MCQ Questions for Class 6 English Chapter 9 Desert Animals Honeysuckle

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MCQ Questions for Class 6 English Chapter 9 Desert Animals Honeysuckle

Chapter 9 Desert Animals Honeysuckle MCQ Questions for Class 6 English

1. Who holds its tail upright?
(a) Tiger
(b) Lion
(c) Rattlesnake
(d) None of these
► (c) Rattlesnake

2. Which is the desert state in India ?
(a) Himalaya
(b) Chandigarh
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Shimla
► (c) Rajasthan

3. What is a Desert ?
(a) A cave
(b) A mountain area
(c) Driest places on the earth without rain
(d) A hilly area
► (c) Driest places on the earth without rain

4. Where do Gerbils spend the hottest part of the day?
(a) In cool underground burrows
(b) In the sea
(c) In the cave
(d) None of these
► (a) In cool underground burrows

5. Mongooses are famous for being able to kill ______.
(a) Tigers
(b) Lions
(c) Snakes
(d) None of these
► (c) Snakes

6. Where do Rattlesnakes live ?
(a) Hind Continent
(b) Asian Continent
(c) American Continent
(d) Arabian Continent
► (c) American Continent

7. Which animal is known as the desert ship?
(a) Camel
(b) Mongoose
(c) Snake
(d) Ant
► (a) Camel

8. The camel is called as dromedary camel who has ______.
(a) a single hump
(b) two humps
(c) three humps
(d) four humps
► (a) a single hump

9. A thirsty camel can drink as much as ______.
(a) ninety gallons of water
(b) fifty gallons of water
(c) thirty gallons of water
(d) thirty five gallons of water
► (b) fifty gallons of water

10. Bactrian camel has ______.
(a) two humps
(b) one hump
(c) four humps
(d) three humps
► (a) two humps

11. For how many months can a camel survive without water ?
(a) Eight months
(b) Ten months
(c) Six months
(d) Five months
► (b) Ten months

12. What do rattlesnake eat?
(a) Mice
(b) Voles
(c) Chipmunks
(d) All of these
► (d) All of these

13. What do camel have to keep warm?
(a) Long shaggy winter coats
(b) Gallons
(c) Coats
(d) Hump
► (a) Long shaggy winter coats

14. What is the meaning of 'Dodge ?
(a) Move fast
(b) Move slowly
(c) Work slowly
(d) Move quickly to avoid its enemy
► (d) Move quickly to avoid its enemy

15. Rattlesnakes kill their prey with ______.
(a) paws
(b) claws
(c) venom
(d) teeth
► (c) venom
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