Extra Questions and Answers for In the Kingdom of Fools Class 9 English Moments

Important questions for Chapter 4 In the Kingdom of Fools has been prepared by our expert teachers. Students can read and learn from these questions and these are very important in their examination. Class 9 English Moments In the Kingdom of Fools extra questions are very helpful in understanding the chapter. It also help in the revision of the chapter. Students can rely on these important questions and answers taken from the chapter In the Kingdom of Fools to get good marks in their English Paper. By understanding these questions, students will be have better knowledge of the story.

Extra Questions and Answers for In the Kingdom of Fools Class 9 English Moments

In the Kingdom of Fools Extra Questions Class 9 English

Short Answer Type Questions for In the Kingdom of Fools

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.

Question 1: How was the kingdom of fools different from other places?
Everything was strange and abnormal in the city of fools. People used to sleep in the day and work in the night; the price of everything was same-a single duddu. It was all very strange. Such things were available nowhere. So the kingdom of fools was different from other places.

Question 2: How according to the king had justice come a full circle?
According to the king, the first accused was a merchant. He blamed the bricklayer who blamed the dancing girl. She blamed the goldsmith who in turn blamed the merchant. Thus, justice had come to a full circle.

Question 3: Why did the guru want to leave the kingdom quickly? Why did the disciple decided to stay on? 
The guru realised that the place was dangerous. Anything could happen to him as it was the kingdom of fools. So, he decided to leave it. But the disciple decided to stay on as he wanted to enjoy cheap and good food.

Question 4: Who was finally blamed for the crime and why?
The rich man was finally blamed. It was because his father was the real murderer of the thief, but he had died. However, his son had inherited his property and his sins. Therefore, he was to die for his father's crime.

Question 5: Why did the servants of the king catch the disciple?
The rich merchant was very thin. He was not fit for the stake. The king decided to find a person fat enough to fit the stake. The disciple had grown fat with all the food he had been eating. Thus, the king's servants caught him.

Question 6: Why were the people of the kingdom confused when they saw the dead bodies of the king and his minister?
The people of the kingdom were confused as to how their king and the minister were dead instead of the guru and the disciple. The people were not able to see through the plan which was executed by the guru against their King and the minister.

Question 7: When does the disciple remember the words of his Guru?
The disciple did not pay any heed to the advice of his Guru, when the Guru asked him to leave the kingdom of fools. When the king decided that the disciple was the suitable person for execution, he remembered the words of the Guru.

Question 8: Why did the Guru want that he and his disciple should die first?
The Guru had hatched a plan to save his disciple's life. Hence, he put forth the proposal to the King to kill the Guru and then his disciple.

Question 9: On what conditions did the Guru and his disciple agree to rule the kingdom?
He laid the condition that he would be free to change all the old and foolish laws. Hence, night was considered as night and day as day. People would work during the day and not the night. Also, the prices of different materials would be different according to their values.

Question 10: Why did the Guru not want to stay in the Kingdom of Fools?
The Guru did not want to stay in the Kingdom of Fools as the people and the administration were all foolish and he was very doubtful about such a place. He feared that only harm could come in such a place.

Question 11: Why did the disciple not want to leave the Kingdom of Fools?
The disciple did not want to leave the Kingdom of Fools as everything was very cheap and easily available. This would make his life easy and simple.

Question 12: Why did the King decide to postpone the execution of the Guru and his disciple?
The Guru had convinced the King that people dying on the stake would rule the kingdom in their next birth. The foolish king fell for the Guru's words and wished to hatch a plan to die himself. Hence, he postponed their execution.

Question 13: Who is the real culprit according to the king? Why does he escape from the punishment?
According to the king, the rich merchant was the real culprit. He had inherited everything from his father.. the riches as well as the mistakes. The king had got a special stake made for him. However, he was too thin to be properly executed. Hence, the king changed the order and asked for a fat man who would fit the stake. Thus, the merchant escaped the punishment.

Question 14: What advice did the Guru give to the disciple before going from the city?
The Guru told his disciple that it was too dangerous to stay in a Kingdom of Fools. He said that there was no justice, the people of the Kingdom were foolish and had unpredictable behaviour.

Question 15: Guru was a wise man. Explain. When does the disciple realize this?
The Guru's wisdom was that there was no justice in the Kingdom of Fools and due to the unpredictable behaviour of the fools, he wanted to leave the kingdom at once. The disciple remembered these words when the king decided that the disciple was the suitable person for execution based on his size.

Question 16: Why did the king want to punish the merchant?
The king wanted to punish the merchant because the wall of his house had fallen on the thief killing him. Since the merchant had inherited his father's wealth, he inherited his sins too. Therefore, he should be punished.

Question 17: Who became the king and the prime minister of the kingdom?
As the kingdom was without a king, the people of the kingdom persuaded the Guru and the disciple to take over the throne. So, the holy man became the king and his disciple took the charge of Prime Minister.

Long Answer Type Questions for In the Kingdom of Fools

Answer the following questions in 100-150 words.

Question 1: The disciple in the story didn't look into the depth of the matter and took a hasty decision of not leaving the kingdom of fools. What light does the story throw on the importance of good decision making in one's life?
The disciple in the story didn't look into the depth of the matter and took a hasty decision of not leaving the kingdom of fools. The disciple was waylaid by the prices of the commodities. Anything could be bought with a `duddu'. Either it could be a mass of rice or a bunch of bananas. So, the disciple decided to stay back not listening to his Guru who advised his disciple that it was dangerous to stay back in the kingdom of fools. There was no justice in that kingdom. It was when the disciple was chosen as the suitable person for execution that he realized his mistake. He regretted his decision of staying back. Just one small decision risked his life.

Question 2: You are the disciple in the story. You are in trouble as you are about to be hanged. You decide to write a letter to your guru regretting your decision to stay in the kingdom of fools and requesting him to help you. Write the letter in 80 words.
Respected Guruji,
I am writing this letter out of sheer desperation. I sincerely regret not paying heed to your advice of leaving this Kingdom of Fools. I fell prey to my temptation for cheap and tasty food. But now, I am in serious trouble. I have been trapped and will shortly be hanged. Everyone here is foolish and there is no point in reasoning with them. You are my only hope. Please save me from this situation. I promise to pay heed to your advice and keep myself in control.
Yours disciple

Question 3: How did the Guru and his disciple become the king and the minister of the kingdom?
The Guru knew that his king and his minister were fools. In order to save his disciple, Guru hatched a plan. He said that the first one to be executed at the stake would become the king in his next life. The second one to be executed would become the minister. The foolish king and his minister freed the guru and his disciple and took their place in the cell instead. They were beheaded instead of the guru and his disciple. As the kingdom was without a king, the people begged the guru and his disciple to rule them. The guru agreed. 

Question 4: How did the Guru manage to save his disciple?
The king ordered to execute the disciple. He prayed to his Guru to save him. The Guru heard his prayer in his vision and appeared to rescue his disciple. First, he whispered something in his disciple's ears and then asked the king to execute him first. The disciple followed the suit, which puzzled the king. Knowing the secret, the king fell into the trap of his temptation and wanted to be the king in his rebirth. He went to the prison that night and set the guru and his disciple free. He himself got executed. Thus, the guru managed to save his disciple.

Question 5: "Guru was a wise man". How does the story reflect it?
The story clearly reflects the guru was a wise man. The guru had advised his disciple not to stay in the kingdom as the people were foolish and only bad could happen. As the disciple thought that the future is uncertain, he did not pay any heed to his Guru and stayed on. When he was imprisoned by the King's men, he realized the significance of his guru's words and repented not following it. Then, the guru was able to save his disciple through a very clever plan. He tricked the king and the minister into believing that the one to be executed will be the king and the minister in the next life. This way, the king willingly set the guru and the disciple free and got himself and his minister executed. This way, the guru not only saved his disciple's life but also the lives of the people living in the kingdom. Finally, when the people asked him to become their king, he made the kingdom a normal city.
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