Chapter 2 Bringing Up Kari Important Questions Class 7 An Alien Hand English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What was Kari’s favorite food?
Kari loved fruits especially bananas to eat.
Question 2. Who was the bananas thief?
Kari was the bananas thief.
Question 3. Why did the writer go to the pavilion?
The writer went to the pavilion as he was frightened by seeing a snake stealing bananas.
Question 4. What happens when one give a master call to elephant?
The elephant act fiercely on master call. It pulls down the trees in front of it and frightens away the animals.
Question 5. Why Kari did call him one day?
Kari called him as it was struggling to bring a drowning boy to the surface.
Question 6. Where did Kari live?
Kari lived in a pavilion under a thatched roof which rested on thick tree stumps.
Question 7. What does Kari eat?
Kari eats forty pounds of twigs a day.
Question 8. Why the writer did compared Kari with a hawk?
The writer compared Kari the elephant who was usually slow and ponderous, suddenly acted like a hawk to save a drowning boy.
Question 9. What made the author scold Kari?
When the author found that Kari had stolen fruits, he scolded it.
Question 10. What information is given in the lesson on the learning habits of the elephant?
Kari is a fast learner, attentive listener but it took five years to learn the master call.
Question 11. What was the age of the narrator when he got Kari?
When Kari was given to the writer, he was nine years old.
Question 12. Why is ‘sharp hatchet’ kept to cut the twigs?
The elephant is sensitive that it won’t eat a twig if it is mutilated. It likes luscious twigs to eat.
Question 13. Who was blamed for stealing bananas?
At first time it was servants who were blamed and the next time the blamed was put on the writer.
Question 14. Which is the most difficult thing to teach an elephant?
The most difficult thing to teach an elephant is the master call.
Question 15. Kari learnt the commands to sit and to walk. What was the instruction for each
Kari learnt the commands to sit down or stand up and walk fast or slow. The word “Dhat” was the command to sit down. The word ‘Mali’ was the command to walk.
Question 16. Finding good twigs for Kari took a long time. Why?
Kari liked to eat only the mast delicate and tender twigs. Therefore, his friend had to climb all Kinds of trees to get twigs and saplings for him. Kari did not touch twins that were mutilated hence collecting good twins for Kari took a long time.
Question 17. Why did Kari push his friend into the stream?
Kari pushed his friend into the stream to save a drowning boy. Since Kari himself could not pull out the boy from the river bed, so he pushed his friend into the stream because it wanted his friend to save the life of that boy.
Question 18. The enclosure in which Kari lived had a thatched roof that lay on thick tree stumps. Examine the illustration of Kari’s Pavilion on page 8 and say why it was built that way.
Kari’s pavilion was built of the thatched roof that lay on thick tree stumps because it was very high and would not fall when Kari bump against the poles.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Animal have brain and emotion to how can you understand by this chapter. What qualities we can learn from kari. Can we learn good things from animals also.
There is no doubt that animals have brain and emotions also. Kari is like a small child. He learnt when to sit down, when to walk, when to go fast and when to go slow. As author says “dhat” and pull him by the ear he will gradually learn to sit down. And when he says ‘mali’ and pull his trunk toward, he will gradually learn that it is the signal to walk. When a boy was under water he stretch out his trunk again and raised up his hand to catch it and saved a boy’s life. Of course we can learn good things from animals also. As kari the five months old, the friend at author. He saved a boy’s life and keen to learn.
Question 2. Kari was like a baby. What are the main points of comparisons?
The author compares Kari with a baby because his call was more like that of a baby then an elephant. He had to be trained to be good like a baby. If he was not told when he was naughty, he was up to more mischief he understood words like children do. In addition, he had to be taught to sit down, walk when to walk fast and when slow just like a child.
Question 3. ‘Animals are equally sensitive to human’. Discuss from the lesson keeping in mind the behaviour of Kari.
It is fact that humans and animals share some common attributes like sensitivity, understanding, and considerate. Kari once made efforts to save a drowning boy. Likewise, when it was scolded for stealing fruits, it never picked up things for itself. It was an unpardonable offence for Kari if anyone punishes it without being reasonable. It took ruthless shape to save its master, it can smell any danger.
Question 4. Did Kari enjoy the morning bath in the river? Give a reason for your answer.
Yes, Kari enjoyed his morning bath in the river. He would lie down on the sand bank while the narrator rubbed him with the clean sand of the river for an hour. After that he would lie in the water for a long time. His skin would shine like ebony on coming out from water and he would squeal with pleasure as the narrator rubbed water down his back.
Question 5. What is “the master call”? Why is it the most important signal for an elephant to learn?
The master call is a strange hissing, howling sound, as if a snake and a tiger were fighting each other. It is the most important signal for an elephant because whenever master is in trouble, one master call will bring the elephant near him.
Question 6. ‘The more you listen about animals, the more you like it’. Comment.
The author gave detailed description of baby elephant. He talks about the habits and playful activities, which are fascinating. One starts looking to the level that he wish to own it as a pet. Although it was challenging to feed yet everyone want to adopt it. The love that is showered by it on the narrator creates a bond in the mind of readers.
Question 7. Kari helped himself to all the bananas in the house without anyone noticing it. How did he do it?
Kari stole bananas from the table near a window in the dining room. He put his trunk through the window very much like a snake and disappeared with all the bananas without any one noticing it.