Rural Administration Extra Questions Chapter 6 Class 6 Civics
Chapter 6 Rural Administration Class 6 Civics Extra Questions is very helpful in understanding the chapter properly and clearing every concepts given. Extra Questions for Class 6 can be used to boost your score and answering the questions effectively in the exams.

Chapter 6 Rural Administration Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs):
1. What are 'Fair price shops'?
Ration Shop, only people below poverty line are eligible to buy things from the ration shop.
2. What is the purpose of Ration cards?
Purchasing the goods at subsidized prices.
3. What was being denied to women before the introduction of the Hindu Succession Amendment Act?
Agricultural land.
4. What do you mean by 'bund'?
Small boundary.
5. Who maintains and updates the records of a group of villages?
6. Who is the head of the tehsildars (revenue officers)?
District Collector.
7. Panchayat has a tenure of _________ years.
8. The law under which women enjoys equal share in property is __________.
Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005.
9. The record that identifies, which plot of land is owned by whom is termed as ______
10. What is a khasra number?
This is the number used for land which is owned by an individual villager or a village community.
11. Who is incharge of a police station in an area?
The incharge of a police station is the Station House Officer or S.H.O.
12. What is the main issue of Hindu Succession Amendment Act 2005?
Women's share in the family's agricultural land.
13. Ration cards are used for purchasing goods at _____ prices.
14. What do you mean by pubic distribution system?
The food provided by Government at highly subsidized rates to poor people.
15. Who keeps the Khasra records in the village?
16. ________ is the principal Revenue Officer in the district.
17. Where is the office of Tehsildars located?
The Tehsildar office is located where land disputes are heard, so that one can easily approach them.
18. Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005 is related to what?
All the members whether sons or daughters in a family get an equal share in the family's property.
Chapter 6 Rural Administration Short Answer Questions (SAQs):
1. What was the objective of the "Minimum Needs Programmes"?
The objective of the Programme was to set up a network of basic services and facilities of social consumption in all the areas upto nationally-accepted norms, within a particular time-frame.
2. What are the functions of the District Collector?
The main functions of the District Collector are as follows- Collector is in charge of law and order administration in the district. He/She performs the supervisory role over the Police Administration. He/She advises the Government on various aspects of law and order. He is the pivotal figure in carrying out the developmental programmes.
3. The Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005 rectify which types of inequalities?
The 2005 Act rectifies various gender inequalities persisting on several fronts such as agricultural land, Mitakshara joint family property, parental dwelling house, and certain widow's rights. In the new law sons, daughters and their mothers can get equal share in the land. This law benefitted a large number of women in achieving their property rights.
4. How can the land records of the Patwari help in the mutation of a land?
The khasra record of the Patwari gives you information regarding the plot of land owned by the people. On the Khasra map, one could see the exact shape and size of every field, every well and every large tree. Every field is numbered and the khasra records the name of the actual cultivator, the one who was in physical possession of the field.
5. What is the "Khasra Record"?
The Khasra record consists of a plotwise description of ownership, area, classification, share of ownership, and the status thereof. it identifies which plot of land is owned by whom.
6. Why do the farmers need a copy of their land records?
The records is necessary if a farmer wants to buy a plot of land from another, to sell his produce to another, to get loan from the bank to dig a well on his land, to purchase fertilizers for his field and to divide his property among his children.
7. Why it is necessary to register the FIR in the local area police station?
An individual has to register the FIR (First Information Report) in the police station that comes under their area. Every police station has an area that comes under its control. People living in that area can report the police about any theft, accident, injury etc. It is the duty of the police of that station to enquire, to investigate and take action on the cases within its area.
8. What are the functions of the Tehsildar?
Tehsildar of a district is assigned to check the seasonal conditions of crops and listen to the difficulties of the cultivators. He also tour the areas affected by the natural calamities like flood, drought, earthquake etc. and provide relief to the people. On his return from village tour, he prepares reports and recommends it to the government regarding the relief fund to the affected people. He is assisted by a Naib Tehsildar in his work.
9. How do women benefit under the Hindu Succession Amendment Act -2005?
According to this law, women in India can get a share in the family's agricultural land. The daughter is allotted the same share as is allotted to a son. The government passed this act to remove gender discriminatory provisions in the Hindu Succession Act of 1956.
10. Discuss the problems faced by a Rural Police Station.
Lack of proper infrastructure, absence of essential minimum needs and facilities for the staff, lack of proper equipment, insufficient residential accommodation of the staff, absence of quicker modes of transportation and communication and lesser salaries are some of the problems faced by a Rural Police Station.
Chapter 6 Rural Administration Long Answer Questions (LAQs):
1. List some of the responsibilities of the police.
The following are some of the responsibilities of police:
• Maintaining the dignity of the individual by safeguarding his/her fundamental rights.
• Implement the law impartially.
• Protection of weaker sections of the society.
• Maintaining a feeling of security in the community.
• Investigating crimes and the arrest offenders.
• Helping in natural calamities, emergencies and disasters as the first responders.
• Retaining the effective working relations with every sub system of criminal justice system.
2. What is the "Minimum Needs Programmes"?
The Minimum Needs Programme was introduced in the first year of the Fifth Five Year Plan. The objective of the Programme was to set up a network of basic services and facilities of social consumption in all the areas upto nationally-accepted norms, within a particular time-frame. The programme is intended to assist in raising living standards and in reducing the regional disparities in development. The basic needs of the people accredited for this programme are elementary education, adult education, rural health, rural roads, rural electrification, rural housing, environmental improvement of urban slums and nutrition.
3. Explain the functions of a Patwari.
Major functions of Patwari includes:
• Maintaining and updating the records of the village.
• The land maps and the corresponding details are kept by the Patwari.
• Responsible for organizing the collection of land revenue.
• Report the serious calamities affecting the land or the crops and the severe outbreaks of diseases amongst men and animals.
• He must help the headman in revenue collection.
• He keeps up a diary and a work book. The entries should be made on the day on which the events come to the notice of the patwari.