Chapter 8 Fire Friend and Foe Class 7 English Summary
Here you will find Chapter 8 Fire Friend and Foe Class 7 English Summary that will make understanding process effortless and entertaining. These Class 7 notes will be make sure that a student has understood the specifics of every chapter in clear and precise manner. You will understand the various factors through which one can improve their efficiency and eventually scores higher in the exam. NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 Fire Friend and Foe English will be helpful in completing homework on time.

Chapter 8 Fire Friend and Foe Class 7 English Summary
In this chapter, we will learn about fire-its causes, uses and threats. Fire is the result of a chemical reaction. There are three things which are required to make fire; oxygen, a fuel that contains carbon and hydrogen and some heat. Fuel exists in many forms like cooking gas, wood, coal, petrol etc. The air naturally carries oxygen, however, oxygen and fuel cannot make fire by themselves. Heat is also important for it to start. The temperature at which a fuel begins to burn is called the flash point of that fuel.
In our modern age, we use fire for many purposes. We cook our food using fire, we keep our houses warm during winters and we also use fire for producing electricity. We use fire for all such things in a controlled way, according to our needs. Thus, fire serves us as a servant.
However, sometimes, it can become bad master. Every year, many disasters take place because of fire. It may burn houses, factories and vast forest areas. Just like three things are needed to start a
fire, there are three main ways to put out a fire. These are: removal of fuel, cutting off the oxygen supply and bringing the temperature down.
Spraying water is a common way of extinguishing fire. But it is not a good way of putting out an oil fire or an electric fire. Oil is lighter than water as a result of which it floats on water. In case of an electrical fire, the person putting water can get an electric shock proving fatal to him. Thus, the best way to control an electric or oil fire is carbon dioxide extinguishers.
In earlier times, when there were no firemen, people used to form a human chain to put out the fire. They passed buckets of water from a nearby pond to the place of fire. Now there are laws about building construction which ensure that space is left between buildings to reduce the fire risk. There are fire brigades in every town. Firemen with their special equipment are capable of putting out fires.
Word Meanings
• Smouldering - Burning slowly with flame
• Add fuel to the flames (idiom) - Say or do something that makes people react more strongly and fiercely
• Smothered - Suffocated
• Extinguish - Control
• Flash Point - A point at which flames appear
• Kindling temperature - Burning point of temperature
• Brigade - Team
• First aid - Primary care
• Firemen/Firefighter - A person trained to put out fire