Human Resources Extra Questions Chapter 6 Class 8 Geography

Chapter 6 Human Resources Class 8 Geography Extra Questions is available on this page that can be useful inculcating correct learning habits among students. Extra Questions for Class 8 will help you in improving knowledge and understanding key concepts of the chapter in a better manner.

Human Resources Extra Questions Chapter 6 Class 8 Geography

Chapter 6 Human Resources Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs):

1. What is the average density of population in the whole world?


The average density of population in the whole world is 51 persons per square km.

2. In what respects do different human beings differ?


Human beings differ from each other in age, sex, education, ethnicity, culture, physical and mental strength, etc.

3. How does climate affect the population distribution of an area?


People prefer to live in regions with a moderate climate, and not places of extreme cold and hot climate. So moderate climate regions are densely populated.

4. What is called the natural growth rate?


The difference between the birth rate and death rate of a county is a called the natural growth rate.

5. What is life expectancy?


Life expectancy is the number of years an average person can expect to live, based on data.

6. What is known as the pattern population distribution?


The way in which people are spread across the earth surface is known as the pattern of population distribution.

7. What is an age-sex pyramid?


An age-sex pyramid is a graph showing the number of males and females under certain defined age groups.

8. What is the general trend of migrations from one country to another? Why is it so?


Generally, people migrate from less developed countries to more developed ones. This is done for better employment opportunities and other facilities.

Chapter 6 Human Resources Short Answer Questions (SAQs):

1. Describe how the population of the world has grown in history. What has caused the population explosion?


The world population grew steadily initially. It reached a billion in the year 1820. But the next two billion were added in just a hundred and fifty years. By 1970 the population was 3 billion. In the next 29 years, i.e. by the year 1999, the population had doubled to 6 billion. The population explosion has been mainly caused by the growth in medical facilities, which has decreased the death rate by a large extent.

2. How do topography and climate of a place affect the distribution of population?

Both the factors immediately affect the distribution of population. People prefer favourable conditions for farming, manufacturing and service activities. For example, the Ganga plains are the most densely populated areas of the world. On the other hand, mountains and plateaus do not provide these. For example, the Himalayas where people do not like to live and therefore these areas are sparsely populated. Thus, topography of a place matters a lot in human settlement. So far the climate of a place
is concerned people usually avoid extreme climates, i.e. very hot or very cold. For example Sahara desert, polar regions of Russia, Canada and Antarctica are thinly populated.

3. Describe how various factors affect population distribution.


Topography, favourable climate, fertility of soils, availability of fresh water, minerals are major geographical factors affecting population density of a region. People prefer to live on plains more than mountains or plateaus and they live more in moderate climates than extreme hot or cold. From the agriculture point of view, fertile lands are preferred. Areas with mineral deposits are more populated. Some social factors that boost the density of population in a region are better housing, education and health facilities. Places with cultural or historical significance are usually populated. Employment opportunities are another attraction for large chunks of population.

4. Why was the total increase in the world's population very slow till the 1800s?


For a very long period of human history, until the 1800s, the population of the world grew steadily but slowly. This was because birth rate and death rate were almost the same. A large number of babies were born, but they died earlier too. This happened as a result of poor health facilities. Sufficient food was also not available for all the people. Farmers were not able to produce enough to meet the food requirements of all the people. Thus, non-availability of medical facilities and sufficient food kept the world’s population steady till 1800s.

5. What are the factors affecting the population change in a region?


Factors affecting the population change in a region are birth rate, death rate and migrations. Birth rate is a statistic that measures the number of live births per 1000 people. Death rate is a statistic that measures the number of deaths per 1000 people. Along with birth and death rate, another factor affecting population change is migration. Migration refers to the movement of people from one area to another. People leaving a country are called emigrants and the phenomenon is called emigration. People arriving in a country are called immigrants and the phenomenon is called immigration.

Chapter 6 Human Resources Long Answer Questions (LAQs):

1. What is the general trend of migration? Mention the factors that cause population change.


The general trend of migrations is from the less developed nations to the more developed nations in search of better employment opportunities. Within countries a large number of people move from the rural to urban areas in search of employment, education and health facilities.

Factors that cause population change are: births, deaths and migrations.

Births are usually measured using the birth rate, i.e. the number of live birth per 1,000 people. Death are usually measured using the death rate, i.e., the number of deaths per 1,000 people. Births and
deaths are natural causes of population change. Migration is another way by which population the size of changes. People may move within a country or between countries. Countries like the USA and Australia have gained in numbers by immigration. Sudan is a country that has experienced a loss of population numbers due to emigration.
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