Summary of A House is Not a Home Class 9 English Moments with Hindi Summary

The narrative "A House Is Not a Home" describes a teenager's difficulty adjusting to new surroundings. The narrator is the story's protagonist, and the plot revolves around him. He tells the readers about his first few days at a new high school. The narrative suggests that people must accept change and be open to the people around them. Even if we have had positive former experiences, we must not compare them to the present and find flaws in the current problems or difficulties. Keeping a positive mindset and broadening your understanding will always lead to an excellent, perfect solution.

The Story is written by Zan Gaudioso.

Summary of A House is Not a Home Class 9 English Moments with Hindi Summary

A House is Not a Home Summary

Walls make a house; love makes a home. The author brings out this idea through a childhood incident in his life. After leaving his junior school, the author had joined a high school. He missed his old school and had not yet made any friends at his new school. He used to live with his mother in a small house. He had a lovely little cat and was very fond of it. His father had already died. One Sunday evening there was a big fire in the house. The author escaped with his mother, but they lost everything else. The cat was also gone. They had to spend the night at the house of his grandparents. The next morning, the author's mother sent him to school. He was without his school dress. He was wearing the tennis shoes of his aunt. He had no books or homework. The author felt very sad and embarrassed. He lost all interest in life. He wanted to die. But after a couple of weeks, there was a big surprise for him. His schoolmates gifted him all the things that he needed; clothes as well as books. They made friends with him. Some of them later helped him in the rebuilding of his house. It was a month later. The author was at his house. He was watching two of his friends who were rebuilding the house. Just then a woman came there. She had the author's cat with her. She said she had to work very hard to find out whose cat it was. The author was now very happy. He forgot all about his loss. Recalling the incident, he says, "My cat was back and so was I." Thus the author regained his interest in life and in the people around him.

A House is Not a Home Summary in Hindi

दीवारों से मकान बनता है; प्यार से घर बनता है । लेखक अपने जीवन में बचपन की एक घटना के द्वारा इस विचार को व्यक्त करता है । अपने जूनियर स्कूल को छोड़ने के बाद लेखक ने एक हाई स्कूल में प्रवेश ले लिया था । उसे अपने पुराने स्कूल की बहुत याद आती थी और उसने अभी अपने नए स्कूल में कोई मित्र नहीं बनाए थे । वह एक छोटे से घर में अपनी मां के साथ रहा करता था । उसकी एक छोटी सी प्यारी बिल्ली थी और वह इसे बहुत प्यार करता था। उसके पिता की पहले ही मृत्यु हो गई थी। रविवार की एक सायं को घर में एक बड़ी आग लग गई। लेखक अपनी मां के साथ बच निकला किन्तु वे हर अन्य चीज़ खो बैठे। बिल्ली भी जा चुकी थी। उन्हें रात उसके नाना-नानी के घर पर गुज़ारनी पड़ी। अगली प्रातः लेखक की मां ने उसे स्कूल भेज दिया। वह अपने स्कूल की वर्दी के बिना था। उसने अपनी मौसी के टेनिस वाले जूते पहने हुए थे । उसके पास कोई पुस्तकें और घर पर किया कोई होमवर्क नहीं था । लेखक को बहुत उदासी और घबराहट महसूस हो रही थी। उसकी जीवन में सब रुचि जाती रही। वह मर जाना चाहता था । किन्तु कुछ सप्ताह के बाद उसके लिए एक बड़ी चकित करने वाली बात हुई। उसके स्कूली साथियों ने उसे वे सब चीजें उपहार में दे दीं जिनकी उसे ज़रूरत हो सकती थी – पुस्तकें तथा वस्त्र भी । उन्होंने उसके साथ मित्रता बना ली। उनमें से कुछ ने बाद में उसके घर को फिर से बनाने में उसकी मदद की। एक महीना बीत चुका था । लेखक अपने घर पर था । उसके दो घर को फिर से बनाने का काम कर रहे थे। उसी समय वहां एक औरत आई । उसके पास लेखक की बिल्ली थी । उसने कहा कि उसे यह पता करने में बड़ी मेहनत करनी पड़ी थी कि वह बिल्ली किस की थी। लेखक को अब बहुत प्रसन्नता हुई । वह अपने हुए नुकसान के बारे में सब कुछ भूल गया। इस घटना को याद करते हुए वह कहता है, "मेरी बिल्ली वापस आ गई थी, और मैं भी ।" इस प्रकार लेखक को जीवन और अपने इर्द-गिर्द के लोगों में फिर से रुचि महसूस होने लगी ।

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