Extra Questions and Answers for A Question of Trust Class 10 English Footprints without Feet

Important questions for Chapter 4 A Question of Trust has been prepared by our expert teachers. Students can read and learn from these questions and these are very important in their examination. Class 10 English Footprints without Feet A Question of Trust extra questions are very helpful in understanding the chapter. It also help in the revision of the chapter. Students can rely on these important questions and answers taken from the chapter A Question of Trust to get good marks in their English Paper. By understanding these questions, students will be have better knowledge of the story.

Extra Questions and Answers for A Question of Trust Class 10 English Footprints without Feet

A Question of Trust Extra Questions Class 10 English

Short Answer Type Questions for A Question of Trust

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:

Question 1: How did Horace know all the details of the house?
Horace had been studying the house for the past two weeks. Moreover, a magazine article had described this house, giving a plan of all the rooms and a picture of the room. There were also the details of the safe hidden behind the painting.

Question 2: How did Horace fulfil his desire of reading books after he was arrested?
After Horace was arrested, he became the assistant librarian in the prison and fulfilled his desire of reading books.

Question 3: Though Horace planned everything meticulously, why did he fail?
Though Horace planned everything meticulously; he failed led because of the smart lady. She posed herself to be the owner of the house and convinced him to open the shelf as she had not the password of the shelf. Horace got trapped in her plot.

Question 4: How did the flowers cause him trouble?
Horace Danby had an allergy from flowers, especially during pollen season. When flowers are nearby, he got sneezing. The only cure for it was to stay away from those path flowers.

Question 5: What was Horace Danby's hobby? How did he manage to fulfil his hobby?
Horace's only hobby was to read expensive and rare books. He used to rob a safe every year in order to arrange money for his hobby. He used to get those books from an agent.

Question 6: How did the lady spoil his plan?
The lady posed as the owner of the house in front of Horace. Horace got scared and believed her. She asked him to open the safe as she had forgotten the password. Horace opened the safe and handed over the jewels to her. Hence, Horace's plan of robbing the safe was spoiled.

Question 7: Why did the lady report to the police though she promised that she would not report to the police? Or How did the lady deceive Horace?
The lady was very clever and shrewd. She promised Horace that she would not report to the police if he helped her in getting the jewels from the safe. Horace broke the safe and helped her. But she didn't keep her promise as she was also a thief and did not want to get into trouble.

Question 8: How did Horace enter the Shotover Grange?
Horace had seen the housekeeper hang the key in the hook outside the kitchen door. He came out from behind the garden wall. He put on his gloves, took the key and opened the door of the kitchen and entered the Shotover Grange.

Long Answer Type Questions for A Question of Trust

Answer the following questions in 100-150 words :

Question 1: Horace Danby represents such people who adopt the wrong ways to fulfil their wishes. What values would you like such people to imbibe to reform themselves?
Horace Danby was a successful businessman. He was about fifty years old and a respectable citizen but had a habit that led him to do robberies. Danby loved rare, expensive books and to get them he used to rob a safe every year. Every year he planned carefully just to get what he wanted. Danby adopted wrong ways to fulfil his wishes and hence, later got trapped in a plot by a thief like him. People should imbibe good values. They should learn that hard work is the only key to success. One should work hard to fulfil one's desires. I think such people should imbibe the values of honesty, responsibility, hard work, dedication and self-confidence in order to reform themselves. One should either curb one's wishes or try to fulfil them by working hard. There is no shortcut to hard work.

Question 2: Horace Danby was a respectable man but he could not be called loyal. What do you think could be the reasons for leading a respectable man like him on the path of thievery? Did he feel lack of sense of freedom? Was it not in his nature to accept the differences among people regarding their social status? Discuss the values he should have possessed.
Horace Danby's habits were not typical of a thief. He was fond of books and was a respectable man but his passion for books led him to commit thefts. He used to steal only once in a year so, he was never stealing more than his needs. He stole only to buy rare books; he loved rare and expensive books. Moreover, Danby used to rob only rich people. It was his nature to accept the differences among people regarding their social status. He was aware that people with high socio-background could help him fulfil his desire. He found such people easy to rob.

Question 3: Horace promised the young lady that he would follow the path of honesty if sills would not hand him over to the police but he could not keep his promise for more than days. Did he lack reconciliation? Was it not in his nature to keep his promise? Did he lack the courage to fulfil his needs through an honest living? Discuss the values he needed to imbibe.
The lady manipulated the whole situation as well as Horace and very skillfully got the jewels without even touching anything. She talked high things like protecting the society from culprits like Horace. Horace promised her that he would follow the path of honesty. He helped her in getting the jewels by breaking the safe without wearing gloves. But after two days, police caught him for stealing the jewels. He could not convince them that he had not taken the jewels and had helped the owner's wife. The condition provoked him to break his promise. Although he honestly felt that he would not rob any more he could not do so as he had no other choice left.

Question 4: Horace stated that he robbed only those who had a lot of money. Was he really a threat to the society? Did he lack the qualities of a good citizen? Discuss the values he needs to imbibe to lead a path of righteousness.
I don't think Horace was a threat to the society. He never threatened anyone and rather stole for a very good reason. He used to rob a safe every year to pursue his hobby of getting rare and expensive books to read. He was not a professional thief. Moreover, he never harmed anyone. He was considered a good and honest citizen by everyone. He was about fifty years old and unmarried. He had all the qualities of a good citizen. He was not a criminal or a typical thief. He did so only to fulfil his need. He was an honest and good man. He believed in the lady's story and gave away all the jewels to her. If he had been a criminal, he would have killed the lady or would have never handed the jewels to her.

Question 5: Horace Danby requested the lady to forget what she saw. Was Horace afraid of being caught? Did he lack the courage to admit his crime publicly? Explain the values one must imbibe to accept one's mistake.
Yes, Horace Danby was afraid of being caught. He lacked the courage to accept his crime publicly. He was not a professional criminal or thief. He was considered a good and honest man by everyone. He was about fifty years old and unmarried. His house was looked after by a housekeeper. He used to rob only one safe every year to pursue his habit of getting rare and expensive books to read. He used to rob only those who were rich. He had a good reputation in the society and hence did not want anyone to know about his crimes. Although he helped the lady but was caught by the police for the crime he did not commit. He learnt from his mistake.

Question 6: "Horace had some hope because she seemed to be amused at meeting him." Why did Horace feel so? Did he consider the young lady compassionate towards him? Did he find her free from biases? Discuss the values Horace should have imbibe understanding of the person.
Horace was a fifty-year-old man who used to rob only to buy rare and expensive. This time he decided to rob Shot over Grange. But as soon as he entered the room, a young lady appeared. She posed to be the lady of the house. She was very confident in her way of mannerism. Then she tried to be polite and nice to him. On hearing her, Horace felt that he had a hope of escaping. He found her a bit compassionate towards him. He was amused at Horace. She acted in quite a subtle manner and showed her sympathy and admiration towards a simple and honest man. He could not judge her ace. She made Horace promise that he would never commit the crime again. Horace should have been clever, shrewd and witty like the lady.
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