Class 11 Maths NCERT Solutions for Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Exercise 13.2

Class 11 Maths NCERT Solutions for Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Exercise 13.2

Limits and Derivatives Exercise 13.2 Solutions

1. Find the derivative of x2 – 2 at x = 10.


Let f(x) = x2 – 2. Accordingly, 

Thus, the derivative of x2 – 2 at x = 10 is 20 .

2. Find the derivative of 99x at x = 100.


Let f(x) = 99x . Accordingly, 

Thus, the derivative of x at x = 1 is  1.

3. Find the derivative of x at x = 1.


Let f(x) = 99x, Accordingly,  

Thus, the derivative of 99x at x = 100 is 99.

4. Find the derivative of the following functions from first principle.
(i) x3 – 27
(ii) (x – 1) (x – 2) 
(iii) 1/x2 
(iv) (x + 1)/(x - 1)


(i) Let f(x) = x3 - 27, Accordingly, from the first principle,  

(ii) Let f(x) = (x - 1)/(x - 2)  Accordingly, from the first principle,  

= (2x + 0 - 3) 
= 2x - 3

(iii) Let f(x) = 1/x2, Accordingly, from the first principle,  

(iv) let f(x) = (x + 1)/(x - 1). Accordingly, from the first principle,  

5. For the function
f(x) = x100 /100 + x99 /99 + ....+ x2 /2 + x + 1
Prove that f '(1) = 100 f '(0)


The given function is  

At x = 0, 
f '(0) = 1 
At x = 1, 
f '(1) = 199 + 198 + ... + 1 +1 = [1 + 1 +....+ 1 + 1] 100 terms  = 1 × 100 = 100 
Thus, f '(1) = 100 × f1 (0)

6. Find the derivative of xn + axn-1 + a2 xn-2 + .....+ an-1 x + an for some fixed real number a 


Let f(x) = xn + axn-1 + a2 xn-2 + ......+ an-1 x + an  

7. For some constants a and b, find the derivative of
(i) (x – a) (x – b)
(ii) (ax2 + b)2 
(iii) (x- a)/(x - b)  


(i) Let f(x)  = (x - a)(x -b) 
⇒ f(x) = x2 - (a +b)x + ab 

f '(x) = 2x - (a + b) + 0 = 2x - a -b

(ii) Let f(x) = (ax2 + b2)
⇒ f(x) = a2 x4 + 2abx2 + b2 

f '(x) = a2(4x3) + 2ab (2x) + b2 (0) 
= 4a2 x3 + 4abx 
= 4ax(ax2 + b)

8. Find the derivative of  (xn - an )/(x-a) for some constant a. 


9. Find the derivative of
(i) 2x - 3/4
(ii) (5x3 + 3x - 1)(x - 1)
(iii) x-3 (5 + 3x)
(iv) x5 (3 - 6x-9)
(v) x-4 (3 - 4x-5)
(vi) 2/(x + 1) - x2/(3x - 1)

= 2 - 0 
= 2

(ii) Let f(x) = (5x3 + 3x - 1)(x- 1) 
By Leibnitz product rule,  

= (5x3 + 3x - 1)(1) + (x - 1) (5.3x2 + 3 - 0) 
- (5x3 + 3x - 1) + (x - 1)(15x3 + 3) 
= 5x3 + 3x - 1 + 15x3 + 3x - 15x2 - 3 
= 20x3 - 15x2 + 6x - 4

(iii) Let f(x) = x-3 (5 + 3x)
By Leibnitz product rule, 

(iv) Let f(x) = x5 (3 - 6x-9
By Leibnitz product rule,  

= x5 [0 - 6(-9)x-9-1] + (3 - 6x-9)(5x4
= x5 (54x-10) + 15x4 - 30x-5
= 54x-5 + 15x4 - 30x-5
= 24x-5 + 15x4
= 15x4 + 24/x5

(v) Let f(x) = x-4 (3 - 4x-5
By Leibnitz product rule,  

= x-4 [0 - 4(-5)x-5-1] + (3 - 4x-5)(-4)x-4-1 
= x-4 (20x-6)+ (3 -4x-5)(-4x-5
= 20x-10 - 12x-5 + 16x-10 
= 36x-10 - 12x-5 
= -12/x5 + 36/x10 

10. Find the derivative of cos x from first principle. 
Let f(x) = cos x, Accordingly, from the first principle,  

= - sin x
∴ f '(x) = -sin x

11. Find the derivative of the following functions:
(i) sin x cos x 
(ii) sec x 
(iii) 5 sec x + 4 cos x
(iv) cosec x 
(v) 3cot x + 5cosec x
(vi) 5sin x – 6cos x + 7
(vii) 2tan x – 7sec x 
(i) Let f(x) = sin x cos x. Accordingly, from the first principle,  

= cos (2x + 0).1 
= cos 2x

(ii) Let f(x) = sec x. Accordingly, from the first principle,  

= sec x tan x

(iii) Let f(x) = 5 sec x + 4cos x. Accordingly, from the first principle,  

(iv) Let f(x) = cosec x, Accordingly, from the first principle,  

(v) Let f(x) = 3cot x + 5cosec x. Accordingly, from the first principle,  

= - cosecx cot x  ...(3)
From (1), (2) and (3), we obtain  
f '(x) = -3cosec2 x - 5cosec x cot x

(vi) Let f(x) = 5sin x - 6 cosx + 7. Accordingly, from the first principle,  

= 5cosx. 1 -6[(-cos x).(0) - sinx. 1] 
= 5 cos x + 6 sin x

(vii) Let f(x) = 2 tan x - 7 sec x. Accordingly, from the first principle,  
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