Chapter 4 Diary of Anne Frank Important Questions Class 10 First Flight English

Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What was the name of Anne’s maths teacher?
His name was Mr Keesing.
Question 2. When did Anne’s father marry?
Anne’s father married when he was thirty six years hid.
Question 3. How old was Anne?
She was thirteen years old.
Question 4. Which subject did Anne find difficult?
Anne found Mathematics difficult.
Question 5. Who became Anne’s friend and what was the friend’s name?
Anne’s diary became her friend and her name was Kitty.
Question 6. What did Anne say about her family?
Anne said that she had loving parents, a sixteen year old sister, and about thirty people as her friends.
Question 7. Who helped Anne to write the essay in poetry?
Anne’s friend Sanne.
Question 8. Who was Mrs. Kuperus?
She was as the headmistress of Anne’s school in both standards.
Question 9. When the little girl started her diary, what was her age?
Anne was thirteen years old, when she started her diary.
Question 10. What prompted Anne to maintain a diary?
Anne maintained a diary because he had no friends.
Question 11. When did she make her first entry in her diary?
She made her first entry in her diary on 20th June 1942.
Question 12. What was a strange experience for Anne?
Writing in a diary was a strange experience for Anne.
Question 13. Why did Anne stay with her grandmother?
Anne had to stay with her grandmother since her parents had gone to Holland.
Question 14. What was the name of Anne’s sister?
Her name was Margot.
Question 15. What did Anne feel about paper?
Anne thought that paper had more patience than people.
Question 16. What was the name of the essay on which Anne had to write the second time?
‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox.’
Question 17. Why did Anne want to write a diary?
Anne wanted to write a diary because she was devoid of a single friend.
Question 18. What was the name of Anne’s mother?
Her mother’s name was Edith Hollander Frank.
Question 19. How many sisters Anne had?
Anne had a sister named Margot.
Question 20. Who was Kitty?
It was the name went to her diary by Anne.
Question 21. Why was Mr Keesing annoyed with Anne?
He was annoyed with Anne because she talked in the class.
Question 22. What happened to the grandmother of Anne?
The grandmother became ill in the summer of 1941.
Question 23. What was the punishment for Anne’s talkative nature?
To write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’.
Question 24. According to Anne What has more patience than people?
According to Anne paper has more patience than people.
Question 25. Why was the whole class feeling nervous?
The whole class was feeling nervous about their result.
Question 26. What was the title of the third essay?
‘Quack. Quack. Quack. said Mistress Chatterbox.’
Question 27. Where did Anne’s family migrate from Germany too?
Her family migrated from Germany to Holland.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What role does the diary play in Anne’s life?
The diary was an important part of Anne’s life because herb diary was her best friend who would listen to her without any advises. ‘I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a source of great comfort and support’ is a comment added by Anne on the first day of writing. Anne usually wrote all the things she thought about everything in everyday life which helped her a lot in controlling her feelings.
Question 2. What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank?
Writing a diary is a strange experience for Anne Frank because of two reasons. The first reason is she has not written anything before. The second reason is the apparent disinterest which most of the people would show in musings of a thirteen year old girl.
Question 3. Why does Anne want to keep a diary?
She needs some channel through which she can get off all the burden and pain she is suffering from. Hence, she wants to keep a diary. Anne Frank is also searching for a friend in the form of her diary.
Question 4. Why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life?
A good introduction helps drawing reader’s attention to the topic. Moreover, it gives background information about the topic. By providing brief sketch of her life, Anne gives an overview of her family, her relatives, and her age. This helps the reader to develop connect with the author.
Question 5. Do you think Mr Keesing was a strict teacher?
Whatever actions a teacher takes, that is done in good intention. Teachers always think about knowledge development of child. It is the differences in perspective of student’s vis-Ã -vis that of teachers which creates an image of a strict teacher. Mr Keesing was also trying to control a supposedly bad habit of Anne. When he was convinced that Anne was good at writing and her talkativeness was not coming in the way of her studies then he started behaving properly with Anne.
Question 6. What does Anne write in her first essay?
In her first essay on “Chatterbox”, Anne wrote about the reasons of her being a chatterbox. In the essay; she accepted the drawbacks of being a talkative person but she was also frank enough to admit that it was difficult for her to give up the habit.
Question 7. Why did Anne Frank feel suffocated?
Anne Frank was a very sensitive girl. She was cut off from the mainstream of life, her friends and her people. She was living in a hiding to escape being arrested by the Nazi agents in Holland. Moreover, even with so-called friends, she could not share her intimate and personal feelings and problems. She felt suffocated. She was left with no alternative than opening out her heart through the pages of her diary. ‘Kitty’ her diary became her most intimate friend.
Question 8. Why does Anne say: “Paper has more patience than people”?
Anne doesn’t seem to have much faith in the people around her. She was living in hiding and couldn’t trust people so easily. Moreover, people do react. Sometimes people react rather negative, unpleasant, vulgar and violent manners. Paper is an impersonal and non-reactive object. Whatever you write on it, it receives it without giving any such reactions.
Question 9. Why does Anne feel that writing in a diary is really a strange experience?
It must be remembered that Anne Frank was just a thirteen-year-old girl. She was in hiding and cut off from the larger world. She was hesitant that no one would be interested in the musings of a young girl. She had never written anything before. So, it was naturally a strange experience for her.
Question 10. How do you know that Anne was close to her grandmother?
Anne lived with her grandmother for some months when her parents went to Holland. She loved her deeply. When her grandmother died, Anne felt sad. She often thought about her. So she was close to her grandmother.
Question 11. What shows that Anne was deeply in love with her grandmother?
Anne loved her grandmother from the core of her heart. She died in January 1942, but Anne still went on loving her. When the birthday of Anne was being celebrated in 1942, a special candle was lit for her.
Question 12. How did Anne want her diary to be different?
Anne did not want to jot down the facts in her diary, the way most people do. She wanted the diary to be her friend. She called it a kitty. She wrote about her feelings and experiences in it. It was a mature work, reflecting deep insight.
Question 13. Why was the entire class quaking in its boots?
It is true that the whole class was shaking with fear. The teachers were to decide about the fate of the students. They were to decide who would go up in the next class or not. Half of the class was making bets. The verdict of the teachers could go either way. They were quite unpredictable creatures on earth.
Question 14. What did Anne think of having a true friend?
Anne thought that one could have good time with a true friend. Friendship brings closeness and helps in confiding in each other. Though we can talk about ordinary things with anybody else too.
Question 15. Why did Mr. Keesing assign Anne to write an essay entitled ‘A Chatterbox’?
There was only one teacher with whom Anne was not getting along well. He was Mr. Keesing. The maths teacher was annoyed with her because she talked too much in the class. After several warnings, he gave her extra homework like a sort of punishment. She was assigned to write an essay on the topic, ‘A Chatterbox’.
Question 16. How did she write the last essay “Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox”?
The third essay assigned to Anne Frank was also related to ‘Chatterboxes’. She had lost her originality on the subject. Her friend Sanne was good at poetry. She offered to help Anne in writing the essay in verse. The poem was about a mother duck and a father swan with three ducklings. The poor ducklings were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much.
Question 17. Mr. Keesing is a kind, but strict teacher. Explain.
Mr. Keesing is a kind but strict teacher. He was annoyed with Anne as she was a very talkative girl. He warned her several times but she didn’t change. So, he punished her by giving an essay to write.
Question 18. Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?
It is because of the fact that she can have a good time with her diary. She may be able to confide more with her diary by remaining quite close with it. She can even have heart to heart talk with her.
Question 19. How does Anne feel about her father, grandmother, Mrs. Kuperus and Mr. Keesing?
Her father was the most adorable father, she loved him very much. She also loved her grandmother and often thought of her with reverence after her death. She was deeply attached to her teacher, Mrs. Kuperus and was in tears when she left her. Anne did not have a good impression of Mr. Keesing, her maths teacher and often called him ‘old fogey’.
Question 20. Explain ‘teachers are the most unpredictable creatures’.
Anne and her classmates thought that teachers were the most unpredictable creatures’ as nobody would know what there was in their minds and what their next step would be.
Question 21. How did Mr Keesing stop punishing her?
Mr Keesing read the poem by Anne. In this poem, a father swan bit his three ducklings to death. He could not bear their excessive quacking. Mr Keesing took the jokes. He read the poem to the class. He never punished her after that.
Question 22. Why was Anne in tears when she left the Montessori School?
When Anne was in the sixth form in the Montessori School, her teacher was Mrs. Kuperus, the headmistress. Anne loved her teacher deeply. She also showed affection to Anne. So when Anne left the Montessori school, she was in tears.
Question 23. Why doesn’t Anne want to jot down facts as most people do in a diary? Why does she call it her friend ‘Kitty’?
For Anne Frank, a diary writing is a highly personal and intimate experience. He is not like other diary writers who load it with facts and non-personal matters. She wants to compensate her loss of having no ‘true friends’ with opening out of her heart in the pages of her diary. She wants the diary to be her true friend and calls it `Kitty’.
Question 24. Why did Anne feel like writing?
Anne had no real friend. Even she had a greater need to get all kinds of things off her chest. So she felt like writing. Though she had a whim that none would take interest in her views because of her small age.
Question 25. How did Anne justify her habit of talking in her first essay on ‘A Chatterbox’?
Anne Frank wrote three pages on the topic, ‘A Chatterbox’. In the essay, she justified her habit of talking. She argued that talking was a student’s trait. She would never be able to cure herself of the habit. Her mother talked as much as she did, if not more. She would do her best to keep it under control. However, it was very difficult to control her inherited trait.
Question 26. Why did Anne felt alone?
Anne felt alone though she had loving parents, relatives and thirty friends. It was because she could not confide in them. Though she enjoyed their company, yet she could not get close to any one of them.
Question 27. How did Mr. Keesing take Anne’s third essay in verse? How did he react? Do you find a change in him?
Mr. Keesing took Anne’s joke the right way. He got the message Anne wanted to give to him by narrating the death of three ducklings. He read the poem to the class, adding his own comments. Since then, she had been allowed to talk and hadn’t been assigned any extra homework as he was transformed man now.
Question 28. How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay?
Sanne was Anne’s close friend, and good at poetry. She helped Anne write the third essay in verse. It turned out to be a good poem, and even the teacher, Mr. Keesing, took it in the right way.
Question 29. Why did Anne think that she was alone? Give reasons.
Anne had losing parents and an elder sister she had lost aunts and a good home She had a member of blends also Rut there was no one in whom she could confide So she thought that she was alone.
Question 30. Why was the entire class quaking in its boots?
The time for declaring the annual results were coming closer. Soon a meeting would be held. The teachers would decide whom to pass and whom to retain in the same class. That is why the whole class was quaking in its boots.
Question 31. Why does Anne think it prudent and wise to provide a brief sketch of her life?
Anne Frank calls her diary ‘Friend Kitty’. She addresses all her writings to Kitty. For readers, it would be rather difficult to understand ‘the word’ of her stories to Kitty. So, instead of plunging ‘right in’, she thinks it wise to provide a brief sketch of her life. Though she dislikes doing so.
Question 32. How was Anne getting along with her teachers? Why was Mr. Keesing annoyed with her?
Answer: No doubt, Anne Frank was getting along well with all her nine teachers— seven men and two women. Mr. Keesing was an old-fashioned man who taught them math. He was annoyed with her for a long time. The reason was simple. He didn’t like Anne as she talked so much in the class.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. How did Anne and her family reach the ‘Secret Annexe’?
The Frank family received a call-up notice. The family got scared. The vision of the concentration camps and lonely cells was frightening. So, they decided to go into hiding even if it had to be a month earlier than what had been planned. Anne and her sister packed most important fixings in a schoolbag, no Jew in that situation would dare to leave the house with a suitcase full of clothes, so all wrapped themselves in many layers of clothes as if going off to spend the night in refrigerator, each took a satchel and a bag full of important things, Margot-Anne’s sister took her bike to reach destination, other three members walked in the pouring rain, Miep escorted them to the Secret Annexe.
Question 2. Anne called 26th July a ‘tumultuous’ day. Explain the reasons behind it?
26th July was a tumultuous day. It was full of tension and fright. The first warning siren sent off in the morning but nobody paid any attention to it because it only meant that the planes were crossing the coast. It was only around two in the afternoon when the sirens waited again. Both the sisters went upstairs. After five minutes they heard the gun-shots which were very loud. Their house shook and the bombs kept falling. After half an hour the drone of engines faded and life became normal. When they looked outside it seemed as if the city were enveloped in thick fog. At dinner time, there was another air raid alarm. Nothing happened after that but after dinner, there was another air raid warning, gun-fire and swarms of planes. The bombs rained down. Schiphol Airport was bombed. The planes dived and climbed. The air was abuzz with the drone of engines. Nobody slept for the large part of the night as it started again at midnight.
Question 3. Why did Anne call herself a songbird without wings?
Sadness had started setting in Anne’s life after a few months of hiding. The tension of being discovered troubled her all the time. She had prepared an ‘escape bag’ also so as to leave the annexe as soon as she got the opportunity but she knew she was safer inside than on the roads. She could feel tension building up in other members of the annexe also. Everyone was fed up of that life. Anne felt like a songbird whose wings had been cut off and who kept hurling itself against the bars of its dark cage. She longed to ride a bike, dance, whistle, feel young and know that she was free. There was no escape. Frustration and sadness had become a part of her life. She only liked to talk to ‘Kitty’ and no one else.
Question 4. Paper has no more patience than people. Justify.
Normally, people are not interested in others; they are too busy with their own lives and problems. It is very difficult to find a person who is genuinely interested in us and listen to us with understanding and feels sympathy for our problems. When we talk about our problems, people feel bored and become impatient. They want to end the conversation as they are neither bothered about our problems nor our lives. On the other hand, when we write our feelings and thoughts on paper, we can write as long as we want. We can give vent to our feelings – both sad and happy. Paper does not get bored or stops us from writing. It becomes a patient friend who listens to us with attention and sympathy. Though, Anne had many friends but she did not have a friend in whom she could confined or who was genuinely interested in her life. Hence, Anne turned to her diary to give her feelings expression.
Question 5. What type of relationship did Anne and Peter share?
Anne was a lovely girl who never had anyone to share her secrets with. As she was growing up, she started having a feeling that she should have a friend. She liked Peter and dreamt of him. She always wanted to be near him, so she kept on finding some excuses to go to his room or talk to him. She longed for his company. Whenever Peter didn’t talk to her she used to cry a lot and became restless. Both had a very understanding relationship.
Even Peter liked her company. They talked on every subject including physical changes in a teenager and sex. They never felt embarrassed about it. Their parents objected to their meetings but still they used to meet. They didn’t bother much about their parents as they felt them to be too rosy. Anne felt herself to be in love with him whereas Peter thought of her as a friend.
Question 6. Justify the title ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’.
‘The Diary of a Young Girl’ was written by Anne Frank, a thirteen year old Jewish girl. She started writing her diary as she did not have any friend with whom she could share her feelings and emotions. The red and white checked diary came to her rescue and throughout her life she confided in it and gave it the name ‘Kitty’. She treated it as her dear friend. She gave vent to her feelings while making her entries in the diary. Some of the entries are very personal while some criticise her parents as well as her friends. She never kept anything back from her diary and recorded even petty issues like the everyday quarrel between her mother and Mrs Van Daan and even Mrs and Mr Van Daan. She recorded her feelings during the war, her fear, her frustrations and anger at the way in which the Jews were treated by the Germans. The whole book has been written in the diary form and revolves around the life of the girl – Anne Frank. Hence the title is justified.
Question 7. Anne wanted to write convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. What does this tell you about her? Did she possess a sense of freedom? Explain the values she possessed to justify herself in 100-120 words.
Mr Keesing punished Anne by giving her an essay to write on the topic, ‘A Chatterbox’. Anne, in her essay, argued that talking was a students’ trait. The only thing that she could do was to try to control. But that would not be very effective. Her mother talked as much and hence nothing could be done about an inherited trait. Then in her next essay, which she wrote in verse, she expressed her quality of talking through a story. In the poem, a father swan bites his three ducklings to death as he could not bear their excessive quacking. This changed Mr Keesing’s attitude and he never punished her after that. This shows that besides being talkative, Anne was an intelligent, and sensible girl and had a good sense of humour.
Question 8. Describe the three essays written by Anne Frank.
Anne Frank was in the habit of talking in the class. Her Maths teacher, Mr Keesing was annoyed with her. One day, Mr Keesing gave her extra homework as a punishment. He asked her to write an essay on the subject, ‘A Chatterbox’. She gave amusing arguments in her essay. She wrote that it was a trait of a student to talk. Moreover, she could not cure herself of this habit as her mother also talked as much as she did. It was an inherited trait. Mr Keesing liked the essay.
But Anne talked again for the class. So he asked her to write another essay on the topic, ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox.’ Now for two lessons, she did not get any punishment. But she talked again. This time, Mr Keesing asked her to write an essay on the topic, ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox.’ Anne wrote this essay in verse form. She wrote about a mother duck and father swan. They had three ducklings. But the father killed the ducklings because they quacked too much. Mr Keesing liked the essay greatly. He read it out to the class. He read it to other classes also. After that, he stopped punishing Anne.
Question 9. On the one hand, Anne Frank says that she is not all alone in the world. On the other hand, she says that she seems ‘to have everything, except my one true friend’. Why can’t she confide in and come closer to her friends?
Anne Frank seems to be a split personality. On the surface, there are about thirty people she can call her friends. She doesn’t seem to be alone in the world. She has loving parents and a sixteen-year-old elder sister. She has loving aunts and a family. She has the ‘most adorable father’. However, she feels very lonely. She can’t talk about but ordinary things with them. Personal and intimate issues can’t be shared with them. She can’t confide or repose complete trust in them. She has reasons to believe that `paper has more patience than people’. Therefore, she wants her diary to be her only true friend. She can power out her heart and express her most intimate emotions through her writings in her diary.
Question 10. Why was the whole class ‘quaking in its boots’? Why were teachers the most unpredictable creatures on earth?
It was the day of destiny for students. The reason was quite simple. In the forthcoming meeting, the teachers were going to decide who would move up in the next class. They were to decide who would be kept back in the same class. The entire class was ‘quaking in its boots’. Half the class was making bets. Two silly boys C.N. and Jacques had staked their entire’ holiday savings on their bets. One would encourage the other. “No, I’m not.” Anne felt that there were so many dummies or worthless students in the class. She felt that a quarter of the class should be kept back. Anne also felt that teachers were the most unpredictable creatures on earth. They work according to their whims. Naturally, the girls and boys were worried. They waited for the verdict with their fingers crossed.
Question 11. Anne had loving parents and a number of friends. Even then she thought that she was alone. Why?
Anne Frank was a thirteen-year-old girl. She had loving parents and an elder sister. She had loving aunts and lived in a good home. She had about thirty friends also. Even then she felt that she was alone in the world. She had no intimate person. She had no true friend with whom she could share her feelings. She could not confide in anyone. She had a number of thoughts that she wanted to express to someone.
But she could not get close to anyone. She could have a good time with them. She could talk to them about ordinary everyday matters of life. But there was no one with whom she could share the deepest thoughts of his heart. Thus she felt lonely in the world. She wanted a true friend so she decided to make the diary her friend.
Question 12. Anne justified her being a chatterbox in her essay. Do you agree that she has the courage to defy the injustice? What values do you learn from Anne’s character through this? Write in 100-120 words.
Anne was a 13-year old intelligent and sensible girl. She was very talkative and hence her maths teacher punished her and asked her to write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’. She expressed her ‘talking’ as a students’ trait. She defied the injustice through her three essays on the same topic. She said that she could do nothing with her inherited trait. Finally, she wrote her third essay in verse. It was about three ducklings bitten to death by their father swan because they quacked too much. This changed Mr Keesing and he never punished her after that. This showed the power of the pen to express her feelings and the sense of injustice done to her, without annoying others.
Question 13. Mr Keesing punished Anne by giving her an essay to write. Did he lack empathy and compassion? Was it not in his attitude to respect differences among the students? What values would you like to inbuilt in him and why? Write in 100-120 words.
Mr Keesing was annoyed with Anne as she was a very talkative girl. He warned her several times, but when she didn’t change, he punished her by giving an essay to write. I think he lacked empathy and compassion. As a teacher, he should be more patient and considerate and should have understood Anne’s condition. He lacked the qualities of a good teacher. A good teacher understands that all students are not the same, and there are different ways to teach different students. But Anne was able to change his attitude through her essays. She taught him that talking was a student’s trait and that it was the teacher’s responsibility to change it.
Was Anne an intelligent girl? Give instances in support of your answer.
I think Anne was not only an intelligent girl, but she was far mature than her age. The very fact that
she thought so much that she needed to write a diary shows that she was intelligent. Anne was also intelligent enough to realise that no one would be interested in her musings. Anne believed that paper had more patience than people. She knew that she had friends with whom she could enjoy.
Yet, she could not confide in them. She realised that things would not change. She was quite a popular student. She knew that she would be promoted though Maths was her weak point. She also took her punishment of writing essays good humouredly. Ultimately she convinced Mr Keesing with her arguments and she got rid of her punishments.
Question 14. What made Anne Frank write a diary? Did she think that people would be interested in her writings? Why did she feel that paper has more patience than people?
Ant Anne Frank was a highly sensitive girl. She was a thirteen-year-old girl. She didn’t find herself very comfortable in the society she was growing up. It should be remembered that she and her family were made to live in hiding to escape arrests. They were Jews. Those were horrible times. Nazis had let loose untold atrocities on the Jews. Living in such unpleasant circumstances, the young girl could not confide in the people around her.
She couldn’t share her personal and intimate issues with her so-called friends. She needed to get all kinds of things off her heart. She realised that `paper has more patience than people’. She wanted the diary to be her friend. She called this friend ‘Kitty’. She knows it clearly that people would not be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year-old girl.
“I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.” Explain.
Anne writes this on the inside cover of her diary just after she receives it for her thirteenth birthday. At the time, she feels that she does not have any true confidants, which makes her feel lonely and misunderstood. Anne does, however, have many friends and admirers, and she is a playful, amusing, and social young girl. Thus, her sentiments in this passage may seem odd and a bit exaggerated,but she later explains that even though she has friends, she is never fully able to open up to them.
Anne finds that she and her friends talk only about trivial things, even when she has deeper things on her mind that she wishes to share. For example, she never broaches the subjects of her developing body or Germany’s occupation of Holland. Having a diary—which she addresses as “Kitty,” like a friend— enables her to express her thoughts without fear of being criticized by others. Anne’s relationship with her diary helps in comforting her through her insecure, lonely, and fearful time in the hiding.
Question 15. Give a brief character sketch of Mr Keesing highlighting the transformation that comes to him in the end.
Mr Keesing was an old fashioned teacher of maths in Anne Frank’s school. He was rather strict with his students and didn’t allow much talking in class. He was annoyed with Anne as she talked too much in the class. Being irritated, he gave several warnings to her. Ultimately, he assigned her to write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’. Anne wrote the essay justifying that talking is a student’s trait. She inherited this trait from her mother. Mr Keesing was not amused. He assigned her two more essays. They were: ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’ and ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox’. Anne wrote the story of three ducklings who were beaten to death by their cruel father because they quacked too much. The essay gave the right message to Mr Keesing. By chance, the joke fell on him. He was a transformed man now. He allowed Anne talking and never assigned her any extra homework again.