Where Do All the Teachers Go? Class 6 English Summary
Where Do All the Teachers Go? Class 6 English Summary is available here that will help you in understanding difficult word meanings and important points of the chapter easily. In Class 6 Summary, information are arranged in manner that will make learning easier and more understandable. It will make entire memorizing process effortless and entertaining. NCERT Solutions for Where Do All the Teachers Go will let you explore answers of those questions which you're finding difficult to solve.

Where Do All the Teachers Go? Class 6 English Summary
In this poem, the poet has shown natural curiosity of children that where do all the teachers go after the school is over as for them teachers are special person. The child asks many questions related to this which show their innocence. He wonders if they too like other people live in ordinary houses, wash their own socks, wear pyjamas, watch TV and pick their noses.
The poet wants to know if his teachers also live with their parents. They were also once children like them and were bad in their behaviour. Also, they made mistakes and did they also make spelling errors like they do and were punished in the corner.
The child also wants to know if his teachers ever lost their books, scribbled on their tables tops or wore dirty jeans. In order to find answer to these questions, the child innocently says that he would follow one of the teachers back home and see what they do and then write them in a poem for the teachers to read to everyone.
Word Meanings
• Pick their nose - use fingers to remove dirt from the nose
• Mums - mothers
• Pinched - stole
• Flakes - pieces
• Hymn - devotional songs
• Pick their nose - use fingers to remove dirt from the nose
• Scribble - write