Chapter 8 The Bear Story Important Questions Class 7 An Alien Hand English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Describe the lady in this story?
The lady who lived in an old manor house on the border of a big forest. This lady occurs a pet bear which she was very find if she found the bear in the forest, and later took care of him.
Question 2. How was the parasol broken into pieces?
The lady was already late for lunch, so she wanted the bear to go home. Then she noticed that he had even lost his new collar, she hit him hard on the nose with her parasol. The parasol broke into two pieces.
Question 3. When was he chained?
The bear was never put on the chain except for the night and whenever he get ill mannered.
Question 4. What was the condition of the small bear?
The small bear was half dead of hunger. He was fed with the bottle by the lady and old cook.
Question 5. How was he being punished?
Once he had some difficulties with the beehives and destroyed them. For this act, the bear was punished by putting in the chain for two days with a bleeding nose. He received his punishment and had never done it again.
Question 6. Why did the cook rush out from the kitchen?
Because the lady was scolding the bear very badly.
Question 7. How was the bear being punished?
By being put on the chain for two days.
Question 8. Who love to play games with the bear?
The three dogs loved to play all sorts of games with him.
Question 9. What was the lady fond of?
She was very fond of pet bear.
Question 10. “What are you scolding him for, missus” Who said this and why?
The old cook said this because as the lady came back home in the evening, She began to scold the bear in a most square way and said that he would have to be chained for two more days. This made the old cook very angry.
Question 11. When he never tasted meat?
He never tasted meat because he ate the same food as given to the dog’s and sometimes he ate from the same plate, like bread, porridge, potato, cabbage, turnip. He also loves apples in the orchard and wait for them to eat from the trees.
Question 12. What did the cook tell the lady?
The cook informed her that the bear had been sitting quietly like an angel and waited eagerly for her.
Question 13. Why didn’t the lady go back home?
The lady had to visit her sister’s house every Sunday and if she want to go back she might get late. So she told him in harsh voice to go back home.
Question 14. What kinds of foods tempted the bear?
The bear was tempted by ripening apples and honey.
Question 15. Where did the lady lived?
The lady lived at the outskirts of a big forest.
Question 16. Why did he keep his eyes wide open?
He kept his small eyes wide open for any apples that fell to the ground.
Question 17. What type of bear he was?
He was the most amiable bear who did not dream of harming anybody either man or beast.
Question 18. Where did the lady live?
The lady lived in an old manor house on the border of a big forest.
Question 19. Why did the lady hit him her parasol?
The lady was quite angry with him because he followed her through the forest. She did not want him to come with her and suggested him to go back home, but the bear kept on sniffing at her. Later she hit him with her parasol and the nose so hard that it broke into two.
Question 20. How amiable was the bear?
Like other wild animals, he died not dream of harming anybody, neither man nor beast. He used to sit outside his kennel and look amicably at the cattle grazing in the field. The children used to play and ride on his back.
Question 21. What was the bear doing in the evening?
The bear was sitting in the usual place outside his kennel looking depressed.
Question 22. What happened in the mid forest one Sunday?
One Sunday, when the lady left him chained, she heard the sound of cracking a tree branch on the winding foot bath behind her. She turned around, a bear came running along full speed. She got angry and beat him up and asked him to go back home.
Question 23. What were his likings in food?
The bear had never tasted meat, he ate the same food as the dogs and often out of the same plate – bread, porridge, potato, cabbage, turnip.
Question 24. Where did she find the bear?
She found the bear in the forest.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Why was the lady angry?
On Sundays, the lady used to visit the afternoon on her married sisters residence. Who lived in a solitary house on the other side of the mountain lake. It takes an hour of walk through the dark forest. So, the lady put the bear on the chain on Sundays.
On Sunday’s when she was going to visit her sister as usual thorough the forest, She heard the cracking sound of a tree branch behind her. Then she turned back and see that the bear was rushing towards her full speed and followed her. This made the lady very angry, and she was already running late for her lunch. And there was no time for her to take the bear back home because she did not want him to come with her.
Question 2. Who was the lady and how did she find a bear?
The lady, who lived in her old manor – house on the border of a big forest. She loved to have pets. One day she found a bear in the middle of the forest, almost half dead of hunger. The bear was so small and helpless and then he was brought up by the lady and her old cook to her house. They feed them well and now he had grown up to a big bear.
Question 3. What happened one Sunday when the lady was going to her sister’s house? What did the lady do? What was the bear’s reaction?
One Sunday when the lady was going to her sister’s house, she saw a bear coming along at full speed. Thinking that he was her pet, the lady got very angry. Being already late for lunch, she scolded him and told him to go back. She saw that he had even lost his new collar. This made her angrier, and she hit him on his nose with her parasol. The parasol broke in two. The bear opened his mouth several times as if he wanted to say something, and then it turned around and went on its way.
Question 4. How Should we behave with our pets?
The pets should be taken care of. They need our love and appreciation. They are not only the watch-dogs that need pampering only, they want to be protected and trusted. The lady took the other bear for her pet and brutally beaten him. She was ready to punish him severely unless she was told the truth by the cook. The pets are speechless but they want to be heard.
Question 5. Why did the lady regret later?
The lady regretted because when she was going to visit her sister’s place through the dense forest, she saw that a bear was following her. She felt like to have disobeying her form the bear. She told him to go back to his kennel, but he looked at her with his cunning eyes. Also she saw that the bear had lost his new collar. From all this, the lady was very angry and hit him on the nose was broken into two.
Later when the lady returned home, she get to know from the cook the bear did not move from his kennel and looking towards the gate the whole time for her to return. She realised that she had hit the other bear with her parasol. So, the lady regretted by scolding the bear.
Question 6. Why the bear had never tasted meat?
Mostly bears are vegetables until they were given any flesh by someone. So the bear ate the some food as given to the digs and even sometimes ate on the same plate given by the mistress. He had a fine appetite and the foods like bread, porridge, potato, cabbage and turnip were given to him. He was treated name as the other pets in the house by the lady and her cook.
Question 7. The second bear did not attack the lady because he was afraid of her. Do you agree?
The second bear did not attack the lady because he too was a friendly bear. He was charging towards her and it seemed as if he wanted to sit near her heels. Thinking that he was her pet bear, the lady scolded him and even hit him with her parasol. The bear did not respond angrily, and slowly turned around and went away. Perhaps sad at being shouted at.
Question 8. When was the bear tied up with a chain? Why?
He was also put in chain during nights and on Sunday when his mistress went to spend the afternoon with her married sister. It was done because it was not supposed to be good for him to wander about in the forest with all its temptations; it was better to be on the safe side.
Question 9. ‘Corporal Punishment should be banned’. Discuss.
Punishment of any kind is bad. Instead one should politely counsel the wrong doers. However, saying of old times emphasize on corporal punishment. It says ‘spare the rod spoil the child’. In contrast to this opinion, psychologists emphasize on presenting ideal behaviour. Innate qualities of a child should be groomed. Every child is born with special abilities and it is the duty of the elders and society in large to provide them love and compassion.
Question 10. Why did the cook rush out from the kitchen?
When the lady returned back home, she began to scold the bear for disobeying her because she was still angry with her bear. The lady said that the bear would be put on the chain for two more days. This made the old cook very angry ad rushed out from the kitchen because the bear did not move from his kennel the whole day.
Question 11. Give the character sketch of the bear.
The bear was lived with a lady in an old manor house on the border of a big forest. She was very fond of him. The bear was found in the forest almost dead of hunger, so the lady and her cook brought up home and took care of him. The bear was very kind and gracious who did not harm any man or animals. The children used to play with him and also the three dogs loved to play all sorts of games. He did not eat because he was given the same food as the dog’s ear, so he never tasted meat Rather he loves to eat vegetables, apples and honey. Whenever, he does any mischief, he was punished as being chained up for two days. The bear loved his master mistress and also obeyed her.
Question 12. Why was the bear looking sorry for himself in the evening? Why did the cook get angry with her mistress?
The bear was looking sorry for himself in the evening because he had been chained for the whole Sunday afternoon and was looking for his mistress without doing anything. The cook got angry with her mistress because she was scolding the bear without any mistake who had been sitting there quite still on his haunches as meek as an angel, looking the whole time towards the gate for the mistress to come back.
Question 13. What did the bear eat? There were two things he was not allowed to do. What were they?
The bear ate the same food as the dogs. He was given bread, porridge, potatoes, cabbages and turnips. He was a vegetarian. He liked the apple most. He was not allowed to pluck apples from the tree and attack the beehive.