Extra Questions and Answers for Footprints without Feet Class 10 English Footprints without Feet
Important questions for Chapter 5 Footprints without Feet has been prepared by our expert teachers. Students can read and learn from these questions and these are very important in their examination. Class 10 English Footprints without Feet extra questions are very helpful in understanding the chapter. It also help in the revision of the chapter. Students can rely on these important questions and answers taken from the chapter Footprints without Feet to get good marks in their English Paper. By understanding these questions, students will be have better knowledge of the story.

Footprints without Feet Extra Questions Class 10 English
Short Answer Type Questions for Footprints without Feet
Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:
Question 1: Why was Mrs. Hall angry with Griffin, the strange scientist?
Griffin had attacked Mr. and Mrs. Hall and had even thrown her mother's chair at her. Moreover, Griffin had not paid the rent for a long time. This made Mrs. Hall angry. Griffin didn't like Mrs. Hall at all.
Question 2: How did Griffin try to get rid of Mrs. Hall's accusations Griffin didn't like Mrs. Hall at all?
He got furious with Mrs. Hall's accusation of stealing money and of not paying her rent. He threw off his bandages, spectacles and became invisible. He hit everyone and escaped from there.
Question 3: Why did Griffin set the landlord's house on fire?
Griffin was not liked by his landlord. He decided to take revenge on him, so one day he set his house on fire. He had made a potion which could make him go invisible and he did not want anyone to know about his secret discovery.
Question 4: How did Griffin escape from the London store?
Griffin felt cold so he went inside an apparel store and dressed himself up. So, he was completely visible to everyone. When two attendants of the store discovered Griffin, they chased him. Hence, in order to protect himself, he threw away his clothes and became invisible and escaped from the London store.
Question 5: How did Griffin become invisible?
Griffin swallowed a concoction of certain rare drugs that made his body transparent like glass, and also, solid as glass.
Question 6: Why were the landlord and his wife surprised to see the scientist's door open?
They were surprised because typically the door to the scientist's room was shut and locked, and he would be very angry if anyone entered it.
Question 7: Why did Griffin go inside a big London store?
Griffin went inside a big London store to gain some warmth, find a place for the night, and also to put on some clothes.
Question 8: Why did Griffin not get a suitable house to live in?
Griffin was a lawless person. He was largely disliked by all. When his landlord tried to evict him from his house, Griffin was very angry and he set fire to the house and escaped due to his invisibility. Thereafter, it became difficult for him to find a proper place to live in.
Question 9: How did Griffin try to become visible?
Griffin went into a shop in Drury Lane, the heart of the theatre world, with the aim of finding something to wear, and becoming visible. He emerged from the shop wearing bandages around his forehead, dark glasses, a false nose, bushy sideburns and a large hat.
Question 10: Why were the two boys surprised when they saw the imprints of a pair of bare feet?
The two boys could see muddy footprints on the steps of a house in central London, descending towards the street. It was surprising to see the footprints without seeing anybody making them. The two boys followed the footprints until they disappeared.
Question 11: How did he save himself from the chasing staff of the store?
Griffin took advantage of his being invisible and took shelter in a store at night. When Griffin saw that the salesmen of the store were coming near him, he took off all his clothes and became invisible. He did not have any other choice to save himself.
Question 12: Why was Mrs Hall hysterical and fell down the stairs?
When Mrs. Hall went to see the invisible man in his room, she found the bedroom chair had alive, springing into the air, it charged straight into her. Then the chair pushed both the husband and the wife out of the room. She felt that the spirits had entered into her furniture and she became hysterical.
Long Answer Type Questions for Footprints without Feet
Answer the following questions in 100-150 words:
Question 1: How would you assess Griffin as a scientist and a human being? What qualities or values would you suggest will make him a better person?
Griffin was an eccentric scientist who had discovered a rare drug which could make him invisible. Griffin became invisible not for the welfare of the society but to satisfy his own ego and carry out his evil deeds. He was a brilliant scientist but not a law abiding person. He was a criminal who had no respect for humanity or law. He stole money from the clergyman's house, set the landlord's house on fire and even killed his father for his own benefit. He was not also a good human being. He was rude to everyone around. When everyone asked about his secret, he hit them and escaped becoming invisible. I would like to suggest him to imbibe empathy, kindness, helpfulness, honesty, generosity, social responsibility, etc. These values will make him a better person. He should have used his discovery for the benefit of society and his country. He should be more human and loving towards the people around him.
Question 2: Mrs. Hall found the scientist rather eccentric. How can he be helped to lead a normal life? Highlight the values that can help him become a better person.
Griffin was an eccentric scientist who had come to Ping in a desire for solitude. He did not wish to be disturbed and moreover, he had come to the town at that time of winter when no one visited that place. Mrs. Hall found him eccentric also because of his looks. He was overdressed with all parts of his body covered. He was wearing dark glasses, big bushy side whiskers and a large hat all the time, even at night. He could be helped to lead a normal life by guiding him patiently. He should be counselled to work for the welfare of the society. The values of empathy, social responsibility, kindness, helpfulness, honesty to his profession, generosity could help Griffin become a better person.
Question 3: Griffin was his own enemy. What typical traits of his character led to his downfall? Mention some of the values he should have possessed.
A man who doesn't know how to manage his temper is the worst enemy of himself This way, Griffin was truly his own enemy. He was short-tempered, violent and lawless. Being a person prone to anger, and a scientist, proved to be a dangerous combination. He would attack without provocation, as he attacked the Drury Lane shopkeeper. Despite being invisible, he was careless enough to be 'discovered' stealing at the clergyman's house. Thus, all these character flaws, i.e., uncontrolled anger, aggression, impatience, restlessness, vexation and uncontrolled behaviour led to his downfall. He was an intelligent scientist who could earn good money by adopting good ways. He could have helped the people of his community and earn a good name for himself.
Question 4: Griffin's unlawful activities devalue his scientific discovery. What are some of the qualities that he should develop?
Griffin was a scientist who had actually made a major discovery. He had discovered a medicine and if a person drank that medicine, he would easily go invisible. However, his unlawful activities greatly undermined his discovery. People were afraid of him and did not recognize his achievement due to his anger and violent nature. Griffin ought to have been more tolerant and patient. Instead of terrorizing people with his discovery, he should have exercised patience, and gradually revealed himself to the world. Patience would have been an asset for him, as he would have waited for the right time and right opportunities to make his discovery public and enjoy his fame and riches brought by the discovery.