Khilafat Issue - Chapter 2 Nationalism in India Class 10 History
Here you will get detailed Khilafat Issue topic which is a part of Chapter 2 Nationalism in India Class 10 History through which you will understand the various factors through which one can improve their efficiency. It will help the students to recall information with more precision and faster. You will be able to understand the subject in a more advanced way and also in a simpler way.
Study Material for Class 10 History Chapter 2 Nationalism in India |

Khilafat Issue - Chapter 2 Nationalism in India Class 10 History
• The Ottoman Turkey was defeated in the First World War. There were rumours that a harsh peace treaty was going to be imposed on the Ottoman emperor who is the spiritual head of the Islamic world (the Khalifa).
• Mohammad Ali and his brother Maulana Shaukat Ali with other Muslim leaders formed the All India Khilafat Committee in Bombay in March 1919 to defend the Khalifa’s temporal powers.
• In India, the Muslims demanded from the British
(i) that the Khalifa’s control over Muslim sacred places should be retained.
(ii) the Khalifa should be left with sufficient territories after territorial arrangements.
• Gandhiji saw this as an opportunity to bring Muslims and Hindus together in the united struggle against British oppression.
• Although Gandhi was in favour of launching Satyagraha and non-cooperation against the Government on the Khilafat issue, the Congress was not united on this form of political action.
• At the Calcutta session of the Congress in September 1920, he convinced other leaders of Congress, the need to start a non-cooperation movement in support of Khilafat as well as for swaraj. The Muslim League also decided to give full support to the Congress on this issue.
• The programme was to include:
→ Boycott of government schools and colleges.
→ Boycott of law courts and dispensation of justice should be served through Panchayats instead.
→ Boycott of Legislative Councils, there were some differences over this as some leaders like C.R. Das were not willing to include a boycott of councils.
→ Boycott of foreign cloth and use of khadi instead; also practice of hand-spinning to be done.
→ Renunciation of government honours and titles; the second phase could include mass civil disobedience including resignation from government service, and non-payment of taxes.