Chapter 6 Who I Am Important Questions Class 6 Honeysuckle English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What does Radha’s mother tell her about climbing trees?
Radha’s mother was against the climbing of trees by girls. She told her that it was not sensible for girls. But later on they both climbed on the mango tree and ate raw mangoes. They enjoyed together. They were amazed over their adventure.
Question 2. What is Dolma’s dream?
Dolma’s dream is to become the Prime Minister of India.
Question 3. What is Radha’s favourite activity?
Radha’s favourite activity is to climb trees and sit on its branches.
Question 4. Why is second Sunday Peter’s favourite day?
Second Sunday is Peter’s favourite day because his father takes the whole family to watch a movie in the cinema hall where he enjoys eating peanuts.
Question 5. What does bodily intelligence reflect to?
Bodily intelligence reflect to become dancer, actor, craftsperson.
Question 6. What reason does Radha’s mother give for not allowing her to climb trees? Why?
Radha’s mother says that it is not sensible for girls to climb trees. Probably she is scared that Radha might fall and hurt herself.
Question 7. What is verbal intelligence related to?
Verbal intelligence is related to the use of words and language. You speak well and think in words rather than pictures.
Question 8. What would you like to do if you have interpersonal intelligence?
If you have interpersonal intelligence, you can understand other people’s problems and counsel them. You can organise events.
Question 9. What is grown in Nasir’s fields?
Cotton is grown in Nasir’s fields.
Question 10. Besides travelling, what else does Rohit actually enjoy?
Besides travelling, Rohit actually enjoys watching nature.
Question 11. Who can be a successful designer or engineer?
A child with interest in maps, sketching, understanding picture can be a successful designer or engineer.
Question 12. What does Nasir want to be? Why?
Nasir wants to be a seed collector when he grows up. He finds that his father spends a lot of money on buying seeds each year. After learning to preserve seeds, he will help his father in saving money. The preserved seeds can be used next year.
Question 13. What makes Serbjit angry?
Serbjit gets angry when people don’t believe what he says. His parents and teachers think that he is a liar.
Question 14. Why does Serbjit become angry?
Serbjit becomes angry when people do not believe what he says whenever he speaks the truth. When he explains his teacher why he could not do his homework, his teacher doubts him. This annoys him.
Question 15. If you have visual intelligence, what are you good at?
If you have visual intelligence you are good at reading, writing, understanding maps, charts, graphs, sketching, painting etc.
Question 16. What intelligence do you possess if you are good at reasoning, logic and numbers and curious about the world around?
If you are good with numbers, and reasoning and logic, you possess mathematical intelligence.
Question 17. What would one be if you are good at solving puzzles & doing mathematical calculation?
One can become scientist or accountant.
Question 18. Who starts the fight with Serbjit? Do his parents believe him?
Serbjit’s younger brother starts the fight but when he tells his parents, they do not believe him.
Question 19. Why does the teacher and other students trust Dolma?
The teacher and other students of her class trust Dolma because she helps to solve their problems and wants to make things better for everyone.
Question 20. Why does Rohit want to go to Lakshadweep?
Rohit’s ambition is to travel all over the world. In this spirit, he wants to see the beaches of Lakshadweep.
Question 21. Will Dolma become a good Prime Minister? Give your opinion.
Yes, in my opinion Dolma will become a good Prime Minister. Her vision is clear. She wants to make things better for everyone. She wants to have good hospitals, roads and schools. She wants to serve humanity.
Question 22. What can people with musical intelligence become?
People with musical intelligence can become musicians, disco-jockeys, singers, composers etc.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. In the chapter ‘Who I am’, everyone has some special quality. How?
It is true that everyone has some special quality in them. All the people in this world are different from one another and have interesting and good things. Nasir wants to become a seed collector to help his family to save money. Serbjit had learnt the art of controlling his anger by looking down at the shoes. Dolma wants to be the Prime Minister of India to serve the people. Rohit loves travelling and wants to see the entire world. He enjoys seeing nature more than old buildings This is how all the children are different from one another.
Question 2. ‘One should respect Individuality’. Do you agree or not? Give reasons to support your answer.
Every person is born with innate qualities and that should be respected. The individual difference if recognized on time can bring difference in every sphere of his life. A girl can be passionate about climbing or becoming a politician. A boy can aspire to be a farmer by choice. He may bring dynamism in his field of agriculture. A child can be a social reformer or psychologist to assist others to overcome their drawbacks. Thus, genius brings excellence with dynamism in every activity.
Question 3. What do you learn from the lesson ‘Who I Am’?
The lesson ‘Who I am’ is very interesting lesson. This lesson makes us learn that there are different kinds of people in this world. They have their own likes and dislikes They are different from one another in every aspect. There are also certain qualities in each one of us and these different qualities cannot be compared. The lesson deals with lives of different children and how they are all very different and unique is their qualities. Their nature and behaviour have been explained in the lesson. They have their own lifestyle and they are happy in it. They want to lead their life in their own way.
Question 4. How behaviour study helps-to understand inclination and understanding of a child.
If behavioural analysis if done for a child properly, his talent and potential can be groomed. Visual, mathematical, interpersonal intelligence should be given due regard to develop the correct personality. If we recognize the true potential of a child, he will behave with a sense of responsibility. ‘One can reap what he sow’ rather than moulding into ‘all alike’ individuals should be the motto of the society.
Question 4. Our present education system ‘suppress the talent rather than blooming it’ comment.
The education system evaluation leaning capacity rather than judging the caliber. Every child is tested on subjects he is taught. One has to pass every subject instead of working upon his likings. If choice is given to a student he she explore or invent new things. Assessment should be based on interest and Calibre of a student.
Extract Based Questions
Extract 1
My favourite activity is climbing trees. Just outside our house, there is a mango tree which I love to go up. Its branches spread out, so it is simple to climb up the tree, and I can sit comfortably in the fork of two branches. My mother tells me it is not sensible for girls to climb trees, but one afternoon she climbed up too, and both of us sat there talking and eating raw mangoes. When I am high up in the tree, I feel like I can rule the whole world.
(i) Who is I is the above lines?
(ii) Where was the mango tree?
(iii) How were climbing the tree ‘simple for her’?
(iv) What was her mother’s opinion about climbing the trees?
(v) Find the word that means the same as ‘extend’.
(i) T is Radha in the above lines.
(ii) The mango tree was outside her house.
(iii) Climbing on the tree was simple for her because its branches were spread out.
(iv) In her opinion, it is not sensible for a girl to climb trees.
(v) Spread out.
Extract 2
When I grow up, I want to become a seed collector. We have cotton fields in our village and every year, my father spends a lot of money on buying new seeds to grow our cotton plants. My grandfather told me that many years ago, he could collect the seeds from his own plants which could be sown to grow new plants during the next year.
(i) Who is I in above paragraph?
(ii) What is his dream to become?
(iii) Where does his father spend money?
(iv) What did his grandfather tell him about seeds?
(v) Choose the past participle of ‘sow’ from above passage.
(i) T is Nasir is the above passage.
(ii) His dream is to become a seed collector.
(iii) His father spends money on buying new seeds every year.
(iv) His grandfather told him that they used to save seeds from his yields of cotton.
(v) ‘sown’.
Extract 3
I want to live on the beaches of Lakshadweep and dive down to see coral. I suppose I should go to the Konark temple in Orissa or the old city in Beijing in China and the Pyramids in Egypt too, but what I actually enjoy is seeing nature more than old buildings.
(i) Why does Rohit want to live in Lakshadweep?
(ii) Where does he want to go in China?
(iii) Where is Konark temple situated?
(iv) What does he enjoy the most?
(v) Choose the adverb from the passage which means ‘truly’.
(i) Rohit wants to enjoy the beaches of Lakshadweep and dive down to see coral.
(ii) He wants to go to old city of Beijing in China.
(iii) Konark temple is situated is Odisha now.
(iv) He enjoys seeing nature more than old building.
(v) Actually.
Extract 4
When I grow up, I am going to be the Prime Minister of India. People always laugh when I say that, but I am sure that I will do it. Everyone in my class asks me what to do when they have a problem, and my teacher always trusts me when something needs to be done in school. I want to make things better for everyone. I want us to have good hospitals and roads and schools. I want to make sure that there are many good scientists in India who will invent cures for diseases and send a spaceship to Mars.
(i) What is Dolma’s dream to be?
(ii) When does her teachers trust her?
(iii) What is her ambition?
(iv) Where does she want to send spaceship to?
(v) What is the noun form of‘Invent’?
(i) Dolma dreams to be the Prime Minister of India.
(ii) The teachers trust her when something needs to be done in school.
(iii) Her ambition is to make things better for everyone.
(iv) She wants to send her spaceship to Mars.
(v) ‘Invention’.
Extract 5
My favourite day is the second Sunday of every month. On this day our whole family always goes to the cinema hall to see a film. My father gets the tickets in advance and all of us my grandmother, my parents, my two brothers and I take the bus there. In the interval my father buys us peanuts and I love to sit in the darkness of the hall eating and watching the film. Afterwards we always stop to eat ice cream. Everyone is in a good mood and we all feel very lucky that we are such a happy family.
(i) Which is Peter’s favourite day?
(ii) Where do they go to on that day?
(iii) What does his father buy in interval?
(iv) Why does Peter feel lucky?
(v) Choose the noun form of ‘dark’ from the passage.
(i) Peter’s favourite day is the second sunday of every month.
(ii) They go to a cinema hall to see a film.
(iii) Peter’s father buys peanuts in the interval.
(iv) Peter feels lucky that he has a happy family.
(v) Darkness.