Chapter 3 Taro's Reward Class 6 English Summary
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Chapter 3 Taro's Reward Class 6 English Summary
One cold evening, Taro was sitting with his parents in his hut. Taro's father wished to drink sake, an expensive, drink to keep him warm. Taro was very sad as he could not get sake for his father. Taro decided to work harder than before. Next day he got up earlier and went to the forest. While he was chopping wood, he suddenly heard the sound of rushing water. When Taro reached the spot, he saw a beautiful little waterfall hidden behind a rock. He rushed to drink the water but when he tasted the water it tasted like sake.
He filled his pitcher with that water and rushed home. He gave his father that water to drink. His father enjoyed the drink and started to dance. Taro's father offered that drink to a lady neighbour who visited them and told her the whole story of how they got that tasty drink. The lady spread the story of the waterfall throughout the village.
Next day when Taro reached the magical waterfall, he found all his neighbours already there with pitchers, jars, buckets, etc. As soon as they tasted the water they all started cursing Taro as there was no taste in that water and it tasted like the ordinary cold water. All the villagers left the place one by one. Taro who was hiding behind a rock, came out of his hiding place.
Taro wanted to serve his parents but others were greedy thus, the waterfall gave Taro sake and others water. The story of Taro and the magic waterfall reached the Emperor of Japan. He gave Taro twenty pieces of gold as a reward. He also named the most beautiful fountain in the city after Taro to encourage children to respect and obey their parents.
Word Meanings
• Wood-cutter - one who cuts wood
• Hillside - near the hills
• Chopped - cut into pieces
• Thoughtful - caring
• Whistled through - passing through a whizzing sound
• Cracks - narrow gaps
• Sake - Japanese drink
• Sadder - more sad
• Rushing - flowing
• Stream - fountain
• Cupped - like cup
• Shivering - quivering
• Nightfall - falling of night,
• Procession - crowd,
• Tricked - deceived
• Muttering - speaking unclearly
• Fountain - spring