Urban Livelihoods Extra Questions Chapter 9 Class 6 Civics
Chapter 9 Urban Livelihoods Class 6 Civics Extra Questions is very beneficial in understanding the key concepts of the chapter completely. These Extra Questions for Class 6 will help you in improving your marks in the exams and enhancing your knowledge.

Chapter 9 Urban Livelihoods Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs):
1. Name the international organisation that deals with labor issues.
International Labour Organisation.
2. The orders and payments from the shopkeepers are given to the _________.
3. Name an ideal state in India for setting up a textile factory.
4. Name a new form of employment in the big cities.
Call centres,
5. Why Tribes are facing threat of loss of livelihood?
Tribes face threat of loss of livelihood because MNCs are taking over their land for setting up industries.
6. The art of Zari work is famous in _________.
7. Permanent employees in India are not entitled to _______ holidays of other countries.
8. Which of the two have insecurity of job- Permanent worker or temporary worker?
Temporary worker.
9. What is Provident Fund?
Provident Fund is a particular form of retirement savings..
10. A textile factory must have ___________.
11. What do you mean by “Labour Chowk”?
Place where daily wage labourers assemble and wait for work..
12. Street vendors are forced to pay _______.
13. The secretary of Gram Sabha is responsible for _________.
Calling meetings of the Gram Sabha.
14. People working in government departments get ___________.
Regular salary.
15. Who prevents the panchayat from misusing money?
Gram Sabha.
16. Name the organisation of rickshaw pullers in Delhi.
Delhi Federation of Rickshaw Pullers.
17. In which year the National Policy on Child Labour was formulated?
18. A dentist falls in the category of _______ sector.
19. Who offers license to the Urban street vendors?
Superintendent of police.
20. People who set up small and medium businesses independently are categorized as_________.
Self employed.
21. Business for shop owners has changed in the past twenty years due to coming of _____________ brands.
22. Why does Hawkers form committees?
Retain their source of livelihood.
Chapter 9 Urban Livelihoods Short Answer Questions (SAQs):
1. Who are casual workers?
The casual worker is a worker who is employed on a temporary basis with generally limited entitlements to benefits and little or no security of employment. The main feature is the absence of a continuing relationship of any stability with an employer, which could lead to their not being considered ‘employees’ at all.
2. What do you mean by the set-up of a Call Centre?
Call Centres are usually set up as large rooms with working stations that includes a computer, a telephone set and supervisor’s stations. All computers are linked to a mother computer.
3. List some of the duties of the Marketing Manager.
Marketing managers performs numerous duties for companies like conducting market research, setting up of marketing strategy, sales, advertising and promotion of the products, pricing, product development, event management and enhancing public relations.
4. What are the working conditions of the non-permanent workers?
The non-permanent workers are given very minimum pay for their work and if they complain about their pay, they are asked to leave the job. There is no job security or protection if there is ill treatment. They are also expected to work very long hours. For example in the cloth mill units the workers work on day and night shifts, with each shift lasting 12 hours. One worker works on one machine for 12 hours and then is replaced by another on the same machine for the next 12 hours.
5. Write short notes on ‘labour chowk’.
The ‘labour chowk’ is a place where daily wage labourers assemble to be hired by an employer; these labourers work as helpers to masons. They dig at construction sites, lift loads or unload trucks in the market, dig pipelines and telephone cables and also build roads. There are thousands of such casual labourers who work in a city.
6. Briefly describe the consumer market.
Markets initially started as marketplaces usually in the hub of villages and towns, for the sale or barter of farm produce, clothing and day to day items. These kinds of street markets developed into a whole variety of consumer-oriented markets, such as shopping centers, supermarkets, or even online markets.
7. What are the main problems faced by the vendors?
The main problem vendor’s faces are:
• Shops are usually temporary in structures.
• Dismantling of their shops any time by the police.
• They have no security.
• There are certain parts of city where these vendors are not allowed to enter.
8. What constitutes a family?
A father, mother, sister and brother constitute a family. This kind of family is called a nuclear family. In bigger families’ grandmother, grandfather, uncles, aunts etc. also live with their children. This type of family is called a joint family.
9. Why it is important to live together?
Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone for all his needs as he depends on others. He has to seek cooperation from his father, mother, brother, neighbours friends and other people in the society. A man living alone cannot live happier, hence living together is important.
10. Why goods sold in the permanent shops are costlier than the temporary shops?
Shops in permanent buildings incur a lot of expenditure - pay rent and tax, employ workers etc. In temporary shops, goods are stored at home only. Workers are not employed because they are helped by family members. Subsequently, goods sold in permanent shops are costlier than the temporary shops.
11. Describe the working conditions of a ‘Call Centre’.
A Call Centre is a centralised office that deals with problems and questions that consumers have regarding goods purchased and services like banking, ticket booking etc. Call centres are generally set up as large rooms with work stations that include a computer, a telephone set and supervisor’s stations. India has become a major centre not only for Indian companies but also for foreign companies.
12. Name the markets which provide goods on credit.
Weekly markets do not have permanent shops. They are set up only for a day. Therefore its not possible to buy goods on credit. Neighbourhood markets provide goods on credit.
Chapter 9 Urban Livelihoods Long Answer Questions (LAQs):
1. Why do small workshops and factories need casual workers?
• Small workshops and factories need casual workers for big profits and less investment. Casual workers are called for when the employer needs them.
• They are employed when the employer gets large orders or during certain seasons.
• If they complain about pay or working conditions, they are asked to leave any time. They are also expected to work very long hours.
• If there is the need to finish a work urgently then these workers are called for work even on Sundays.
• All these factors are in favour of small workshops and factories. Therefore they employ casual workers.
2. Name and explain the local bodies that look after the urban areas.
The local bodies that look after the problems of the urban areas are:
• Municipal Corporations
• Municipalities
• Town Area Committees
• Municipal Corporations: These are the local governing bodies of big cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai etc. The main functions of the municipal corporations are providing public health and sanitation, making arrangement for vaccination, supply of safe drinking water, clearing and disposal of garbage, cleaning roads, drains and public toilets.
• Municipalities: Smaller towns and cities with population ranging between 20,000-5, 00,000 have municipalities as the local government body.
• Town Area Committees: Municipalities and municipal corporations carry their day to day work with the help of a number of committees such as the education committee, the public health committee and the district planning committee.
3. Compare livelihood challenges faced by rural and urban women.
Challenges faced by rural women:
• Poor resource base and resource quality.
• Illiteracy and lack of skill.
• Lack of awareness on different government schemes and programmes.
• Lack of knowledge of disasters.
Challenges faced by urban women:
• Lack of employment and irregular jobs
• Lack of job security and low wages
• Lack of sufficient and timely credit support system for petty trade
• Fear of eviction by police and civic bodies
• Congested and hazardous working conditions.
4. Why do people prefer working in an organised sector?
Unorganized sector is characterized by low wages, long hours of work and lack of job security. People prefer to work in an organised sector because of the following reasons –
• Workers enjoy security of employment.
• There are fixed number of working hours. If workers work more, they have to be paid overtime by the employer
• Employees of the organised sector are entitled to medical leave, payment during holidays, provident fund etc.
• Workers also get medical benefits and under the laws, factory manager has to ensure facilities like drinking water and a safe working environment.