Chivvy Poem Class 7 English Summary
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Chivvy Poem Class 7 English Summary
‘Chivvy’ means urging someone continuously to do something. The poem lists commonly given instructions by grown-ups. These are instructions that they always give to the children to improve their behaviour. Children are always expected to behave in a polished manner.
When children don't reply, they are asked to speak up while if they speak with their mouth full, they will be asked not to do so. They tell children not to stare at others or point fingers at them and not to clean their nose. The children are also told to sit straight and say please. They are even told to be less noisy and shut the door when they leave the room. They also tell the children not to drag their feet and keep a handkerchief with them and to keep their hands out of their pockets.
The grown ups tell the children to pull up their socks and to stand up straight. They tell the children to say thank you and not to interrupt when others are speaking. They tell children not to keep their elbows on the table. These are very ironical situation where grown ups want children to do as per thier wish and at the same time be independent in taking decisions.
Word Meanings
• Grown-ups - Elder
• With your mouth full - While eating
• Pick your nose - Clean your nose
• Interrupt - In between
• Make up your mind - Take a decision