NCERT MCQ Questions Answers for Class 10 Political Science Free PDF Download
Here you will get MCQ Questions for Class 10 Political Science from NCERT Textbook that will put you to an advantage over the other classmates and enable you to work on the weak areas. The constant revision helps in retaining more concepts and getting a deeper understanding of various topics. These MCQs Questions for Class 10 will fulfil the needs of every students and speed up their learning process. It will encourage to learn more topics and make the learning more fun. If you are aware of the facts and concepts then it will build up your self-confidence and these are very important in checking them.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Political Science
- MCQ Questions for Chapter 1 Power Sharing
- MCQ Questions for Chapter 2 Federalism
- MCQ Questions for Chapter 3 Democracy and Diversity
- MCQ Questions for Chapter 4 Gender, Religion and Caste
- MCQ Questions for Chapter 5 Popular Struggles and Movements
- MCQ Questions for Chapter 6 Political Parties
- MCQ Questions for Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy
- MCQ Questions for Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy
With the help of the given MCQ Questions for Class 10 Political Science Free PDF Download, you can effectively prioritize the topics for easier understanding. It will be knowing your syllabus fully and managing time which create payed a significant role in every student's preparation. In the process of solving MCQ questions, they develop their problem solving skills and take their preparation to the next level. Some of the types of questions that can be asked in the examination are given below.
1. Sri Lankan Tamil refers to which of the following?
a) Tamil Muslims
b) Tamil native of the country.
c) Tamils whose forefathers came from India in the colonial era.
d) None of the above.
► b) Tamil native of the country.
2. Regarding the coalition government which of the following statement is true?
a) Power is shared among different organs of the government.
b) Power is shared among governments at different levels.
c) Power is shared by different social groups.
d) Power is shared by two or more political parties.
► d) Power is shared by two or more political parties.
3. The rise in the number of political parties is in many states was happened
a) After 1980
b) After 1990
c) After 2000
d) After 2010
► b) After 1990
4. Find the correct statement regarding the revenue source in a federal system?
a) Sources of revenue are clearly specified to ensure its financial autonomy.
b) The state has no financial powers or independent sources of revenue.
c) States are dependent for revenue or funds on the central government.
d) The state has no financial autonomy.
► a) Sources of revenue are clearly specified to ensure its financial autonomy.
5. Which statement is wrong regarding the advantages of decentralization of power?
a) Local people are more efficient to manage local issues.
b) This helps to inculcate a habit of democratic participation.
c) People have a better knowledge of their problems.
d) None of the above.
► d) None of the above.
6. Civil rights movements take place in USA, in
a) 1954-1962
b) 1952-1956
c) 1954-1968
d) 1955-1966
► c) 1954-1968
7. Which of these sentences is incorrect in relation to Yugoslavia?
a) There was political competition along religious and ethnic lines.
b) This leads to the disintegration of Yugoslavia.
c) As a result, three independent countries have come to be set up.
d) None of the above.
► c) As a result, three independent countries have come to be set up.
8. Sex ratio is calculated as
a) The number of boy per thousand girls.
b) The number of women per thousand men.
c) The number of female per thousand male.
d) The number of girl per thousand male.
► c) The number of female per thousand male.
9. Which of these activities provides that equal wages should be paid for equal work irrespective of gender.
a) Same wage act.
b) Equal remuneration act.
c) Wages equality act.
d) Equality wages act.
► c) Wages equality act.
10. A democratic government is
a) An accountable government.
b) A legitimate government.
c) A responsive government.
d) All of the above.
► d) All of the above.
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