Chapter 7 The Open Window Important Questions Class 8 It So Happened English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What was Framton Nuttel suffering from?
Framton Nuttel was suffering from nervous disorder and excitement. The doctor advised him complete rest and relaxation in the countryside.
Question 2. What did the girl do to break the silence between the two?
Framton and the girl were quietly sitting for some time. Then the girl asked if he was familiar with more people.
Question 3. What did Framton notice about host’s chief concern?
Framton noticed that the host was turning her eyes constantly towards the open window. She was giving very little attention to his story of sickness. Her chief concern was to notice her husband’s returning home.
Question 4. What did Framton inform about his familiarity with the place?
Framton informed her that he hardly knew anyone in the neighbourhood. He added that his sister stayed there about four years ago.
Question 5. What tragedy had happened with Mrs. Sappleton as told by the niece?
Mr. Sappleton and two brothers had gone for shooting one October afternoon three years ago and had not returned as they were engulfed in the bog, was told by her niece.
Question 6. What was the name of Mrs. Sappleton’s niece?
Mrs. Sappleton’s niece’s name was Vera.
Question 7. Why was Mrs. Sappleton’s attention divided?
Mrs. Sappleton welcomed guest with warmth. Yet she kept on talking about her husband and her brothers who went for hunting. Her eyes were prying for them and focused on window and lawn ahead of it.
Question 8. What illness did Framton talk about?
Framton was talking about his nervous illness and what the doctors had advised him.
Question 9. Who attended the visitor at his arrival and why?
The niece of the lady attended the visitor at his arrival because it would take fifteen minutes for her aunt to reach.
Question 10. Whom does Framton contact in the rural resort?
Framton goes to Mrs Sappleton’s house in the countryside. He carries an introduction letter from his sister. But he first meets Mrs Sappleton’s niece, Vera.
Question 11. How did Framton leave Mrs. Sappleton’s house?
Framton was scared when he saw the three figures walking towards the window. Then he hurriedly picked up his stick and hat and went out running to the road. A cyclist had to run into the hedge to avoid collision with him.
Question 12. What happened when Mr. Nuttel ran out?
When Mr. Nuttel ran outside he was so wild that a cyclist had to run into the hedge to avoid imminent collision with him.
Question 13. What was the apprehension that Framton had when he visited sappletons?
Framton was apprehensive about his formal visit to the total strangers. He was in doubts if the visit could help him with his nerve issues.
Question 14. Why did Framton rush out wildly?
Mr. Framton rushed out wildly because he was extremely scared of the uncanny scene he had viewed. (perhaps of the ghost).
Question 15. What did his sister suggest about nerve cure?
His sister advised him to migrate to the countryside. She offered him to give take a letter of introduction to people she knew. As those people were good, they might help him in curing the disease.
Question 16. What did Framton admit as well as notice in Mrs Sappleton’s room?
Mr Framton tells Vera that he doesn’t know anybody in that village. He wondered whether the lady was married or a widow. But he did notice that some male member has been living in the room.
Question 17. Why was Aunt not paying much attention to Framton?
Aunt was not paying much attention to Framton because she was waiting for her husband and brothers to return from shooting.
Question 18. What was the doctor’s advise to Framton?
Framton told Mrs. Sappleton that the doctors advised him to take complete rest an absence of mental exercise and avoidance of anything in the nature of violent physical exercise. He further added that diet was not specified as they were in dilemma to come to an agreement.
Question 19. Why does Framton retire to the countryside?
Framton retires to the rural retreat on the doctor’s advice. He needed rest and relief from mental excitement.
Question 20. Why was Mrs. Sappleton apologetic when she met Framton?
Mrs. Sappleton was apologetic for being late in making her appearance. As the visitor was new to the place, she realized her delay might offend her guest.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. The horror on the girls face made Framton swing around in his seat. What did he see?
When Framton turned around, he saw in the deepening twilight three figures walking across the lawn toward the window. They all carried guns under their arms and one of them also had a white coat hung over his shoulders. A tired brown spaniel kept close at their heels. They neared the house noiselessly and then a hoarse young voice said. “I say. Bertie, why do you bound?”
Question 2. What did the aunt and her niece say about Framton’s sudden exit?
Mrs Sappleton and her niece told different stories why Framton had run out of the house in such a hurry. The lady called him an extraordinary man who talked only about his illneses. Perhaps he had seen a ghost, so he had dashed off. But Vera said that the caller had a horror of dogs. So the sight of spaniel made him push out.
Question 3. Is this a mystery story? Give a reason for your answer.
While explaining the mystery behind the open French window, the events narrated by Mrs. Sappleton’s niece manage to create a sense of foreboding. Later, when the three men approached the open window, the reader (like Framton) can only logically conclude that they were ghosts. Hence, One can say that this story does contain elements of the mysteriousness.
Question 4. What was the girl’s explanation for his lightning exit?
The girl explained that perhaps Mr. Nuttel got scared by the spaniel dog because he had a horror of dogs. He was once haunted into a cemetery somewhere on the banks of the Ganges by a pack of dogs, and had to spend the night in newly dug grave with the creatures snarling, graining and foaming above him. So he lost control of his nerves.
Question 5. Imagination is a catalyst for doing common good. Do you agree or disagree.
Dreams and imagination stimulates the creativity of a person. Successful people have dreams and visionaries. They look like common people but their attributes and approach make them distinct. Vera also have strong imagination but instead of doing any good, she had imprinted the mind of Framton, with her highly imaginative haunted story. She was so convincing in her ghost and dog story that both the listeners had believed her. Vera did no good by her imagination, however, it only add creativity and responsibility to her talent.
Question 6. What is the significance of the window in the story’?
The window in the story, reveals niece’s habit of playing jokes and pranks. The window is central to the story. Through it the aunt’s husband along with his two brothers-in-law had gone out hunting. Framton is frightened to see them coming towards the window. Taking them for ghosts, he rushes out of the gate.
Question 7. Who was Vera? What joke did she play? What was its outcome?
Vera was the niece of Mrs. Sappleton. She was a young girl of fifteen. She was fun loving and mischievous. She knew how to oust a stranger from the house. She played a joke on him (Framton) and made him run out. She narrated a cooked up story about her aunt’s husband, her two brothers and the open window. She told him that three years ago her aunt’s husband along with her two brothers had gone for shooting. They were caught in a wet marshy land. They never returned. But the aunt, Mrs. Sappleton, was still hoping that they would return home and enter through the open window. When Mrs. Sappleton came to Framton, she also confirmed the story of the hunting party. This story had a deep effect on Framton. He was frightened to see them coming towards the window. Taking them for ghosts, he rushed out of the gate in great hurry.
Question 8. What had happened in the Sappleton family as narrated by the niece?
The niece told Nuttel that about three years ago Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and her two younger brothers had gone for their day’s shooting through the open french window. They never came back. In crossing the moor to their favourite shooting spot, they were all engulfed. It was a wet summer and places that were safe in other years gave way suddenly without warning. Their bodies were never recovered.
Question 9. The horror on the girl’s face made Framton swing around his seat. What did he see?
Framton swing around his seat and saw in the deepening twilight three figures walking across the lawn towards the window. They all carried guns under their arms, and one of them was additionally burdened with a white coat hung over his shoulders. A tired brown spaniel kept close at their heels. Quietly they came near the house, and then a hoarse voice called out of the dusk to Mrs. Sappleton. “I say, Bertie, why do you bound”?
Question 10. What did the girl say about hasty move of Framton?
The girl framed a story that Framton had a horror of dogs because he was once hunted into a cemetery somewhere on the banks of the Ganges by a pack of dogs and had to spend the night in a newly dug grave with the creature, snarling and grinning and foaming just above him.
Question 11. What was the tragedy that the girl was narrating about to the stranger?
The girl spoke about a tragedy that happened three years ago when Mr. Sappleton and his two brother in laws went for hunting never to return. But Mrs. Sappleton was still waiting for them. She also added that her poor aunt couldn’t bear the loss and was badly affected because of it.
Question 12. What did Mrs. Sappleton say about the open window?
Mrs. Sappleton inquired Mr. Nuttle if he didn’t mind the open window as she was waiting for her husband and brothers to come directly from shooting as they used to come from the same way. They had gone out for snipe in the marshes that day, so they made a fine mess over the poor carpets, stated Mrs. Sappleton about the open window, which looked very ghastly to Mr. Nuttle.
Question 13. Why did the girl weave the story around the French window?
The girl was aware of the fact that he knew nothing about the place and people of the village. It was also unusual to open up a window in the month of October. She also knew that her false story won’t be falsified because it was certain that aunt might talk about it.
Question 14. What sort of tragedy had happened in Mrs Sappleton’s life, as narrated by the niece?
Vera told Framton about a family mishap three years ago. Mrs Sappleton’s husband, along with her two brothers had gone for shooting. They were caught in a wet marshy land. They never returned. But the aunt was still hoping that they would return home and enter through the open window.