Whatif Class 6 English Summary
Whatif Class 6 English Summary is a chapter from Honeysuckle textbook which is very useful for scoring great marks in the examinations. It will improve your language skills and getting the crux of the chapter. It is quite easy to retain the answers once you are fully aware of the concept thus Class 7 Summary can be beneficial for you. NCERT Solutions for Whatif Class 6 English are prepared by our experts try to provide all round clarity of questions.

Whatif Class 6 English Summary
In this poem, the poet expresses various dangerous situations through whatif. One night poet was lying in his bed and some questions crawled inside his ear that goes on through all night. The poet wonders what will happen if he becomes dumb or if the school closes the swimming pool or if somebody beats him badly? What would happen if somebody mixes poison in his cup and he starts to cry for nothing? What would happen if he falls sick and dies? What would be the result of his missing his test?
What would happen if green coloured hair grew on his chest. He wonders what would happen if nobody likes him. He fears that lightning might strike him, he might not grow tall and his head might start getting smaller. The poet thinks what would happen if fish won't bite. He thinks what would happen if the winds tear the kite. He wonders what would happen if his parents getting divorced, a war starting, his bus coming late. What would happen if his teeth don't grow straight? What would happen if his pants are torn and he never learns to dance? He also fears what would happen if whatifs again hit his mind?
Word Meanings
• What if - what will happen in case this happens
• Dumb - unable to speak
• Pranced - walked in a lively manner
• Partied - had fun
• Bolt - flash
• Flunk - fail
• Tear - rip a hole
• Tears up - spoils