The Wonderful Words Poem Important Questions Class 6 Honeysuckle English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. According to the poet “English is a wonderful game”. Why?
According to the poet, English is a wonderful game because we can play with words and frame many sentences in such a way as to convey the message what we desire.
Question 2. Write the meaning:
And everyone’s longing today to hear
Some fresh and beautiful thing
If you want to express your thought, you will find many eager listeners. Everyone is very eager to hear something new and beautiful.
Question 3. Who can liberate thoughts from our mind?
It is true that words can liberate thoughts from our mind because thoughts and ideas are captive in our mind which come out through words only.
Question 4. Write the meaning:
For many of the loveliest things
Have never yet been said
The poet encourage readers to convert their thoughts into words and speak them as there are loveliest things that never yet been said.
Question 5. Where can we find a new surprise?
According to the poet, we can find a marvellous new surprise in our mind which can be expressed through words.
Question 6. Write the meaning:
All that you-do is match the words
To the brightest thoughts in your head
You need to find the accurate words which seem to translate your best thoughts.
Question 7. What do you have to do to play the wonderful game of English?
To play the wonderful game of English, all that you have to do is to select the best words that suit your thoughts and pen them down.
Question 8. Write the meaning:
But only words can free a thought
From its prison behind your eyes
You have thoughts in your mind but its in prison behind your eyes. You need to free your thoughts from the prison by giving them word.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What are the views of the poet about human thoughts?
The views of the poet about human thoughts are that one must not let one’s thoughts die if one does not know how to express them. One should always express one’s thoughts with the help of appropriate words. To express the thoughts in a proper way, one should always convey one’s feelings clearly and truly without least hesitation or shyness.
Question 2. Why are words called the ‘food and dress of thought’?
If you eat good food and dress properly, your personality looks good. Similarly, if you use the best words to express your thoughts, the outcome of your expression will be excellent that is why words are called the ‘food and dress of thought’.
Question 3. Write a note on the appropriateness of the title ‘The Wonderful Words.
The title of the poem is quite appropriate as the poet has given due importance to the words which are vital in order to convey messages or thoughts. Without words we can never express any ideas. They are the best to express thoughts and to take out them from our mind. But it is true that to express our thoughts in a beautiful way, there is a need to look for proper and accurate words. There are thousands of thoughts imprisoned in mind which can find way only through the magic of appropriate words. Hence, words are marvellous, amazing and wonderful.
Question 4. What is your opinion about words being food and dress of thought? Support your answer with appropriate reasons.
I am of the opinion that words are the food and dress of our thoughts because as a person without food and dress has no identity, in the some way thoughts have no identity and meaning without words. These are only the words that can express our feeling which we can convey to others. Thoughts will remain captive in mind in the absence of words. In this situation they will have no importance at all.
Context Based Questions
Stanza 1
All that you do is match the words
To the brightest thoughts in your head
So that they come out clear and true
And handsomely groomed and fed
For many of the loveliest things
Have never yet been said.
One’s actions must match with the bright thought that flashes in one’s mind, expressing that idea or thought. The proper usage of words decorates that idea masses. A lot more is needed to be done and expressed. There is always a scope spheres. Which is yet untouched and undiscovered.
(i) How brightest thought’ can be expressed?
(ii) What can come out ‘clear and true’?
(iii) Why is that the thought needs to be groomed?
(iv) Explain ‘Have never yet been said’.
(v) Change the word ‘handsome’ to adverb.
(i) The thought can come out clear and true.
(ii) The thought can come out clear and true.
(iii) The thought needs to be groomed for better understanding.
(iv) The poet explains that a lot of thoughts did not come out as they were not expressed in language
(v) Handsomely.
Stanza 2
Words are the food and dress of thought
They give it its body and swing
And everyone’s longing today to hear
Some fresh and beautiful thing;
But only words can free a thought
From its prison behind your eyes
May be your mind is holding now
A marvellous new surprise!
Words are the food for thought and decorates one’s thought. Proper shapes are given to ideas. Everyone wish to hear new and interesting things that are appealing and soothes to the ears of the listeners. The poet emphasized on the importance of expression through words. New and innovative ideas keep coming and may prove to be fruitful for humanity in general.
(i) How can be words the ‘food and dress’?
(ii) What do everyone wish for?
(iii) What is imprisoned behind the eyes?
(iv) What does the poet pray for?
(v) Find out the antonym of ‘Marvellous’.
(i) The words are food and dress as they feed and decorate one’s thought.
(ii) Everyone wish to hear something about fresh and beautiful things.
(iii) A thought is imprisoned behind the eyes.
(iv) The poet prays for expression of some surprise idea.
(v) ‘Ordinary’.