual to participate in the government.
• Liberty: Indian citizens are given freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship.
• Equality: Liberty without equality is meaningless. Every citizen of India is treated equally before law and is ensured equal protection.
• Fraternity: It means brotherhood among the people of India.
2. Explain briefly the caste system in India.
India has a hierarchical caste system in the society. The Indian term for caste is jati, which generally designates a group varying in size from a handful to many thousands. There are thousands of such jatis, and each has its distinctive rules and customs. Varna (meaning, "color") refers to the ancient and somewhat ideal fourfold division of the Hindu society:
• The Brahmans, the priestly and learned class.
• The Kshatriyas, the warriors and rulers.
• The Vaisyas, farmers and merchants.
• The Shudras, peasants and laborers.
The Caste System was born and maintained by the Brahmins, the priestly class, they are the ones who get more advantage from it.
3. Why is secularism an important principle in a democracy?
A democracy works best in an environment of tolerance and peace. Democracy flourishes when there is respect for the opinions of others and where there is freedom to practice one’s own beliefs. For democracy to prosper, we have to keep an open mind to learn what is worthwhile from others and create a mindset that highlights the commonness of our beliefs rather than differences. A democracy based on such principles of respect, tolerance will be vibrant and encourage citizens to integrate rather than create frictions. Hence Secularism is an important principle in a democracy.
4. What do the terms ‘Difference and ‘Prejudice mean to you? What is stereotyping? How does it create discrimination?
When we fix an individual or group into a particular framework, we create a stereotype. It is a popular belief about a specific social group based on assumptions and not facts. Stereotyping creates inequality and discrimination. This further leads to rejection from the community. For example, Dalits are treated as untouchables and inferior.