Chapter 3 Gopal and the Hilsa Fish Important Questions Class 7 Honeycomb English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What did Gopal’s wife think about him? Why did she feel that?
Gopal’s wife thought that her husband had gone mad. She felt that he was dressed too shabbily for a normal man too.
Question 2. What three things did Gopal do before he went to buy his Hilsa fish?
Before he went to buy Hilsa fish, Gopal half-shaved his face, smeared himself with ash and wore disgraceful rags.
Question 3. Why the fishermen could not resist for?
Answer: The fishermen could not resist for the Hilsa fish to catch.
Question 4. Where did Gopal go as dressing like beggar?
Gopal bought Hilsa fish and walked towards the palace.
Question 5. How were the customers convinced by the fishmongers?
The fishmongers convinced the customers by saying that the price had been down that day.
Question 6. What do you know about Gopal?
Gopal known for his wisdom and presence of mind and was a courtier in the king’s court.
Question 7. Why did the king congratulating Gopal?
The king congratulated Gopal for winning the challenge that he forced upon him to bring the fish to the court without being in any kind of conversation about it.
Question 8. What did the king ask Gopal to do to prove that he was clever?
The king asked Gopal to buy a Hilsa-fish and bring it to the palace without anyone asking anything about the fish throughout the way to prove that he was clever.
Question 9. How was the season of Hilsa Fish? How did people talk only about Hilsa Fish?
The season of Hilsa fish was filled with buying and selling of Hilsa fishes all around. The fishermen, courtiers, and other people talked about nothing but Hilsa Fish. They talked about the sizes and prices of Hilsa fish being sold in the market.
Question 10. Why did the king congratulating Gopal?
The king congratulated Gopal for winning the challenge that he forced upon him to bring the fish to the court without being in any kind of conversation about it.
Question 11. Why was the king annoyed with his courtiers?
Everywhere either in the market or in the palace, everybody was discussing about the Hilsa fish. Even the courtiers were also talking nothing but Hilsa fish. This made the king very annoyed and angry with the courtier.
Question 12. What were the comments given by the people to Gopal?
As he dreamed himself in a wired style and started walking towards the palace holding The Hilsa fish, everyone said that he must be a madman or else a mystic.
Question 13. Why did the king feel guilty?
The king felt guilty for according his courtiers, because everyone was talking about the hilsa fish. He said that no one could stop the people from talking about the Hilsa fish.
Question 14. What happened when the guards stopped him to enter the palace?
When the guards stopped Gopal to enter the king’s palace he started to sing and dance loudly. The king on her hearing those noises ordered his guards to let him in to his palace.
Question 15. How did Gopal get inside the palace to see the king after he had bought the fish?
When Gopal asked the guards to let him meet king, they refused. Therefore, he began to dance and sing loudly. On hearing his loud song, the king sent his messenger to call him in the court.
Question 16. How were the customers convinced by the fishmongers?
The fishmongers convinced the customers by saying that the price had been down that day.
Question 17. How did Gopal get inside the palace to see the king after he had bought the fish?
When Gopal asked the guards to let him meet king, they refused. Therefore, he began to dance and sing loudly. On hearing his loud song, the king sent his messenger to call him in the court.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Explain why no one seemed to be interested in talking about the hilsa fish which Gopal had bought.
Question 3. How did Gopal enter the King’s Palace?
Due to the weird and disgraceful attire, Gopal was laughed at by the people in the market when he went to buy the Hilsa fish. As he reached the gate of the kings Palace and requested to let him in the court, he was restricted to enter by the guards. Gopal being a clever man, he began to sing and dance loudly infront of the gate. This made the king hear his voice and ordered the guards to bring him into his court. This is how Gopal entered the palace.
Question 4. What was the challenge given to him by the king? How he won it?
Gopal happily accepted the challenge of buying a huge Hilsa fish from the market and to ensure on the way from the market to the palace no one should talk to him about the fish. He was an intelligent man. He dressed up like a mad man and his appearance caught everyone’s attention. He reached the court without anyone talking about the fish as everyone was drawn towards his appearance.
Question 5. What happened when the king hear his courtiers talking about Hilsa fish?
The king was irritated as everyone was discussing nothing but the fish. When his courtiers were talking about Hilsa fish, he lost his temper and warned them that they were courtiers and not fishermen. But the talking soon felt guilty, looking at his nervous and humble courtier when he had rebuked. His tone changed and he said that it was the season of Hilsa and nobody could be stopped from talking about it.
Question 6. Why were the people talking about the Hilsa fish?
People were talking nothing but only Hilsa fish because it was the season of Hilsa fish. People were buying the fish with lots of excitement all around. The courtiers, fisherman, etc were also talking nothing but only about the Hilsa fish. The fisherman were selling them with a very cheap price because of the availability in the market.
Question 7. Describe the character sketch of Gopal?
Gopal is the courtier of the king’s palace. He is an intelligent and clever man. Though he belongs from low caste. He was the favourite courtier of the king. the king come with a challenge to Gopal that he should buy a Hilsa fish from the market and bring it to his palace without letting anyone ask him anything about it . He accept his challenge. Few days later, he dressed up like a beggar by showing holy face and smeared ashes. He wore torn clothes and walked towards the king’s palace holding the Hilsa fish. Later he explained to king that no one noticed the fish because of his wired look thus, he won the challenge.
Question 8. How did Gopal make the king remember about the challenge?
The king was initially shocked to see Gopal with such a disgraceful attire. He asked the reason for his ridiculous appearance. To which Gopal replied that nobody seemed to discuss Hilsa fish anymore and everybody’s suddenly concerned about Gopal’s disgraceful look. And that’s when the king remembered about the challenge.
Question 9. Why did the king feel sorry after scolding? What did the king challenge?
The king was very annoyed with Hilsa fish being the only big fuss. Nobody talked about anything else but Hilsa fish. He thought that nobody could stop all these people from talking about Hilsa fish, not even Gopal. The king wanted to bring a change in the air. He challenged Gopal to buy a Hilsa-fish and bring it to the palace without anyone asking anything about the fish throughout the way to prove that he was clever.
Extract Based Questions
Extract 1.
King: I’m sorry I lost my temper. It is the Reason for Hilsa – fish and no one Not even Gopal can stop anyone from talking about Hilsa. Not even for five minutes!
(i) Who said these lines and to whom?
(ii) Why did he lose his temper?
(iii) Whose name did he mention in his comment?
(iv) Why did the king ask for forgiveness?
(v) Give synonyms of ‘temper’.
(i) The king said these lines to the courtier.
(ii) He lost his temper when he heard everyone talking about Hilsa fish.
(iii) The king mentioned the name of Gopal in his comment.
(iv) The king asked for forgiveness as he snubbed a counter very harshly.
(v) Mood.
Extract 2.
Gopal: Strangely enough no one seems to be interested in Hilsa fish today! From the market to the palace and in the court, not a soul has spoken a word about Hilsa fish!
(i) Why was it ‘strangely enough’ for Gopal?
(ii) Who has spoken these lines and to whom?
(iii) Where did he come from?
(iv) What were his expectations?
(v) Choose the adverb of‘strange’ from the passage.
(i) It was strangely enough because no one talked about Hilsa fish that day.
(ii) These lines are spoken by Gopal to the king.
(iii) He had come from market to the court.
(iv) He was expecting that anyone would talk about Hilsa fish.
(v) Strangely.