MCQ Questions for Class 6 English The Quarrel Honeysuckle
Here you can find MCQ Questions for Class 6 English The Quarrel Honeysuckle with answers make you able to recollect the concepts what you have already studied. It will put you to an advantage over the other classmates and enable you to work on the weak areas. With the help of the given MCQ Questions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle, you can effectively prioritize the topics for easier understanding.
The Quarrel Honeysuckle MCQ Questions with answers online test will be useful in knowing your syllabus fully and managing time which play a significant role in every student's preparation. In the examinations, you will get to familiarize with the questions appear in the exams.

The Quarrel Honeysuckle MCQ Questions for Class 6 English
1. A quarrel between brothers and sister is ______.
(a) Fare
(b) Common
(c) Uncommon
(d) Impossible
► (b) Common
2. What is the meaning of "Fell out" ?
(a) Ending quarrelling
(b) Ending problems
(c) Started problems
(d) Started quarrelling
► (d) Started quarrelling
3. What is the name of the Poetess ?
(a) Lorraine M. Hall
(b) Eleanor Farjeon
(c) Harry Beha
(d) None of these
► (b) Eleanor Farjeon
4. The poetess quarrelled with her ______.
(a) brother
(b) sister
(c) friend
(d) mother
► (a) brother
5. What is the meaning of "Slight" ?
(a) Lightly
(b) Roughly
(c) Bravely
(d) Completely
► (a) Lightly
6. The end of the quarrel was
(a) strong
(b) slight
(c) sharp
(d) all of these
► (a) strong
7. What was the cause of the quarrel ?
(a) The poet knew
(b) The poet did not know
(c) For money
(d) None of the above
► (b) The poet did not know
8. What is the meaning of "turned black" ?
(a) Evening came
(b) Moon came
(c) Night came
(d) Darkness came
► (c) Night came
9. Who thumped the poetess on her back in the afternoon?
(a) Her father
(b) Her mother
(c) Her brother
(d) Her sister
► (c) Her brother
10. What is the meaning of "thumped me on the back" ?
(a) The quarrel begin
(b) The quarrel came to an end
(c) The happiness came to an end
(d) None of these
► (b) The quarrel came to an end
11. "The start of it was slight". It here refers to
(a) start of quarrel
(b) start of the journey
(c) start of love
(d) none of these
► (a) start of quarrel
12. The poetess's brother said in the end, I was ______.
(a) in the right
(b) always right
(c) in the wrong
(d) not wrong
► (c) in the wrong
13. I in the poem stands for
(a) poetess's sister
(b) poetess's brother
(c) poetess's himself
(d) poetess's mother
► (c) poetess's himself
14. How did the quarrel end ?
(a) The quarrel ended in a friendly way
(b) The quarrel ended with arguments
(c) The quarrel ended, when poet accept he was wrong
(d) None of these
► (a) The quarrel ended in a friendly way