Understanding Marginalisation Extra Questions Chapter 7 Class 8 Civics

On this page you will find Chapter 7 Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Civics Extra Questions that will increase concentration among students and help in revising the chapter properly. Extra Questions for Class 8 will guide students to act in a better way an frame better answers in the examinations.

Understanding Marginalisation Chapter 7 Class 8 Civics

Chapter 7 Understanding Marginalisation Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs):

1. Who are Adivasis?


Adivasis are the communities who lived, and often continue to live, in close association with forests.

2. How many different Adivasi groups are there in India?


There are over 500 different Adivasi groups in India.

3. How are Adivasi societies most distinctive? Give one point.


There is often very little hierarchy among them.

4. How is Niyamgiri viewed by Dongarria Konds?


Dongarria Konds, an Adivasi community, view Niyamgiri as the sacred mountain.

5. What do we usually think about Adivasis?


We usually think that Adivasis are exotic, primitive and backward.

6. Which factor leads to ghettoisation of the Muslim community?


Social marginalisation of Muslims leads to ghettoisation of this community.

7. Name any four states where Adivasis are in great numbers.


Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa.

8. How are Muslims usually identified?


Muslims are usually identified by their burqa, long beard and fez.

9. Why are Muslims considered as a marginalised community in India today?


It is because in comparison to other communities, they have always been deprived of the benefits of socioeconomic development.

10. What is commonly believed about the Muslims?


It is commonly believed that the Muslims prefer to send their children to Madarsas.

11. Define the term 'minority'.


The term ‘minority’ is the most commonly used to refer to the communities that are numerically smaller in relation to the rest of the population.

12. What reality is brought in light by the Sachar Committee?


Only 4% of Muslim children are in Madarsas, whereas 66% attend government school and 30% private schools.

13. Name some metals that are important in present day India.


Iron, copper, gold, silver, aluminium , platinum , uranium and zinc.
14. How are Adivasis usually portrayed?


They are usually portrayed in Stereotypical ways in colourful clothes, headgear and through their dancing.

Chapter 7 Understanding Marginalisation Short Answer Questions (SAQs):

1. How are Adivasi stereotyped?


Whenever we talk about Adivasis, their fixed images come into our mind. We have a fixed impression about them. We believe that they are exotic, primitive and backward. Their colourful costumes, headgear, dancing and typical life style often give an impression that they lack advancement. We also believe that they are resistant to change or new ideas. This stereotyping about the Adivasi community leads to their discrimination and marginalisation.

2. How were Adivasis marginalised?


Adivasis feel marginalised due to their poor and low social status. This sense of difference and exclusion leads to communities not having access to resources and opportunities, and in their inability to assert their rights.

3. What do you know about Adivasis?


The term Adivasi means original inhabitant. This community has close relation with forests. They depend on forests for everything. They cannot think a life without forests. About 8% of India’s population is Adivasi. Adivasis are found in states like Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Maharashtra, Assam, Manipur etc. There are over 500 different Adivasi groups in our country. Only in Orissa there are more than 60 different tribal groups. Adivasi societies are also most distinctive because there is often very little hierarchy among them. They practise their own tribal religions, different from Islam, Hinduism and Christianity. They have their own languages, which are as old as Sanskrit. Santhali is one of the languages which has the largest numbers of speakers.

4. What happened to Adivasis when they lost access to their traditional homelands?


After Adivasis lost access to their traditional homelands, i.e. forests, they became pampers. They faced the problems of livelihood and food. Hence, they migrated to cities in search of work. They got employment there but against very low wages. This made their life miserable. They caught in a cycle of poverty and deprivation 45% of tribal groups in rural areas and 35% in urban areas live below the poverty line. Their children, became malnourished in dearth of adequate food.

5. Why are Muslims considered to be a marginalised community in India?


Muslims are considered to be a marginalised community in India because in comparison to other communities, they have always been deprived of the benefits of socioeconomic development. Most of the Muslims do not avail even basic amenities of life such as water and electricity. They live in kutcha houses. They have little access to education and public employment. Thus, they always lag behind in terms of various development indicators.

Chapter 7 Understanding Marginalisation Long Answer Questions (LAQs):

1. Define the term minority. Why do people belonging to this community need safeguards?


The term ‘minority’ is most commonly used to refer to communities that are numerically small in relation to the rest of the population. The Indian Constitution recognised that the culture of the majority influences the way in which society and government might express themselves. In such cases, size can be a disadvantage and lead to the marginalisation of the relatively smaller communities. Thus, safeguards are needed to protect minority communities against the possibility of being culturally dominated by the majority. They also protect them against any discrimination and disadvantage that they may face.
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