Questions and Answers for Me and the Ecology Bit Class 10 English Panorama Part 2 Bihar Board

Me and the Ecology Bit - Jon Lexau Questions Answers

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Important Questions for Me and the Ecology Bit

Author Name

Jon Lexau

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Questions Answers for Me and the Ecology Bit by Jon Lexau

1. Did the narrator enjoy talking about Ecology?


No, the narrator did not enjoy talking about ecology. That is fact that people do not co-operate and show unwillingness in this direction. No body comes forward to join hands in such a mission. He must keep his surroundings clean and free from pollution. But no body does it. People preach about ecology but they do not work for its preservation. So, he says it is very boring job and feels no body listens to him.

2. Why does the narrator ask Mrs. Greene to save paper and aluminium cans?


The narrator asks Mrs. Greene to save paper and aluminium cans so that they may be remade for their use in future.

3. What happened to the tree referred by Mr. Johnson ?


When Jim went to Mr. Johnson's house, he preached to him about ecology. He reminded him that trees must be saved for preservation of ecology. Hearing Jim's comments on the importance of trees, Mr. Johnson referred to a tree near Jim's house. Jim made a path taking a shortcut from Mrs. Greene's house. It was a little tree trying to get bigger but got killed by author when he jumped over it.

4. What was Mr. Williams doing when the author visited him?


When the author went to Mr. William house for collection, he saw that Mr. Williams was burning leaves in the backyard of his house.

5. What is ecology ? Is it essential to preserve it.


Ecology means the natural relationship between living things and the environment.

It is essential to preserve it because the growth and survival of plants and living creatures depend on it. Ecological imbalance has created serious problems in the modern age.

6. What does the narrator of "Me and the Ecology Bit do on saturdays and sundays?


On Saturdays and Sundays, the narrator collects money from the nearly houses for the papers he distributes. 

7. How many blocks away was the post office from Mr. Johnson's house?


The post office was only two blocks away from Mr. Johnson's house.

8. "Nobody's willing to do anything about ecology. Do you agree with the statement ?


Yes, I agree with the statement of the narrator at the end of the entitled 'Me and the Ecology Bit.' The narrator tried to his best to convince people to do something on their part for the sake of ecology. This is a fact that people do not co-operate and show unwillingness in this direction. Many persons like Jim, undertake the work of ecology but nobody comes forward to join hands in such a mission. One must keep his surroundings clear and free from pollution. But nobody does it.

9. Do you think Jim is really ecology friendly boy? Give your own opinion.


Jim is a real ecology friendly boy. He advises Johnson not go to the post office by his car, but as per Johnson's remark he drives his motor-bike round and round his backyard in Summer and snow mobile in winter. He advises his mother to save electric, his mother remarks shows his watching T.V. twenty four hours a day. There remark shows him deviation.

10. What form of Electricity did the narrator use?


The narrator used electricity at home to watch TV and electric mixer.

11. What is Jim's advice to Mr. Williams?


When Jim goes to Mr. William's house, he sees him burning leaves in the backyard. He advises Mr. Williams not to burn the leaves because burning leaves pollutes the air. He tells him that he should make a compost pile which will be good manure for the garden.

12. Is Jim aware of all of the aspects ? Does he always practice ecology measures ? Give arguments in favour of your answer.


No, Jim is not aware of all of the aspects. He tries to be ecofriendly and convince others but no one pays any heed to him. No one likes to give him any contribution amount for being ecofriendly. But he is not dishearten and continues to go ahead on his mission.

He also collects the dirty garbage and other wastes from certain places. He carries them to the places specially made for the purpose. So he finds it difficult to get people to work for ecology. His mother questions over him on the excessive use of electricity in watching the T.V.

13. Women use too many electric things.' What prompts the narrator to says so?


Women have to discharge their duties for their household affairs. They have varieties of work to perform.

In course of discharging their duties, they have to take the help of several tools and appliances, such as the washing machine, the grinder, the electric mixer, the electric iron, the sewing machine. the toaster, fruit juicer, electric heater, electric oven, refrigerator etc. These appliances used electricity to run.

As the narrator observes his mother using the electric mixer. It prompts him to say so.

14. What is ecology? What measures have you and your school taken to preserve it?


Ecology that deals with the habits of living being and relationship between the environment and the living things.

The Headmaster of my school takes keen interest in preservation of ecology. The surroundings of the school is kept clean. In our school environmental science is also taught the class rooms, the toilets, the garden and school building are kept free from dirt. The school peons and gardener take much care towards cleanliness. Our teachers always encourage us in plantation and keeping our surroundings neat and clean. They do not allow garbage and wastes in the school premises and its surroundings.

15. "Sure it is hard to get people to work for ecology you agree with this statement.


Ecology is the science for preservation of n atmosphere and environment.
Preaching about ecology is e difficult to abide by the rules of ecology preservation. Real get people ready to work for ecology is hard. Ecology m keep the environment pollution-free. It is possible only, when surrounding is free from dirtiness and pollution of land, water air. Particularly in western countries where there is a single principle. "Eat, drink and be merry". In India people are ecofriendly

16. Did the narrator succeed in getting Mrs. Greene to something about ecology ?


The narrator advised Mrs. Greene to save news pan and aluminium cans for recycling. He did not succeed in getting her do something about ecology because she did not follow his advice.

17. What happens when the narrator calls Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Greene?


When the narrator calls her Mrs. Greene then she pretends that she had no change to pay him.

18. What advice does Jim narrator give to his mother? What does she reply?


When Jim finds his mother using the electric mixer, he advises her to save an electricity by using her old egg beater.

His mother is offended. She asks him coldly why he watches the television all the time. She reminds him that he himself does not save on electricity.

19. Why did Mr. Johnson think that the narrator did not follow the principle of walking ?


Mr. Johnson thought that Jim did not follow the principle of walking. He thought so because Jim drove his motorbike round and round his backyard all summer. Jim only talked about the advantages of walking. He did not walk himself.

20. Which animal messes up Ms. Greene's yard ?


When Jim visits Mrs. Greene's house, she complains to him against his dog. She tells him that his dog digs up her garden and messes up her yard. She advises him to keep his dog on a least.

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