The Wonderful Words Class 6 English Summary
You will find The Wonderful Words Class 6 English Summary on this page which will improve your understanding of the chapter. You will get to know about various important points and moral of the poem. This will help the students to recall information with more precision and faster. NCERT Solutions for The Wonderful Words will help in building a great foundation of concepts.

The Wonderful Words Class 6 English Summary
People spoke their thought with the help of words. The poet feels that knowing a language never lets a thought fade away. He thinks English is a beautiful language that can be used as a wonderful game to express one's thoughts. In this game words can be used to match with our bright thoughts to express ideas clearly and truly.
Words are the food and dress of thoughts that give shape and movement to our thoughts. Our mind is always thinking and is on the run to express our thoughts in beautiful words. We are always hungry to hear some fresh and beautiful words. Only words can free an idea from the mind and let wonderful thought come out.
Word Meanings
• Shrivel - dry up
• Fed - made meaningful
• Groomed - polished
• Lovelies - most impressive
• Longing - eager
• Marvellous - wonderful