Extract Based Questions for Class 10 English First Flight
Class 10 First Flight Extract Based Questions for English has been provided by our experts. These questions are made on the extract or paragraph taken from the story and poem present in the book. Extract based questions are of multiple choice type where students need to select the correct option for each question by studying the paragraph clearly. In the board examination of English for class 10, Extract based questions from NCERT textbook First Flight is asked. There are total 2 paragraph in the question paper where one poem and one story is included.

Extract Questions for Class 10 First Flight English
Students need to go through these extract based questions for class 10 english in order to understand the poem as well as story in a better way. By giving answer to these extract based questions, students would be able to score good marks in the examination paper. Also, learning the questions from the paragraph of the story and stanzas of the poem is the best to revise the chapters. Here, we are providing you the list of chapters for class 10 first flight. Students can click on the name of the chapters to go through the extract based questions for the same.
- Chapter 1 A Letter to God
- Chapter 2 Long Walk to Freedom
- Chapter 3 His First Flight
- Chapter 3 Black Aeroplane
- Chapter 4 From the Diary of Anne Frank
- Chapter 5 The Hundred Dresses - I
- Chapter 6 The Hundred Dresses- II
- Chapter 7 Glimpses of India
- Chapter 8 Mijbil the Otter
- Chapter 9 Madam Rides the Bus
- Chapter 10 The Sermon at Benares
- Chapter 11 The Proposal
- Dust of Snow
- Fire and Ice
- A Tiger in the Zoo
- How to Tell Wild Animals
- The Ball Poem
- Amanda!
- Animals
- The Trees
- Fog
- The Tale of Custard the Dragon
- For Anne Gregory
These Extract Based Questions is one of the best tool to perform better in the examination. Also, it will fulfil the needs of every students and speed up their learning process. By taking the help of Extract Based Questions for Class 10 English First Flight Free PDF Download, students will have clear concepts about the story and the poem. The extensive practice will help you in familiarizing with the pattern of questions and what type of question can appear in the exams. You can cover a large portion of syllabus in short span of time and have a great vigour.
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