Extra Questions and Answers for The Making of a Scientist Class 10 English Footprints without Feet
Important questions for Chapter 6 The Making of a Scientist has been prepared by our expert teachers. Students can read and learn from these questions and these are very important in their examination. Class 10 English Footprints without Feet The Making of a Scientist extra questions are very helpful in understanding the chapter. It also help in the revision of the chapter. Students can rely on these important questions and answers taken from the chapter The Making of a Scientist to get good marks in their English Paper. By understanding these questions, students will be have better knowledge of the story.

The Making of a Scientist Extra Questions Class 10 English
Short Answer Type Questions for The Making of a Scientist
Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:
Question 1: Which project did Albright submit in his eighth grade? Why did he win?
For his eighth grade project, he tried to find the cause of a viral disease that killed all monarch caterpillars every few years. He thought it all happened because of a hectic and tried raising caterpillars in the presence of beetles but he did not get any results. He went ahead and showed his experiments and trials and won a prize.
Question 2: "Richard was the focus of his mother's attention". Compose a thesis on this.
Richard was three years old when he lost his father. Then he became the whole world for his mother, his mother was his only companion . At night they just did the things together. His mother encouraged his interest in learning. She took him on trips, bought him telescopes, cameras and other equipments that helped him in other ways. It motivated him brought him to read the book The Travels of Monarch X".
Question 3: Comment on the role of Mr Weathered in Albright's life,
Who were the important people in Albright's life? Why?
Ebright's mother who encouraged him as a child and Dr Frederick A. Urquhart 0. had inspired him to study about butterflies were quite important in Albright's life, Also, Ridded A Weathered, Albright's Social Studies teacher opened Albright's mind to new ideas and praised him for his handwork and indomitable spirit.
Question 4: Why did Ebright lose interest in tagging butterflies?
Albright lost interest in tagging butterflies because it was a tedious work that did not provide much feedback.
Question 5: Identify four values which Richard Ebright projected as a man of substance.
Ebright was not only a good scientist but also a keen observer. He was a good canoeist, champion debater and a public speaker. He was an expert photographer, particularly of scientific exhibits.
Question 6: Which project of Ebright won first prize in the county science fair?
Ebright didn't win anything at his first science fair, thereby realizing that actual experiments alone worked. Later, he started winning prizes. Ebright with his scientist friend first built a device that showed that the tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa were producing a hormone necessary for the butterfly's full development. This project won them first prize in the county science fair and third prize in zoology in the International Science Fair.
Question 7: What all hobbies did Albright develop in kindergarten?
As a child, Ebright had a driving curiosity. He was interested in learning new things. He was good at studies and earned top grades in the class. He also collected rocks, fossils and coins. He became an eager astronomer too.
Question 8: How did Richard's mother help him become a scientist?
How did Ebright's mother help in his learning?
Ebright had a driving curiosity and a bright brain which are the essential ingredients for becoming a scientist. His mother encouraged him to learn more. She introduced him to the world around him by taking him to trips, bought him books, telescope, microscope, cameras, mounting materials and other equipments which helped him in his learning.
Question 9: "Science shows a connection between structure and function." Show this to be true in connection with the spots Albright saw on Monarch pupas.
Ebright grew cells from a monarch's wing to show that cells could divide and develop into a normal butterfly wing scales only if they were fed with the hormones from the gold spots. Later, he identified the chemical structure of the hormone and found how cells can read the blueprints of its DNA.
Question 10: How can Albright's theory of cell life be a revolution in the medical field if it is proved correct?
Ebright identified the chemical structure of the gold spot hormone and discovered that the cells can read the blueprint of its DNA. To further prove his theory, he began doing experiments'. If his experiments prove correct it will be a big step towards understanding the process of life. It might lead to new ideas for preventing some types of cancer and diseases.
Question 11: What were the factors which contributed in making Ebright a scientist?
What are the essential qualities for becoming a scientist, according to Albright's teacher?
Sharp brain, observant, analytic mind, driving curiosity, the keen interest in the subject and strong will for the right cause are some of the essentials for the making of a scientist. He should not run after prizes, have a competitive spirit but not in bad sense.
Question 12: What results are expected if Richard Ebright's theory is proved correct?
If Richard Ebright's theory proves to be correct, it will be a big step towards understanding the processes of life. It might lead to new ideas for preventing some types of cancer and other diseases.
Question 13: Why did Richard Ebright tag a flock of butterflies?
Why did Richard Ebright start a project of tagging the butterflies?
Once Ebright's mother bought him a book .The Travels of Monarch X'. At the end of the hook, the writer Dr A. Urquhart had invited the readers to help him in the study of butterfly migration by tagging them. So he started tagging the butterflies.
Question 14: Describe Richard Ebright's childhood.
How did Ebright spend his time in Pennsylvania?
Ebright grew up in north of Reading, Pennsylvania. He was the only child of his parents. His father died when he was in third grade. As a child, he was good at studies and also collected rocks, fossils and coins.
Question 15: How did the book 'The Travels of Monarch X' become a turning point in Richard Ebright's life?
Once his mother bought the book. The Travels of Monarch X'. At the end of the book, Dr A. Urquhart had invited readers to help him study the migration of monarch butterflies by tagging them. This book became a turning point in his life.
Question 16: Mention any two of Ebright's contributions to the world of science.
He carried experiments to prove successfully that hormone produced by the gold spots of a pupa is responsible for the growth and formation of butterfly-wings. He also discovered how a cell could read the blueprint of its DNA that controls heredity.
Long Answer Type Questions for The Making of a Scientist
Answer the following questions in 100-150 words :
Question 1: 'Success is failure turned inside out'. Prove the above statement with instances from the journey taken by Richard Albright from losing at the science fair to winning at the international fair.
Success is the fruit of failure. It never comes straight but through failure. This can be seen in the life of Richard Albright. Although he earned top grades in school, on everyday things, he was just like every other kid. He faced many failures in his life but every failure strengthened his will to succeed. When he was in seventh grade he participated in County Science Fair with his slides of frog tissues. But he could not win a prize. This made him determined to win the prize and in his eighth grade he again participated in the science fair with the experiment of viral disease in monarch caterpillars and won the prize. The very next year he participated with his experiment whether viceroy butterflies copy the monarch butterflies in order to save their life from the birds and this project won Albright, third prize in overall country science fair.
Next year his advanced experiments on the monarch pupa won him first place at the international science fair. Thus, for Richard Albright, we can say that success is failure turned inside out. He failed many times but didn't give up. His failures always strengthened his will to perform better.
Question 2: How does Richard Albright become a scientist?
Richard Ebright had been a curious child even when he was in kindergarten. His curiosity prompted him to collect rocks, fossils, coins and butterflies. His mother's encouragement and his bright mind also contributed in making him successful. His mother got him all that he needed to develop his scientific bent of mind. His response to Dr Fredrick A. Urquhart to collect butterflies for his research gave him an opportunity in his endeavours. Then in the seventh grade, he got a hint of what real science is when he entered a country science fair and lost. He realized that winners had tried to do real experiments, not simply make a neat display. Thereafter, Ebright worked sincerely on every science project he got every year in school. Then he stood first in a county fair that gave him entry into international science and engineering fair where he won third place. He then went on to win the highest honours and graduated from Harvard. His high school research into the purpose of the spots on a monarch pupa eventually led him to his theory about cell life. Thus he became a renowned scientist.
Question 3: "Richard Ebright was a successful scientist who gave a new theory of cells to the scientific world." Elucidate.
Ebright tried experiments on butterflies for a science fair. In his project, in the second year of high school, he tried to explain the purpose of twelve tiny gold spots on a Monarch pupa. He found out that those spots produced a hormone necessary for the full development of a butterfly. He continued with his experiments even after graduation using sophisticated instruments of the university. He discovered the chemical structure of the hormone. He came across his new theory of cell life. It gave an answer to one of the questions - "How a cell can read the blueprint of DNA."
Question 4: Ebright's backbone was his mother. How did she contribute towards his learning? What kind of work did she find for him even at the dining table? What values did Ebright imbibe from his mother?
Discuss the role of Ebright's mother in making him a scientist.
Ebright's mother played an important role in making him a scientist. She motivated him to learn new things. She took him on trips, bought him telescopes, microscopes, cameras, mounting material and other equipment. Every evening mother and son worked together at the dining table. If Ebright had nothing to do, she would find his work - learning work. He was a keen learner, liked learning and got 'A' grade throughout his schooling. She also bought him a book, 'The Travels of Monarch X', which opened the world of science to him. Ebright's mother helped him become a scientist by sustaining his interest in the scientific field.