Extra Questions and Answers for The Lost Child Class 9 English Moments
Important questions for Chapter 1 The Lost Child has been prepared by our expert teachers. Students can read and learn from these questions and these are very important in their examination. Class 9 English Moments The Lost Child extra questions are very helpful in understanding the chapter. It also help in the revision of the chapter. Students can rely on these important questions and answers taken from the chapter The Lost Child to get good marks in their English Paper. By understanding these questions, students will be have better knowledge of the story.

The Lost Child Extra Questions Class 9 English
Short Answer Type Questions for The Lost Child
Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.
Question 1: How did the fair distract the child's mind from the toy-seller?
The child saw a toy-seller. He told his parents that he wanted to buy a toy. But his father was stern and looked at him with anger. The child was familiar with his father's strict ways. So, he did not insist on buying the toy.
Question 2: What were some of the things that the parents would not buy the child?
The child knew his parents well. He wanted to have a garland of gulmohur flowers, but he knew that his parents would say that the flowers were very cheap. Then, he wanted to buy balloons. However, he knew that his parents would say that he was too big to play with them. So, he did not ask his parents for garlands and balloons.
Question 3: How did the child try to catch one of the dragon-flies? Was he able to catch one?
There was a mustard-field before the child. He saw a swarm of dragon-flies in the field. He was attracted towards them. One dragon-fly stilled its wings and rested. The boy tried to catch it. But it flew away and the child could not catch it.
Question 4: Describe the village scene when people were heading towards the fair.
It was spring time. A crowd of men, women and children was going to the fair. They were dressed in colourful clothes. Some of them were on foot, some rode on horses, while others went in bullock carts. There were many shops on the way. People were in a joyful mood.
Question 5: What was the child's reaction on seeing the sweets-seller?
The child saw a man selling sweets. He was crying "gulab-jaman, rasagulla, burfi, jalebi." His shop displayed a number of sweets which looked mouth-watering. Burfi was the child's favourite sweet. So he told his parents that he wanted some burfi.
Question 6: Why did the child go to the snake-charmer? Why did he not stay there?
The child saw a snake-charmer. He was playing a flute before the snake. The music charmed the boy greatly. But he did not stay there and moved away. He knew that his parents had forbidden him to hear such music. They thought that it was coarse music.
Question 7: What did the man do to make the child happy?
The man saw the child crying. He lifted him up in his arms and tried to soothe him. He took the child to the snake-charmer. Then he offered to buy balloons for him and flowers. Then he took him to the sweets shop. But the child did not want to buy anything. He wanted only to be united with his parents.
Question 8: How did the child get lost?
The child saw a roundabout. He saw how people were laughing and enjoying themselves. He didn't realise when he had stopped to look at it. Finally, when he asked his parents that he wanted to go on the roundabout and didn't hear their reply, he turned to see that his parents were nowhere to be found.
Question 9: Describe the roundabout scene and what attracted the child.
The child saw a big roundabout. He saw men, women and children, enjoying and laughing in it. It was carrying them in a circular motion. The child watched with strong interest, showing his longing to go on it too.
Question 10: Why does child lose interest in the things he wanted earlier?
The child loses interest in the things when he realized that he is separated from his parents. Earlier, he wanted many things dearly. But now he needed nothing but this parents. Children feel secure only with their parents.
Question 11: Why did the lost child go towards the temple? What happened there?
The lost child went towards the temple where many people had gathered. He ran towards the entrance of the temple. The crowd was becoming thicker. People jostled each other. He struggled to push his way but was knocked. He might have been trampled if he had not shouted at highest pitch.
Question 12: Who rescued the lost child? What did he offer to buy him?
At the temple the lot child was caught in the crowd. He shouted at the top of his voice. A man in the crowd saw the child crying. He lifted him up and tried to soothe him. He took him near the roundabout. He also offered to buy him flowers, balloons and sweets. But the child had lost interest in them.
Long Answer Type Questions for The Lost Child
Answer the following questions in 100-150 words.
Question 1: Write a note on the theme of the story 'The Lost Child'.Answer
The story The Lost Child' is based on child psychology. A child is curious by nature. He is attracted by beautiful things. He wishes to possess everything which looks attractive. However, he takes interest in these things only when he is in the company of his parents. But when he is lost, these things lose their charm for him. In this story, a child goes to a fair with his parents. He is attracted by different things. He wishes to buy balloons, sweets and garlands of gulmohur. He wishes to enjoy a ride in the roundabout. But, suddenly, he finds that his parents are missing. Then, he starts weeping. A kind man tries to console him. He offers to buy him a number of things. But the child goes on weeping. He wants only his parents.
Question 2: Give a description of the festival of spring.
The festival of spring was a gay occasion. It was held in a village. A number of people were going to the fair. They were wearing new clothes. Some of them were on foot. Others were in bullock carts and on horses. The fair was full of joy. A little boy was also going to the fair along with his parents. He was very happy. There were several shops selling toys, sweets, balloons. etc. At a shop, garlands of gulmohur flowers were also being sold. The child wanted to buy balloons, sweets and other things. But his parents rejected his demands. There were jugglers also. Near the temple, the crowd was very thick. Some people were enjoying ride in a roundabout. The child also wanted to have a ride in it. But he lost interest when he found his parents missing.
Question 3: What were the things that the boy wanted to possess or do when he was with his parents?
The child went to a village fair with his parents. He saw several stalls of sweets and toys. At first, he liked a beautiful toy. He asked his parents to buy him that toy, but his father called him away from that shop. Then he tried to catch a butterfly, but he did not succeed. After that he saw a sweet seller. He wanted to have some burfi, but his father rejected his demand. Then he saw someone selling garlands of gulmohur flowers. The child wanted to buy a garland, but this demand was also rejected. After that he wanted to buy a balloon. His father did not buy it for him. Then the child saw a juggler. He wanted to stop and hear the music of his flute, but he feared his father. So, he went on. In the end, he wanted to have a ride in a roundabout but when he turned around, his parents were nowhere to be seen.
Question 4: Describe the changes that occurred in the child in the spring festival.
The child went to the fair along with his parents. He was very happy. He was attracted by the colourful and beautiful things. He saw balloons, flower garlands, toys and sweets. He saw a juggler showing tricks. He also saw a roundabout. But he was sad because his parents rejected all his demands. They did not purchase anything for him. He could not enjoy the juggler's tricks. Then he wanted to have a ride on the roundabout, but when he turned to ask his parents, he found them missing. He was separated from them. Now a sudden change came in the child. He started crying for his parents. A kind man tried to console him. But the child had lost interest in everything. He wanted to join his parents again. He cried, "I want my mother. I want my father!"
Question 5: Why would the parents, as the boy thought, turn down his request?
The boy had gone to a fair with his parents. The place was full of his favourite things. But he did not make a request to his parents for purchasing any of them because he knew that his parents' reactions would be negative. They would have one or the other reason to refuse. If he had asked for `burfi', they would have said that he was being greedy. For gulmohur, they would say it was cheap. They would refuse balloons also by saying that he was older to play with balloons. According to his parents, the music of the snake-charmer's flute was rough.
Question 6: Compare the attitude of the child before and after his separation from the parents.
In the beginning, the child was with his parents. He was very happy and excited. He wanted to buy many things like burfi, toys, garland, balloon etc. But he knew that his parents would refuse all his demands. Then, he saw a snake charmer and liked the music of his flute. He wanted to enjoy the ride of the roundabout. He was so absorbed in watching the roundabout that he got separated from his parents.
Now, his mood changed completely. He started crying. He rushed towards a crowded temple. He tried to enter the shrine but got stuck at the gate. A kind-hearted person picked him up. He offered him many things but the child had lost interest in them.