Extra Questions and Answers for Bholi Class 10 English Footprints without Feet
Important questions for Chapter 9 Bholi has been prepared by our expert teachers. Students can read and learn from these questions and these are very important in their examination. Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Bholi extra questions are very helpful in understanding the chapter. It also help in the revision of the chapter. Students can rely on these important questions and answers taken from the chapter Bholi to get good marks in their English Paper. By understanding these questions, students will be have better knowledge of the story.

Bholi Extra Questions Class 10 English
Short Answer Type Questions for Bholi
Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:
Question 1: " God cannot be everywhere, so he created Mothers". Do you think Bholi's mother complies with this statement? Give reasons supporting your answer.
Bholi's mother does not comply with this statement. Bholi's mother never took care of her—neither in childhood or in young age. She was not concerned even about her studies or clothing. She did not bother about Bholi's groom whether he was an aged person or a greedy one, whether he would honour her daughter or keep her as a slave in his house.
Question 2: What was the initiative taken by Ramlal to persuade Bishamber to marry Bholi?
Ramlal persuaded Bishamber to marry Bholi by giving him the dowry of five thousand rupees to which he readily agreed because he was a greedy man.
Question 3: Did Bholi feel better when her teacher assured to make her the most learned in her village?
Bholi was sent to the school because the Tehsildar compelled Ramlal to send one of his daughters to the school, so that it might proved a role model for other girls. She was a slow learner and stammered while speaking and all the children in the school made fun of her. But her teacher encouraged her and made all efforts to make her the most learned in her village. She was impressed by her soft and soothing voice. She felt comfortable and stopped stammering. Now, she was full of confidence and learned all the syllabus taught by her teacher.
Question 4: Give two points to demonstrate that Bholi's wedding was a grand one.
Bholi's marriage was fixed with Bishamber who had a big shop, his own house and several thousands in the bank. It was a grand marriage. A brass-band playing a popular tune from an Indian film headed the procession. Secondly, the bridegroom was riding on a decorated horse. He came there with a big party of friends and relatives. The baraat looked like a procession.
Question 5: What two actions did Bholi take to stop her marriage to Bishamber?
Bholi had always been a very submissive girl. She always agreed to whatever her parents said. Bholi's marriage was going to take place with Bishamber who himself was forty-five or fifty years old. He also limped and had two children from his first wife. Even then he demanded 5000 rupees as dowry. Bholi stopped the marriage by throwing away the garland in the fire. She threw away the veil and asked her father to take back the money and refused to marry Bishamber.
Question 6: How did Bholi console her father in the end?
Bholi consoled her father that even if she did not get married, she would take care of her parents in their old age. She also told them that she would teach in the same school where she had learnt so much.
Question 7: Draw a conclusion as to why Bholi's teacher felt like an artist admiring her masterpiece.
Bholi's teacher felt like an artist admiring her masterpiece, when she realized how her soothing words, education, and motivation gave confidence to Bholi to face the world and transformed her from a girl who was unsure about herself and from a backward child, to a bold and confident girl.
Question 8: What did the Tehsildar suggest to Ramlal?
The Tehsildar had come to the village to open the first primary school for girls. He told Ramlal that as a revenue official he was the representative of the government in the village, and so should set an example for the villagers by sending his daughters to school.
Question 9: Everyone's first day at school is generally filled with fun, joy and happiness. How was Bholi's first day at school?
The teacher gave her a book having colourful pictures of animals. With every picture was a word in big black letters. The teacher told her that she would be able to read that book in a month. Then she would give her a bigger book. She liked the book very much. Thus she enjoyed her first day in school.
Question 10: How was Bholi different from the other children at home?
When Bholi was 10 months old, she fell from a cot. This damaged a part of her brain and affected her intelligence. She became a slow learner, a retarded child. So, she was called Bholi', a simpleton. When she was two years old, she had an attack of smallpox that left pockmarks on her face and she looked ugly. Rest of her brothers and sisters were normal.
Question 11: What idea do you form of Ramlal's personality?
Ramlal was the revenue officer of the village. He was a prosperous farmer and had seven children. He was orthodox. He did not believe in the ideology of sending girls to school as it would be difficult to find a good match for them. He wanted to get rid of Bholi as she was ugly and not intelligent.
Long Answer Type Questions for Bholi
Answer the following questions in 100-150 words:
Question 1: Bholi was a very innocent girl but never got the deserved love, care and acceptance from her family. Despite this, she readily agrees to whatever her parents say. Discuss the character of Bholi in the light of the above-mentioned.
Bholi was the fourth daughter of Ramlal. She got her brain damaged when she was only ten months old. At the age of two, she had an attack of smallpox which left permanent pockmarks on her body. She stammered while speaking. Thus, she was an ignored, neglected child in the family. Nobody took care of her. Nobody loved her. Nobody had any expectation from her. Her parents called her a dumb cow and treated her so. The old dresses of her sister were passed on to her. She was considered to be a burden and thus she had no confidence or self-esteem. Luckily she was sent to school and her teacher changed her life entirely. Now she was a learned girl. When her parents decided to marry her with Bishamber a fifty years old lame, greedy person, she did not speak a word and agreed to it silently for the sake of her parents. Later on, when Bishamber insulted her parents and demanded 5000 rupees, she refused to marry him and declared that she would never marry anyone and would always serve her parents in their old age. Thus in spite of being a neglected child, Bholi acted like all daughters in Indian societies, who are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of their family.
Question 2: Bholi detested and finally rejected the dowry seeker. She used to be a meek girl. What changed her attitude towards life?
Bholi was a meek and simple girl. She had pockmarks on her body. Her brain got damaged when she was just ten months. She was also a slow learner. She could not speak till she was five. Later on, she started stammering while speaking.
She was sent to school just for formality. Her parents were not serious about her studies. But her teacher changed her life. She encouraged her to speak properly and to learn more and more in school. Then she knew what was good or what was bad. She could differentiate between right and wrong. Education totally changed her personality. Even then she behaved like an obedient girl and agreed to marry Bishamber- a fifty years old person. But she could not stand his demand of dowry. She refused to fulfil Bishamber's demand of five thousand rupees and denied to marry him. Thus education changed her attitude towards her life and made her self-confident.
Question 3: 'And in her smiling eyes was the light of deep satisfaction that an artist feels when he is contemplating the completion of his masterpiece.' Imagine you are Bholi's teacher. You are overwhelmed with a sense of satisfaction to see the transition of Bholi into Sulekha. Express your feelings in the form of a diary entry.
Diary entry
Today I feel very happy and satisfied as I got success in transforming Bholi to Sulekha. As her name signifies Bholi, was really a simple girl. I cannot forget her first entry in my class. She appeared to be a frightened, confused and a simple girl. She used to stammer while speaking but my two words of affection filled her with confidence. She left stammering and became a confident, determined girl. She was determined to learn everything silently. In her family, nobody noticed the changes that took place in her personality and got her engaged to a fifty-year-old lame man with two children. For the honour of her parents she agreed to this marriage. But she could not stand with the demand of dowry. She threw away her garland in the fire and asked her father to take back the money. She raised her voice against dowry. She asked the ladies of the village why girls should be treated like a dumb cow. This was the change I always wanted to see in her personality. Today, I feel I have completed my masterpiece without any error. Today she stands true to her real name Sulekha!
Question 4: Describe how Bholi, a dumb cowgirl fought against this evil of Dowry, so rampant in India.
Bholi was considered a dumb cowgirl. She was sent to the school just to obey the orders of Tehsildar. Her teacher played an important role in changing her life from Bholi. Now she became a confident, educated girl but nobody noticed any change in her personality because she was no one for her family. She got engaged with a fifty years old lame man for which she agreed silently. But when he demanded five thousand rupees as dowry Bholi at once stood up against it. She refused to marry him. She gave her consent for a mismatched marriage but she did not support dowry. She called Bishamber a mean, greedy and contemptible coward. She was no more a dumb driven cow. She set an example for the society and became a role model for all the girls.
Question 5: Who was Bishamber? Why did Bholi's parents accept his marriage proposal?
Bishamber Nath was a well-to-do grocer of the same age as Bholi's father. He was a widower who had a house of his own and a big bank balance. Bishamber had a dream for Ramlal, who, after an initial hesitation, was overjoyed to accept his proposal for marriage. Moreover, Bishamber did not demand dowry. For Ramlal, Bholi was the fourth daughter. Her pock-marked face, her slowness in understanding things, and her stammering were real problems, for Ramlal in marrying her off. However, Bishamber Nath were not aware of these 'flaws' of Bholi. So when he proposed to Ramlal, he readily accepted fearing that if he rejected the proposal Bholi would remain unmarried all her life. She would then be a burden on her parents. Thus, Ramlal felt lucky to have a groom like Bishamber Nath for his daughter.
Question 6: 'It was a twist of fate that future was made better.' Prove the above statement with reference to how Bholi was sent to school and educated.
Bholi was a weak, timid person. She was an ignored child. Her parents treated her like a burden. She was neglected, ill-treated and considered a dumb cow by her family. She was sent, to school, her parents thought she would not be able to get a match with her slow brain and pockmarked ugly fact. This was a twist of fate for her.
At the school she luckily got a motivating and encouraging teacher who instilled in her traits of self-confidence, self-respect and courage. Being a submissive child, she did this to make her parents happy although her parents never did anything to make her feel good. She agreed to marry a lame, widower with grown-up children. At the time of garlanding, the widower, Bishmabar noticed porkmarks on Bholi's face. He demanded Rs. 5000 as dowry money. Her father pleaded to lessen the amount but he stuck to his demand. This aroused Bholi's self-respect and she refused in front of all to marry such a greedy, mean and heartless fellow. She decided to become a school teacher and serve her parents in their old age. Her school teacher had done a miracle. She had transformed a timid, dumb cow into a bold, courageous, confident and self-respecting person.
Question 7: Bholi's father was more anxious about her than about her other siblings. Why didn't Bholi's parents treat her at par with other siblings? Parents are the ones who the children look up to. Do you justify the attitude of the parents?
When Bholi was ten months old, she fell down from a cot. This damaged a part of her brain and affected her intelligence and speech. She became a slow learner and started speaking with a stammer. So she was called Bholi or a simpleton. Besides, at the age of two, she got an attack of smallpox which left pockmarks on her face making her ugly. She was ill-treated and ignored by her family. She remained backwards and neglected. She never got new clothes. The old dresses of her sisters were passed onto her. No one cared to mend or wash her clothes, put oil in her hair or comb them properly. She was never able to understand the reason for such differences. She could never connect herself with her parents. The values that children share with their parents were missing from them. She got these values from her teacher. She became an obedient and well-behaved daughter of her parents. No, I don't justify the attitude of the parents. Parents love their children even if they are ugly or slow learners. To them, their child is the best. They love them dispite their shortcomings. Bholi's parents didn't even acknowledge her existence.
Question 8: The story, amply throws light on some social evils being practised in our society. Bholi took a stand and succeeded in overcoming social bathers. How does the story of Bholi offer hope for all young girls in the country?
Bholi was an ill-treated and ignored child. She had pockmarks on her face making her ugly. She was also a slow learner, a retarded child and also stammered while talking. Her parents always neglected her and she was a nuisance for them. When she grew up, the parents received a marriage proposal for her from Bishamber. He was a lame, old widower with grown-up children. Her parents were happy to get the proposal. At the time of marriage when Bishamber saw pockmarks on Bholi's face, he asked a dowry of Rs. 5000 to marry her. Bholi's father agreed. This aroused the self-respect of Bholi and she refused to many such a greedy, mean and heartless, lame, old man. Her behaviour revealed that she took a stand and succeeded in overcoming social barriers. She announced to remain a spinster and never to marry.
We can also contribute to change the social attitudes by educating our girls. We should make them self-confident and independent. We can all follow the norm 'each one teaches one' to eradicate illiteracy and spread awareness, as only education guarantees a better future.
Question 9: Bholi's teacher was not an ordinary teacher. She was more than that. Suppose you become a teacher. What qualities of Bholi's teacher will you imbibe to help students to overcome social discrimination?
If I become a teacher, I will install all the qualities that Bholi's teacher have, to help students to overcome social discrimination.
Bholi was sent to school because of her ugly face and lack of intelligence; she had little chance of getting a match. "Let the teachers at school worry about her," said her mother. Her teacher worked on her as an artist. She motivated and encouraged her, instilled in her traits of self-confidence, self-respect and courage. Education and the teacher's efforts produced wonderful results. She stopped stammering. Her teacher was a caring, affectionate and kind lady who brought change in her life. She built up Bholi's confidence and self-respect. Only because of her teacher's instincts she could have the courage to refuse to marry a mean, greedy, lame old man.
Question 10: Give a brief character sketch of Bholi and describe the role of the teacher played in her life.
Bholi's real name was Sulekha. But everyone started calling her a fool since the time that she was a little child. When she was ten months old, she fell off the cot and damaged some part of her brain. This affected her intelligence and her speech. She couldn't speak till she was five. And even after that, she would stammer. She was laughed at and mimicked by other children. So she talked very little. Fate played a cruel joke on her. An attack of smallpox left pock marks all over her face and body. The fair and pretty two-year-old child became ugly looking. She was devoid of love of her parents. She never got new clothes to wear. She was sent to a school where she found a wonderful teacher. She was a caring, affectionate, kind lady who brought change in her life. Her parents were worried about Bholi's future. They wanted to marry her off to a lame old man. By the efforts of her teacher, Bholi had become a confident girl who could stand up for herself and decide what was good or bad for her refuse to marry a mean, greedy, lame old man. Thus, a loving mentor and good education changed Bholi's life forever.