Where do all the Teachers Go Poem Important Questions Class 6 Honeysuckle English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What is method of living of an ordinary person in a house?
The method of an ordinary person living in a house is that he has to wash his socks, wear pyjamas and live with his mother and father in a house. They clean their nose with the little finger and watch TV.
Question 2. What are the mistakes committed by kids during their childhood?
The mistakes that are committed by kids are that they lose their hymn books, leave green vegetables and throw them in a dust bin during their childhood. They don’t bother about clothes in childhood.
Question 3. What does ‘pick their noses’ mean?
‘Pick their noses’ means clean the nose with a finger, which is considered bad manners.
Question 4. Why does the child want to follow his teacher?
The child wants to follow the teacher to know what he/she does at home, how he/she lives, has he/she got parents. The child wants to write all his information in a poem.
Question 5. Why does the poet wonder if teachers also do things that other people do?
The poet wonders because the teachers do not appear to him as normal human beings. They seem to be so perfect that they cannot make the mistakes or do chores which ordinary people do.
Question 6. Where do people normally go after work?
Normally, people go to their house and relax after the day’s work.
Question 7. Why does the poet want to know where the teachers go at four o’clock?
The poet wanted to know where the teachers go at four o’clock because this is the time when school got over.
Question 8. What is the child curious to know?
The child is curious to know all about his teacher, what he/she does after school.
Question 9. What do ‘bad children’ often do?
‘Bad children’ or naughty children are not attentive in their class, make spelling mistakes or sometime steal eatables from their classmate’s tiffin box.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What does he imagine about?
(a) where teachers live?
(b) what they do at home?
(c) the people with whom they live?
(d) Their activities when they were children in school?
(a) In house
(b) Washed their socks, wore pyjamas, picked their noses, and watched TV.
(c) Lived with other people and if they also had mother and fathers.
(d) They were also bad made mistakes, never spelled right and were punished in the comer for pinching the chocolate flakes. They lost their hymn books scribbled on the desk tops or wore old dirty jeans.
Question 2. What do you think these phrases from the poem mean?
(i) punished in the comer
(ii) leave their greens.
(i) getting punishment of standing in the comer of the class room.
(ii) Greens refer to cooked green vegetable leaves. Children do not like to eat them.
Question 3. How can you say that the poet does not consider his teachers to be an ordinary man? Give reasons in support of your answer.
The theme of the poem shows that the poet does not think that his teachers are like ordinary people. He wonders whether his teachers also live in their houses like him and wash their socks. He wonders if they wear pyjamas like ordinary people. The poet is doubtful about them watching TV and clean their nose with the little finger like other people who do these ordinary activities. The poet wants to know if his teachers live with their parents. He wonders if his teachers were punished for making mistakes. He is of the opinion that his teachers have never lost their books like him. He thinks that his teachers are perfect human beings, who have committed no mistakes in their lives.
Question 4. What are the things normal people do that the poet talks about?
Normal people go home after work. They relax in their houses wearing an informal dress and watch T.V. They live with their parents and children. Normal people commit mistakes. Sometimes they are seen wearing dirty clothes also.
Question 5. What image does the child probably have of the teacher?
Probably the child imagines his teacher to be perfect in every way, one who is smartly dressed all the time, one who knows everything, one who has all good manners, in short, one who never committed any mistake at all.
Question 6. What are views that the poet has about his/her teachers?
The views of the poet about his teachers is that they are not ordinary people. They are very special for him. His teachers are perfect and possess many qualities. An ordinary teacher can never possess these qualities.
Question 7. Why does the child want to know if the teacher ‘ever made mistakes’?
When the teacher teaches in class, he/she knows everything, in fact he/she corrects the children if they commit mistakes. The child therefore imagines if the all knowing teacher has ever made any mistakes.
Question 8. How does the poet plan to find out? What will he do once he finds out?
The poet plans to follow one of the teachers on the way back home that day to find out what they did. Once he succeeds in doing so, he would compose it into a poem, which then those teachers would read to their students.
Question 9. What is the theme of the poem?
The theme depicts the curiosity of a child to know about his/her teachers, private life. He wants to know the working of his/her teachers after the school. For a small child, a teacher is not a simple person like others but very special and ideal.
Context Based Questions
Stanza 1
Where do all the teachers go
When it’s four o’clock?
Do they live in houses
And do they wash their socks?
Do they wear Pyjamas
And do they watch TV?
The poet enquires about the place where the teachers go at 4 o’ clock. He asks if they live in houses and do petty chores like washing their socks. Do the teachers wear pyjamas and watch TV like everyone does?
(i) What is the name of the poet?
(ii) About whom does the poet want to know?
(iii) Why did he mention ‘pyjamas’?
(iv) What does he want to know about the teacher?
(v) What is the idea behind the question of the child?
(i) Peter Dixon is the name of the poet.
(ii) The poet wants to know about the teachers.
(iii) Teachers are always dressed nice and wearing pyjamas is a common man’s habit. So he asks if teachers live ordinary life too.
(iv) He wants to know about the activities of the teacher.
(v) The teachers live an ideal life so it is difficult for the poet to believe that teachers live like common people.
Stanza 2
And do they pick their noses
The same as you and me?
Do they live with other people
Have they mums and dads?
And were they ever children
And were they ever bad?
The poet asks whether teachers pick their noses as most of the children do. He asks if they have parents and how were they as children. Did they ever behaved badly?
(i) What is the name of poem?
(ii) Who are ‘they’ referred to is the extract?
(iii) What was difficult to believe for teachers?
(iv) Why did the poet mention ‘pick their noses’?
(v) Give antonym of pick
(i) Where do all the teachers go?
(ii) ‘They’ is referred to the teachers.
(iii) The poet fails to imagine teachers as ‘ill mannered’ as he himself is.
(iv) ‘Picking of the nose’ is done by ill-mannered children. The poet finds it hard to believe for teacher.
(v) Reject
Stanza 3
Did they ever, never spell right
Did they ever make mistakes?
Were they punished in the comer
If they pinched the chocolate flakes?
Did they ever lose their hymn books
Did they ever leave their greens?
Did they scribble on the desk tops
Did they wear old dirty jeans?
The poet questioned whether the teachers have ever committed mistakes and at young age were they also used to write wrong spelling. Were they ever punished for pinching chocolate flakes. The questions raised about losing a hymn book. And leaving green vegetables in plate. Did they ever write on desk tops. Wearing dirty jeans is also a concern for the child.
(i) Whom does the poet refer to in the above line?
(ii) What are the things for which a child is punished?
(iii) What is the general habits of children?
(iv) Why was the poet concerned about dirty clothes?
(v) What is the meaning of ‘scribble’?
(i) The poet refers to teacher.
(ii) Children are often punished for incorrect spellings, pinching chocolate flakes, for leaving vegetables.
(iii) The children often leave vegetables in plates and scribble on desks.
(iv) The poet always see their teachers nicely dressed so it was unacceptable to him to think of worn and dirty clothes.
(v) Write.