Garden Snake Poem Class 7 English Summary
Garden Snake Summary Class 7 English will help the students in learning complex topics and chapters in an easy way. In revision notes for Class 7, information are arranged in manner that will make learning easier and more understandable. You need to recollect concepts of the chapter in the process of test and tried to provide accordingly. NCERT Solutions for Garden Snake English will help you in identify, analyze, and then rectify the mistakes.

Garden Snake Poem Class 7 English Summary
The poet says that he saw a snake and ran away as he was frightened. The poet's mother tells him that not all snakes are dangerous, especially the garden snake which eats insects for its food. Thus, the poet decided not to be afraid of it anymore. He also decided that whenever he would see it, he would stand aside and watch it pass, telling himself that it was just a garden snake.
Word Meanings
• Wiggles - Move from side to side
• Aside - On one side
• Harmless - gentle
• Dangerous - harmful