Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Extra Questions Chapter 2 Class 6 Geography
Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Class 6 Geography Extra Questions is available here that will help you in getting more marks in the exams and practicing more questions. You will find Chapter 2 Geography VSAQs, SAQs, LAQs through which you can have complete understanding of the chapter.

Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs):
1. What are the total number of longitudes?
2. The 24 time zones of the Earth are of ______ each.
1 hour.
3. Why the mid-day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn?
The angle of the sun rays keep decreasing.
4. What is the value of South Pole?
5. How can we find latitude of a place with the help of a pole star?
By measuring the angle of the pole star, one can find out the latitude of a place.
6. What is the time difference between the eastern most and western most parts of India if standard meridian is not adopted?
1 hour 45 minutes.
7. Greenwich line passes through ______.
8. What is the location of South Pole?
South Pole is in southern hemisphere at 90°S.
9. Where does North Temperate Zone lie?
Between 23½°N - 66½°N.
10. Where does Torrid Zone lie?
Between 231/2°N and 231/2°S.
11. How many degrees are there in either of the Hemispheres?
There are 90 in either of the Hemispheres.
12. Define axis of a globe.
A needle is fixed through a globe in a tilted manner called axis of a globe.
13. What is the total number of standard time zones of Russia?
14. What is the value of Prime meridian?
0° longitude.
12. What is the true shape of the Earth?
The true shape of Earth is Geoid.
13. What is the standard meridian of India?
The standard meridian of India is 82°30’E.
14. Where is British Royal Observatory is located?
15. What does the term 'Grid' mean in Geography?
The network of the Parallels of Latitude and Meridians of Longitude on the Globe is known as Grid.
16. What is the standard meridian of India?
The standard meridian of India is 82°30’E.
17. Name the planet also known as the Earth’s twin.
18. In which zone do the Poles fall?
Frigid Zone.
Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Short Answer Questions (SAQs):
1. Why is it necessary to have standard time?
Standard time is necessary because:
• The different meridian’s having different time is likely to create problems for trains & flights.
• To maintain uniformity in the country and the world.
2. How have 90 latitude been calculated in each hemisphere?
The equator represents the zero degree latitude. Since the distance from the equator to either of the poles is one-fourth of a circle round the earth, it will measure 1/4th of 360 degrees, i.e. 90°.
3. Why is Frigid Zone very cold?
Frigid Zone lies close to poles. In this zone the sun does not rise much above horizon. Its rays are always slating and provide less heat. That is why this zone is very cold.
4. What is the difference between the local time and standard time of a place?
Local time is the real time of a place according to its corresponding longitudes. Every place has its unique local time. Places having the same meridian of longitude have the same local time while standard time of a place is the time of that time zone in which that place lies. In countries with large east west extant variations in local time present, to overcome this problem standard time of specific time zone is taken as standard time of that place.
5. How latitude and longitude is expressed?
Latitudes and longitudes are expressed in degrees. However, the increments of less than one degree can be expressed as a decimal or minutes and seconds. There are 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute. Longitudes can be written with an E or W for east or west. Latitudes have N or S for north or south.
6. What do you mean by a globe? Briefly describe its features.
A globe is a model of the earth. It shows the earth in its actual shape. It is a simple and accurate way to represent the earth. It is not fixed and can be rotated in the same way as a top spin.
Features of the globe:
• The globe is small in size and therefore very convenient to carry and use.
• It clearly depicts all the features of the earth.
• Globes show countries, continents and oceans in their correct shape.
7. Mention three features of Meridians.
• The length of all the meridians is the same. Hence, it is difficult to number the meridians.
• The maximum distance between any two meridians is at the equator.
• The distance between any two meridians decreases as we go away from the equator towards the
poles. All the meridians meet at the poles.
8. How does time vary with longitudes around the earth?
The earth rotates from west to east. Hence, the places which are east of Greenwich will be ahead of Greenwich time and those to the west will be behind it. As we already knowing that each degree of longitudes corresponds to a difference of four minutes. This is because the earth rotates 360° in about
24 hours, which means 15° an hour or 1° in four minutes. Thus, when it is 12 noon at Greenwich, the time at 15° east of Greenwich will be 15 × 4 = 60 minutes, i.e. one hour ahead of Greenwich time, which means 1:00 pm. But at 15° west of Greenwich, the time will be behind Greenwich time by one hour i.e., it will be 11:00 am. Similarly, at 180°, it will be midnight when it is 12 noon at Greenwich.
9. Why do places beyond Tropics have moderate temperature?
The mid–day sun never shines overhead on any latitude beyond the tropics. The angle of the sun rays goes on decreasing towards the poles. As a result, the places between tropics to Arctic Circle and to Antarctic Circle have moderate temperature.
10. Mention three features of latitudes.
• The equator is the largest parallel and the length of other parallels decreases as one moves away from
the equator towards the poles.
• All parallels are located at an equal distance from each other.
• Latitudes are measured in degrees. The equator represents the zero degree latitude.
Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Long Answer Questions (LAQs):
1. Which longitude is taken as International Date Line and why?
The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line on the surface of the Earth opposite the Prime Meridian, where the date changes as one travels across east or west.
• Roughly along 180° longitude, it almost corresponds to the time zone boundary separating -12 and +12 hours Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
• Crossing the IDL, travelling east results in a day or 24 hours being added and crossing west results in a day being subtracted.
• The exact number of hours depends on the time zones.
2. Why is latitude and longitude useful?
• The Earth is divided into degrees of longitude and latitude which helps us measure location and time using a single standard.
• When used together, longitude and latitude define a specific location through geographical coordinates. These coordinates are what the Global Position System or GPS uses to provide an accurate locational relay.
• Longitude and latitude lines measure the distance from the Earth's Equator or central axis - running east to west - and the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England - running north to south.
• They have been useful to navigators, geographers, cartographers and surveyors for a long time. Latitude and longitude are useful on a daily basis for a great number of people for global positioning system, GPS and computerized mapping.
• Using latitude and longitude, it is possible to calculate all sorts of things such as calculate the distances from city to city, calculate the distance from any point on earth to any other point.
3. What are the different heat zones of the earth? Describe each of them.
There are different heat zones of the earth. In these zones the sun’s rays fall differently causing different climatic patterns. These zones are: the Torrid Zone, the two Temperate Zones and the two Frigid Zones.
• Torrid Zone: This zone is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. This area receives the maximum heat because the sun shines overhead here. As a result, this zone is very hot.
• Temperate Zones: The areas bounded by the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere have moderate temperatures because the sun never shines overhead here.
• Frigid Zones: Areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern Hemisphere
and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere, are very cold. It is because here the sun does not rise much above the horizon. Therefore, its rays are always slanting and provides less heat.