Classification of Resources- Geography Guide for Class 8

Information about Classification of Resources
Title | Classification of Resources |
Class | Class 8 |
Subject | Class 8 Geography |
Topics Covered |
Classification of Resources Flowchart
Classification Based on Renewability
- Renewable resources are also known as inexhaustible resources.
- Resources, which can be renewed either naturally or by human efforts, are known as renewable resources. For example, solar energy, air and water.
Some of the renewable resources are always available and do not get exhausted by human activities, for example, solar and wind energy. The quality of these resources can be affected by improper usage.
- Resources, which take millions of years to form or renew, are known as non-renewable resources. They are also known as exhaustible resources as they cannot be renewed
- Energy resources, such as coal, petroleum, natural gas and other minerals are the examples of non-renewable resources.
There is a concern about their over-exploitation. They are available in limited amount on the earth's surface and complete utilisation of such resources would result in their exhaustion.
These resources have to be used very carefully as complete exhaustion of these resources would have an adverse effect on the future generations. Some of the minerals like metallic ores (gold and silver) are recyclable. These metals may be used again and again after processing.
Classification Based on Origin
- Resources, which are obtained from biosphere and have life (living beings), are known as biotic resources.
- For example: birds, animals, fish, forests, etc., are biotic resources.
The biotic resources provide a variety of useful products. They have the capacity to reproduce and regenerate. All biotic resources are renewable, but some take a long period of time to be renewed, for example, the forests.
- All non-living resources are known as abiotic resources.
- For example: land, water, minerals, etc.
The abiotic resources are not renewable except water which is inexhaustible. These resources are in great demand for the development of various industries and agriculture.
Classification Based on Occurrence
- Resources, available from nature in the form of water, minerals, forests, etc., and used by human beings to satisfy their needs, are known as natural resources.
Many of these natural resources (e.g. water) are essential for the survival of human beings and form the base for the development of a country.
- Resources created by human beings to satisfy their needs are known as man-made resources, for example, roads, buildings, machines, etc.
These resources are essential for us, but they are also developed from natural resources. The quality and the quantity of people of a country determine its human resource.
- Healthy and well-educated people contribute to their respective societies in positive ways.
- Malnourished and illiterate people, on the other hand, cannot contribute much to their respective societies.
- Human resources are well-developed in Japan as people are skilled and technically developed.
- African nations, inspite of being rich in resources, are less developed as most of the people are unskilled and illiterate.
Classification Based on the Development of Resources
- Available resources in a country, which are not fully tapped, are known as potential resources.
- For example, petroleum can be found in old sedimentary rocks of Himalayas or hydroelectricity can be generated by the force of falling water.
The potential resources need detailed survey for estimating their quantity and quality. A preliminary assessment by the US Geological Survey suggests that the Arctic sea-bed may hold as much as 25% of the world's undiscovered oil and natural gas reserves. By one estimate, 400 billion barrels of oil might lie beneath the Arctic sea-bed.
- The actual resources of a country are those which have been thoroughly surveyed and their quantities have been ascertained.
- The exploration, development and utilisation of an actual resource depends upon the technology available.
- For example, Saudi Arabia has 25.9% of the world oil reserves.
Sustainable Development and Conservation
Sustainable development means development that takes place without damaging the environment. It meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.
Therefore, resources should be utilised judiciously so that after fulfilling our present requirements, they are also conserved for the future generations.
- Most of our resources are limited in their supply.
- Over-use of many valuable resources has led to their degradation or deterioration in quality, for example, soil, land and water resources.
Therefore, it is essential that we:
- use all renewable resources judiciously.
- minimise the depletion of natural resources.
- conserve the varied species.
The use of resources varies from one country to another.
- Due to technology and skilled human resource, the developed countries like United Kingdom (UK) and USA make optimum use of resources as compared to the developing countries like India.
- Distribution of resources across the world is highly uneven.
- Rapid population growth has resulted in over-utilisation of the natural resources.
- This has led to drastic depletion and degradation of natural resources. For example, over-utilisation of soil has resulted in the depletion of the fertility of soil in many parts of the world.
Thus, there is an urgent need to maintain a balance between population, resource planning and conservation. Resources should be used judiciously, otherwise mankind will have to face dire consequences.
Over the last few decades, there has been a tremendous increase in the concern for the conservation and management of resources as they are rapidly depleting and need to be conserved.
Conservation means sustainable and optimum utilisation of resources. We must realise that nature and its resources are not merely ours. They also belong to the future generation. Thus, it is necessary to use the resources more efficiently and reduce wastage. Development of technology, human skill and population control is essential for a long-term sustainability of natural resources.
We have to create sustainable community for the sustenance of life on the planet, else the ecological balance will be disturbed. Our Earth is the only habitable planet. So, spread awareness for saving earth from further deterioration. Follow 3R's, i.e. reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse and rethink. Use the resources according to the 'need' and not according to the 'greed'. Care for nature, it will care for you.