Legislations between 1793 and 1813 - Indian Polity
Here you will find Features and Objectives of Legislations between 1793 and 1813 that will help UPSC IAS, SSC, NET, States PCS and other competitive exams aspirants. The notes will be make sure that a student has understood the concepts of the topic in clear and precise manner. These UPSC Notes are well-structured and give you a logical perspective of topics.

Features, Objectives and Provisions of Legislations between 1793 and 1813| UPSC IAS
The main structure of the Indian government as established in the Charter Act of 1793 A.D. was not altered over the course of many years of European conflicts, however minor measures were taken by Parliament to address new challenges. Parliament passed Acts in 1797, 1799 and 1800 which made minor changes in the administrative structure .
The Act of 1797
• It prohibited unauthorised loans by British subjects to Indian princes, and reduced the number of judges of the Calcutta Supreme Court to three.
• It recognised and confirmed the Regulation made by Cornwallis which provided for bringing together in a code all the regulations that might be made for the administration of the British territories in Bengal.
The Act of 1799
• It empowered the Company to raise and maintain British troops in India.
The Act of 1800
• It provided for the establishment of a Supreme Court at Madras, and extended the jurisdiction of the Calcutta Supreme Court to the district of Banaras.