Understanding Diversity Extra Questions Chapter 1 Class 6 Civics
Here you will find Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity Class 6 Civics Extra Questions that will help in understanding the chapter properly and going in depth of every topics. Extra Questions for Class 6 History will enhance your knowledge and boost marks in the examinations.

Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs):
1. Who was Ibn Battuta?
Islamic traveler of 14th century.
2. How does historical and geographical factors influence the diversity of a region?
The geography and history affect the occupation, crops, food habits and the clothes.
3. Where is Ladakh situated?
Eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir.
4. Name the British General who was responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
General Dyer.
5. The other name of 'dzos’ is ______.
Yak- cows.
6. What do you mean by ‘Cheena-vala’?
Fishing net.
7. What do you mean by natural hazards?
Terrifying forces of nature.
8. What is the meaning of “Cheenachatti”?
Frying pan.
9. Name the language in which the rich and old traditional songs and poems of Ladakh were translated.
Tibetan language.
10. What is the meaning of ‘Incredible India?
Too extraordinary and improbable to be believed making incredible claims.
11. Who wrote the book ‘The Discovery of India’?
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
12. The name of the Tibetan national epic is the ______.
Kesar Saga.
13. Which region produces Pashmina Wool.
14. Which are the two major languages spoken by the Indians?
Hindi and English.
15. Who discovered the sea route to India?
Vasco Da Gama, the Portuguese explorer discovered sea route India in the year 1498 A.D.
16. How many official languages are recognized by the Constitution of India?
There are 22 official languages that are recognized by the Indian Constitution.
17. Who brought Christianity to India?
St. Thomas, in nearly 2000 years ago.
18. Name the tribal group who rear sheep and goat in Ladakh?''
Changpas the tribals of Ladakh rear goat and sheep.
Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity Short Answer Questions (SAQs):
1. Define political inequality.
Political inequality is where people are not given the voting rights, freedom of speech and assembly, freedom to contest elections and so on.
2. What does diversity add to our lives?
Diversity in art and literature, clothes, food, festivals, languages becomes the part and parcel of our lives. Thus, it gives a new outlook to the people about the rich heritage of India.
3. What do you mean by inequality?
Inequality means the unavailability of resources and opportunities for different people. The caste system is an example of inequality. Inequality has various forms like economic inequality and social inequality. Economic inequality comprises all disparities in the distribution of economic assets and income. Social inequality refers to a lack of social equality, where individuals in a society do not have equal social status, adequate provisions of healthcare facilities etc.
4. Define Diversity.
Diversity means “variety” and “being different”. It is a product of different geography, culture and history. Diversity is more than just tolerating the differences. It is respecting and understanding the varying differences among individuals in society.
5. What is sung by both Muslims and Buddhists together in Ladakh?
Local versions of the Tibetan national epic the Kesar Saga are performed and sung by both Muslims and Buddhists.
6. What is the theme of the book the “Discovery of India”?
The book gives a complete view of Indian history, philosophy and culture. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru studied the history of India starting from the Indus civilization to Aryans invasion and then to the British rule. The effect of these people on Indian culture and their incorporation to Indian society was examined in the book.
7. What is a famine? Mention any two great famines of India?
Famine is a phenomenon in which a large percentage of populations of a country are undernourished. It is usually associated with crop failure. The two great famines that India experienced were the first Bengal famine, 1770 and the second Bengal famine of 1943.
8. What is the significance of the colour and chakra of Indian National Flag?
The saffron colour indicates renunciation of disinterestedness(impartial). The white in the centre marks the path of truth to guide our conduct. The green shows our relation to soil, to the plant life here on which all other life depends. The Ashoka wheel in the centre is the wheel of law of dharma.
9. Why are Pashmina shawls expensive?
Pashmina shawls are expensive shawls because the wool comes from mountain goats called Changra and only a small portion of the goat hair can be used to make pure Pashmina. The manufacturing of shawls requires great skill. The wool is famous for its softness, warmth lightness and beautiful dyes.
10. Why Kerala is called as the 'land of coconuts'? What products are made out of coir in Kerala?
The State Kerala derives its name from the Malayalam word 'Kera' meaning the coconut palm and ‘Alam’ meaning the place. Coconut forms a part of their daily diet. Coir is an important eco-friendly material and is obtained from the coconut husk. Kerala is considered to be the largest producer of coir. Products such as flooring, mats, carpets, wall hangings and bags are made from coir fiber.
11. Describe how does the Diversity in India still keep us together?
India is a country of Diversity. We speak different languages, have various types of food, celebrate different festivals, practise different religions. But actually, if you think about it, we do many things that are similar except that we do them in different ways.
12. Discuss the trade relations of Ladakh with Tibet?
Ladakh was considered as a good trade route as it had many passes through which caravans travelled to Tibet. Caravans were used to carry goods to Tibet. Ladakh carried goods like textiles, spices, raw silk and carpets.
Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity Long Answer Questions (LAQs):
1. Describe how did caste system create an inequality in the society?
According to caste system, society was divided into different groups depending upon the work that people did and they were supposed to remain in those groups. This system was considered irreversible. And because you were not supposed to change your profession, it was not considered necessary for you to know anything more than what you needed in your profession. This created a situation of inequality.
2. India's national anthem is another expression of the unity of India. In what way does the national anthem describe this unity?
Indian National anthem is surely an expression of national unity in the following ways:
• It inculcates a sense of nationalism and love for one's country.
• Composed by Rabindranath Tagore, our national anthem reflects the diversity of the country in terms of religions, languages, regions and how such a diversity forms our Motherland India.
• Though we have diversity but the geography and history binds us together.
• It is our national anthem where people from varied backgrounds, irrespective of caste, creed, religion or sex stand up and sing in unison, paying respect and gratitude to the country.
• It captures the very essence of our country.
3. Write a short note on Jallianwalla Bagh massacre.
On the afternoon of April 13, a crowd of at least 10,000 men, women, and children gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh, which was nearly completely enclosed by walls and had only one exit. People had gathered in a peaceful protest defying the orders on public meetings and some had come to the city from the surrounding region to celebrate Baisakhi, a spring festival. The British Army officer Dyer and his soldiers arrived and sealed off the exit. Without warning, the troops opened fire on the crowd, reportedly shooting hundreds of rounds until they ran out of ammunition. The Bagh, enclosed from all four sides with buildings, had only one main entrance that was blocked by Dyer's troops. Other smaller gates were locked and people fleeing from the firing were shot. Many of them jumped to their death in a well inside the garden. After they ceased firing, the troops immediately withdrew from the place, leaving behind the dead and wounded.